Video: Craig Cannonier Elected New OBA Leader
[Updated: Cannonier/Dunkley win] Tune in live below as One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] members elect the new Opposition Leader this evening [Sept.10], at a convention being held at the Fairmont Southampton. Registration and check-in started at 6pm, and the evening’s proceedings are scheduled to begin shortly.
Senator Craig Cannonier and MP Bob Richards are both seeking the Leader position, while candidates for Deputy Leader are MP Trevor Moniz and Senator Michael Dunkley. A new Deputy Chairperson will also be elected, with Michael Branco, Jeanne Atherden, and Karen Magnum in the running.
OBA Interim leader John Barritt previously pledged he would give up his seat in the House of Assembly if the newly elected Leader is not already an elected MP, so if Senator Craig Cannonier wins tonight Mr Barritt can be expected to resign from his Devonshire South Central seat he has held for 18 years.
Anyone who is a registered member of the OBA, and a registered voter is eligible to vote this evening. A statement previously issued by the OBA said, “The winning candidates must get at least 50% of the popular vote. There will be rounds of votes until that threshold is achieved. The candidate with the lowest number of votes in any given round is eliminated from the next round.”
Projected Order of Events/Speakers:
- Dr Kathy Michelmore opening remarks
- Interim Party Leader John Barritt
- Interim Party Chairman Michael Fahy
- New Party Chairman Thad Hollis will outline the evening proceedings
- Michael Branco speech [Deputy chairman candidate]
- Karen Magnum speech [Deputy chairman candidate]
- Jeanne Atherden speech [Deputy chairman candidate]
- Trevor Moniz speech [Deputy Party Leader candidate]
- Michael Dunkley speech [Deputy Party Leader candidate]
- Craig Cannonier speech [Party Leader candidate]
- Bob Richards speech [Party Leader candidate]
- Voting
- Announcement of voting results
Three hour replay available below, drag the bottom bar to fast forward.
Update 10:27pm: The voting is getting underway, with it expected to take at least 45 mins.
Update 11:40pm: They are still tallying the votes, with the announcement expected to be made at around midnight.
Update 12:07am: We have now been told results should be in at around 12:30am.
Update 12:24am: Michael Branco [516 votes] and Jeanne Atherden [505 votes] are the new Deputy Chairs, winning over Karen Magnum [258 votes]
Update 12:24am: For Deputy Leader there were 677 votes cast, with 8 spoiled. Senator Michael Dunkley won the Deputy Leader position with 506 votes [74.74%] to Trevor Moniz’s 163 [24.07%].
Update 12:26am: Senator Craig Cannonier is the new Opposition Leader after winning a tight race over Bob Richards. 680 votes cast, 6 spoiled [0.88%], Senator Craig Cannonier received 344 votes [50.44%], while Bob Richards got 330 votes [48.52%].
Update 12:57am: The 3 hour webcast replay is now available above, drag the bottom bar to fast forward.
Update 1:30am: A few photos from the evening, more to come later. Click to enlarge:
Update 8:00am: The full text of Senator Dunkley’s speech is here.
Update 9:43am: The full text of Senator Cannonier’s speech is here.
Update 10:19am: The full text of Michael Fahy’s speech is here.
Update 11:11am: The full text of Michael Branco’s speech is here.
Update 3:00pm: Premier Cox congratulates the winners [here] and full photo gallery posted [here]
Update, Sept 12: Full text of Bob Richards’ speech here.
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Articles that link to this one:
- Devonshire South Central Election Tomorrow : | October 31, 2011
- Timeline Of The Rise & Fall Of Craig Cannonier | | May 21, 2014
- OBA Leadership Election Set For This Summer | | July 1, 2014
Horrible music!
Same crowd at Joy Lusher’s UBP fundraiser in fairylands minus the a few of the few blacks in attendance.
Can you tell us how man Blacks attended. seems like they have them all sitting up front. Great going put the Blacks where we can see them thanks!
Put your glasses on, but please take off your race mongering plp blinkers first! There is a reasonable spread of all peoples around the room.
just got a photo from there and even the white person says its a shame – still old upb whites and a few tokens
And what will your PLP govt do for this country????
If elected again it will be another huge dose of miserable failure i.e. same old same old.
Now who is playing the race card!! Give it a break and go back to sleep please.
