Minister Wilson On Dock Workers Overtime Ban

August 12, 2011

bermuda dock container generic 2Today [Aug.12] the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kim Wilson issued a statement regarding the current dock workers dispute.

Minister Wilson said, “I can confirm that pursuant to section 3 (1) of the Labour Relations Act 1975, I have received a Notice from Stevedoring Services Ltd. indicating that a labour dispute exists.”

“A Labour Relations Officer will mediate this issue and liaise with the relevant parties with a view to seeking a solution to the matter. In the event that a settlement is not reached via mediation, as Minister, I will refer this matter to Arbitration.

“However I must take this opportunity to address public concerns regarding the timely delivery of perishable and non perishable goods. There seems to be some unease in the community that the delivery of goods will be severely hindered due to the industrial action.

“It should be clearly pointed out that the overtime ban which has been instituted applies to the hours of 5.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. and on Sundays.

“As it relates to the delivery of produce – I have been advised that currently we have one container ship that comes in outside of regular weekday hours, and that is the Oleander, which typically arrives on Sundays. Ideally the preference is to unload the ship on Sunday when it arrives.”

“However with the current overtime ban, it means that the Oleander will now be unloaded on Monday, and the produce will likely make it to the shelves a few hours later than normal.”

“I think an important note for the public to understand is that current container loads are down, and thus reduced container loads, have resulted in reduced unloading times.

“That said, I am very cognizant of the current economic climate and the concerns expressed about any further hindrance to our trade and commerce.”

“I want to again assure residents and businesses that I will be monitoring the situation very closely, and it is my hope that all parties can come to an agreement as swiftly as possible to ensure that there are no further negative effects on our economy.”

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Comments (17)

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  1. Terry says:

    More spin…………………..

    • Rob says:

      Watch out Terry, Governments Vote for me will be dropping you a hundred lines to explain a liner.

  2. soon leavin' says:

    What’s the big deal.The overpriced produce we get will only spoil and decay ,”a few hours” sooner than normal.Spin it you wish just another example of the Peoples Labour Party in action.

  3. PEPPER says:

    Whar a mess Bermuda is in !!!no wonder everyone is leaving for greener pastures.

  4. OMG says:

    What a bunch o dummies!!!! They should accept the SS proposal and work the 4 or 3 day deal. The BIU overtime actually is 3 times salary and they could go and get another job. Pleaseeeeeee do not tell me they cannot get one? I know one firm that is hiring firemen and others on a part time basis to drive trucks.
    Hope SS is successful against the crazies at the BIU!

    • PEPPER says:

      Paula Cox is remaining very quiet on the #$%^ that is going on in Bermuda…she has so much to answer to regarding how she let Doctor Brown get away with the over spending ( the heritage pier, Port Royal, the T.C.D. deal and God knows what ever any other deals that have not come to light !!!! but people are paying attention and Paula Cox has a lot to answer to !!!!

  5. truth be told says:

    So its spin for the Minister to bring clearity to the situation? You people are funny.

    • Terry says:

      She’s not even elected.

      And the word your looking for is “clarity”.

      • Mark says:

        And the word you’re looking for is “you’re”!

      • Truth be Told says:

        Terry whats you’re point in You’re first sentence? She is still the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry elected or not.

        You have a lot of nerve to correct someones grammar with the trash you post on a regular. Sometimes your post are more challenging to decode then a cross word puzzle.

  6. Shaking the Head says:

    Fire the lot of them and let them receive benfits from the BIU, assuming the BIU has any money left. There are plenty of unemployed Bermudians who, with some training, could do the job and be very thankful for it.

  7. Just an idea says:

    Someone said let them all go lots a young ones ready ta go!

  8. Just an idea says:

    The undoing of bermuda wow getting worse!

  9. Triangle Drifter says:

    There are plenty of laid off construction heavy equipment operators who could adapt to container handling very quickly. Plenty more unskilled labourers who can strip containers looking for a job.

    The dockworkers have had it too easy for far too long. Non of them would survive working at the ports that load the ships they unload.

    At the US end the ship is unloaded of emptys & reloaded in a day. The Bermuda dockworker takes two days to do the same job. Why?

    • Bda Papa says:

      Because all of the Bermudians are entitled to high wages no matter how hard they work! What a crock of s++t!

    • desmodus rotundus says:

      you should eat that trash you speaking you idiot…..