Videos: Cup Match Captains, Club Presidents

July 27, 2011

Premier Paula Cox hosted both Cup Match Captains, players from both teams, former Cup Match players and both Presidents earlier this week at a reception at the Botanical Gardens.

“On behalf of the Government and the people of Bermuda, would like to commend you the players for being upstanding and I want to wish you all the best,” said the Premier.

Somerset President Alfred Maybury said that he fully expects the Governor to hand the trophy to Somerset, and wished St George’s good luck, and told them they will need it.

He noted the historical reason behind Cup Match – Emancipation Day. Mr Maybury said that his team will show “St George’s how free they are”, and said they feel “free to put some licks on somebody”.

St George’s Cricket Club President Neil Paynter refuted the Somerset prediction, and said the Governor will be placing the trophy in his hands, and it will be headed to the Town Square in St George’s. Mr Paynter said Cup Match is “uniquely truly Bermuda,” and we should be proud of our Bermudian heritage.

Somerset team member – and last year’s MVP – Deunte Darrell was involved in a bike accident on his way to the reception, however has been declared fit for the 2011 Cup Match Classic.

St George’s Captain Oronde Bascome:

Somerset Captain Jekon Edness:

St George’s Cricket Club President Neil Paynter:

Somerset Cricket Club President Alfred Maybury:

Both Club Presidents:

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  1. Dunno says:


  2. St. GEO says:

    ST GEORGE’S …. The CUP is Staying Down the EAST !!!!!

  3. Get a grip says:

    However, having said that, can we have a good game from both sides. If St. George’s is to retain the cup can it please be from a win and NOT a draw.

    Jekon show us what you’ve got and bring the cup HOME!!!!!

    • sometimes I have to cry says:

      @Get a grip, I totally agree Somerset is my team but it would be great for either team to actually “win” so that whoever gets to take the cup home they deserve it, it is getting very boring year after year with a draw, and St. Georges don’t realize they actually didn’t do anything to earn the cup since 2005 :-)
      May the best team win SOMERSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. United says:

    The last video my man Hotsy! Went to school wid de bye. Good people. Somerset is taking the title home and St. George’s will be taking the ferry home empty handed from Watford bridge. Just saying.