@ Same Ole Same Ole: I was there, and, expecting just this kind of comment, had a look around the room. It reminded me of old-fashioned raisin bread – black/brown/beige faces all through the audience. Yes, there were probably more white than black but not by an overwhelming majority, by any means. Yes there are still folks who will vote “my party, right or wrong”, but thinking Bermudians, who are very distressed by the current state of affairs are looking for alternatives. The PLP needs to sit up and take notice.
Craig warned us that the racism would start immediately and, of course, he was right on the money. Great result for the OBA and for Bermuda. The times they are achanging! Congratulations to all the candidates who stood tonight. There were no losers tonight – only winners. I’ve never been to a Joy Lusher UBP fundraiser, have no idea who would attend, and have never been involved in any political party until today. Bermuda is better for tonight’s result.
Racism would start immediately, it’s a room full of white people that wants the power back. Looks like a linch mob. Bring on the election Paula, let’s kick Craig’s a$$!!!!!
Blind and racist fueled nonsense.
@Common Sense,
Maybe you were not invited to the party at Joy Lusher UBP fundraiser,,,,
This suggested Craig is now putting on his blinders, racism started in this country for over the past 80 years. It will not go away, some folks do not want to deal with it. Blacks often tend to reach out more than whites, as they will attend functions held by whites, clubs, schools etc…but the crossover of whites is not too great. So lets just say the elephant is still in the room and never did leave. Craig and some others are not willing to look up. Maybe, Craig has to take on being colour blind, as this will better position him for his new leadership role of the UBP/OBA. To discuss racism is too uncomfortable around some white people, he needs to walk the fine line. Discussion of race should be something that all Bermuda should be able to do, with the overall goal to reach a more tolerant society. It will always exist as long as we pretend it does not. Nevertheless, we are a divided Bermuda, hopefully some day this will change, until that wonderful day ‘Racism’ will be an issue.
I used the wrong word when I quoted Crain Cannonier saying that the ‘racism’ would start immediately. My apologies to Craig. What he actually said was that , “the PLP depends on the division of race to stay in power” and that “We (the OBA) will not allow the PLP to hide behind race to distract Bermuda from looking at their true record.” Yes, Craig was absolutely right. The race card is already being played big time.
I fully agree with specialgirl4 that we have had racism for over 80 years – in fact much longer than that – and we still have problems with some white people who have refused to accept and acknowledge the problems associated with racism, but we also have some black people who have put on their blinkers and refused to accept and acknowledge that our present Government has made some serious mistakes during the past 12 years, not the least of which was failing to properly manage our economy BEFORE the current worldwide recession. I also fully agree that we have white people who are uncomfortable discussing the issues of race and that we all need to be able to discuss our race problems freely and openly. They need to get over their discomfort and I speak as a white person.
I have never previously belonged to a political party and have voted for both UBP and PLP candidates in past elections, but I just joined the OBA in order to have the privilege of voting for Craig Cannonier as its leader. I hope he can live up to expectations and lead his party well.
Comparing the OBA with the old UBP is like comparing the present PLP with the socialist PLP of 45 years ago. There is simply no comparison. Our young people are demanding solutions to the problems of today, and we now have two parties who will both need to prove themselves if they are to retain or obtain power as our Government.
The OBA now offers an alternative to the PLP and I look forward in the coming months to hearing both their platforms and judging them on the issue of today – because, like it or not, we have all got to move forward together with some degree of harmony.
Told you all Bob Can’t lead, Can’t Win
You are a couch potato idiot.
I thought Mr. Richard’s speech was quite good. Definitely the most animated I have seen him! However, I think the spectre of another Premier holding the Finance Minister’s position was unpalatable.
Looks like the UBP
Looks no different than new UBP – oh now OBA
I noticed it as well. Though those that are all for this will try and use the old race card pulling statement, like we can’t see it in the pictures. But like Ewart said, the race cards been pulled a long time ago!!!
OOps, did I quote and say that!!!
The majority of the people are old UBP white people and a few raisins what’s up with that.
Raisins? You must rep the PLP!!
Too bad about the sound track, it sounds like it’s over modulated.
Anyway to get updates on all positions?
Nothing has been announced yet….they are still counting votes…
Thanks! They are announcing all the positions at once? This could be a two day event!
According to the schedule we saw, first we will learn the winner of the Deputy Chairperson. Then the Deputy Leader winner will be announced and he will say a few words, then the Leader will be announced, and he too will say a few words.
That bakes sense. Thanks again.
Makes….getting late
It appears to have been fixed. Thanks.
Um is this the UBP leadership elections.
Now no audio!
We just had it turned down for a minute…there is nothing to listen to at this time, band has finished for the night, no speeches right now etc.
Now off the air. Good night!
Bernews, keep me entertained…who gave the best speeches in each category..of course, in your opinion and by crowd reaction? No need to explain, just names… Thanks
John Barritt seemed to get the largest response from the crowd when he finished… it is one of his last official duties as leader so it seemed like the applause was also for his service in general…
and he has to resign his seat and call bye elections. hope they all resign and call bye elections
As soon as Wayne Furbert does…doesn’t matter anyway, they can run Cannonier in Devonshire South and still win….
we all know wayne is an opportunist, they all called him and the BDA pettingill, crockwell and donte by worst names. now they are all the same flock. Run in an election one way and the be a turncoat.
As it is now 12:15 did you mean to say 1 hour and 45 minutes?
We were told it was expected to take 45 mins, and we have no control over the voting process obviously.
From talk in the room, it appears there was a larger turnout then some anticipated, which may have slowed proceedings…
they told us the numbers had doubled and they expected over 1000 people?
Great job on providing the live streaming coverage!
wow – - Cannonier is the new leader of the OBA – - – let’s see what happens now.
Yng Black Mind (those who know understand)
Nothing new – except the blind leading the dog, instead of the top dog leading the blind?
Blind leading the blind… yup, the PLP leading their blind Kool Aid drinkers!
Congratulations Cannonier and Dunkley.
Everyone must admit that it was not hard to predict the eventual winners of the leadership contest. I actually think the leader was determined based on the strength of the perspective Deputies. In one corner we have Dunkley, who apparently has the financial resources, backing of some of the previous UBP faithful and ‘moral support’ from both Sir David Gibbons (who is unknown by Mr. Fahy) and Sir John Swan. In the other corner we have Moniz. Just imagine if the leadeership ticket was Richards and Moniz!
I must admit that the vote was closer than anticipated. I hope that there can be more informed debate and commentary as we move closer to the next election.
well done |Craig
Who is the new Deputy Chairman?
WOW….Good Good Match, Serena won!!!! Good luck tomorrow Serena on the final match at USA OPEN !!! Good Come back Serena…
Dumb azz stupid childish remark … Still watching Serena now ? huh
Maybe you should take up watching golf now … unless you want another dose of frustration .. LOL
In recent media interviews, both Fahy (sunday night) and Richards (Friday) were not able to provide concrete responses to questions about OBA policies on various isses. With the new OBA Leader, Deputy Leader and Chairman in place, I hope the electorate will receive more substantive policy positions from the OBA.
That’s part of their strategy so that leading up to an election the PLP can’t take the OBA ideas and market them as their own. This way the OBA will have substance that has been developed and thought through when marketing themselves to win the next general election.
They have policy positions, they just aren’t releasing all the information on it yet.
Craig Cannonaire – Premier in waiting… Paula please call an election now!!! I’m tired of the madness! And I voted PLP for all you defenders out there!
yessssssssss- so sick of them! the race card is so out done i mean its 2011 hellllooo lol n we have a govt of black ppl so how u justify our own not doin for us then we blame it on everything else!
Let me first say congratulations to Mr. Cannonier who i knew was the best person to lead at this time the new O.B.A ,i was in attendance tonight and find that what i saw and experience is indeed a new day in Bermuda,it does not matter a whole lot what folk think of who the new party is or is not but one thing is for sure,the present government will not win the next election by a landslide if they are to win at all,my reasons for saying this is because i believe as the song says proud to be Bermudian,we have lost our way and the P.L.P has lost alot of support by the mere fact that they are not living up to the promises that they have given prior to 1998,they have had 13 years to stir the ship in a better direction and instead we have directed the ship in the path of a typhoon. the next election will see many who will abstain from voting because of their dissatisfaction at where we are as a nation and no real answers in site and then those who choose to support the O.B.A and the swing voter who i believe will have more faith in the O.B.A. because of what they represent and bring to the table,over all P.L.P will lose almost 38% of the voting public before going to the polls and if the O.B.A pounds home their directives now and stick to the wicket,P.L.P will lose a further 25% by the election putting them back as the opposition. Bermudians are tired and fed up and the younger generation will not idlely stand by and be loyalist to people who dont produce and this is where the hard core strength is, Mr. Cannonier may God continue to breathe into your lungs Wisdom,Knowledge with understanding through the Holy Spirit who will be your guide to charter this course.
@ Santucci
Your math does not add up. You are predicting that the PLP will lose 63% of the vote at the election. The fact is that they did not win 63% at the last election. Therefore for your prediction to be true, the OBA and UBP would have to win all seats. Even the ardent supporters of OBA will acknowledge your comments as a fallacy.
Reference OBA – their first challenge is to offer policy positions to the electorate. To date, they are mostly running against the PLP with rhetoric and criticism. Ask them for policy positions and see what answers you get. Based on interviews this week by outgoing party chairman Fahy and ledership contender Richards, the OBA have not yet determined its policy positions.
If we accept what they have been saying as true, it makes me wonder what was the philosophical basis for uniting the old BDA and UBP.
Always remember once you take and put aside the race card and the bickering back and forward on who said what about who the facts still remain,we have a government that is hell bent on taking the view that everyone of us across the board need to take pay cuts and they dont even suggest that the would even consider government minister salaries to be cut,crime and violence an all time high making us a police state where everyone is living under the scope of a camera lens.affordability for bermudians to have even the least of comfort in their living is so far out the door that born bermudians by the scores have left these shores in the last 13 years to live in othe juristicions outside bermuda because they can no longer survive here not to mention that 1400 bermudians have lossed their jobs in the last 12 months and most are still unemployed ,not to mention almost 1000 that turned up for the job fair earlier this year that is on top of the 1400 mentioned,coupled with the fact that we still have pizza places here with foreign workers and no bermudians in the establishment,if it is it is the owner keeping in line with the law to have atleast one bermudian in the establishment,now if bermudians bing continually being displaced and walked over is o.k with you and allowed by the present government,i think i should wait down at the pier and catch the next banana boat to the next banana boat rebulic,but what do i know about politics i am just a high school drop out talking hot school me
@ Santucci
Please do not denigrate yourself for being a high school drop out. Formal education is only one part of our education – life lessons are often more effective teachers for all of us. Both Gates and Jobs were also school drop outs and look at the impact they have had on our lives individually and collectively!!
In addition, your math is still not adding up. Some of the 1,400 unemployed were non Bermudians who have left the island. It is also reasonable to assume that some of the unemployed attended the job fair. Therefore the total number of unemployed can not be assumed as 2,400 based on the information you provided.
With respect to the race card (you brought it up), the vote for the OBA tonight is actually a playing of the race card. Fahy (former Chairman) admitted last Sunday that the UBP commissioned a report that receommended for the UBP to disband and then reunite under a new name in order to attract black middle class votes. In addition, it is generally accepted the Dunkley is more qualified to lead the OBA when compared to Cannonier. Dunkley’s only problem?? He is white and thought to be wealthy. Don’t you think it is ironic that only blacks were running for the OBA Leader and only whites were running for Deputy even though the OBA talk about being a very diverse party??
In summary, the OBA has played the race card in a very sophisticated manner. They have made some calculations as to how best get the middle class voter and decided that one criteria is that the leader must be black. Therefore all white candidates are disqualified. Add to that the fact that they are now effectively giving a ‘safe seat in a white community’ to a black candidate (Cannonier) to the detriment of a white, longer serving candidate (Dunkley).
I encourage everyone to participate in the political process but let’s at least make sure we have a factual basis for what we think, say and post to various news media.
Duane Santucci Government is not coming over your house to wake you up and take you work.
Mr Santucci don’t be dumb all you saw to night was a whole lot of white people that use to vote for the UBP.
sorry for being dumb,i dropped out of high school before i could graduate and i dont know how many white folk or black folk was in attendance because what i saw was a diverse of people without color,i saw people that actually looks like me and thinks like me which might be an understatement since some of those same people have degrees behind their name and i dont,i saw people that were quite comfortable and well off reconizing that they have no other choice but to contend with people like me who is not as comfortable and well off as them,i saw folk that look like they are willing to deal with the big conversation and pull no punches,rather then making it a full time job making almost $120,000.00 for an individual or individuals who could careless about the racial issue with the acception of probally being more racist then those that is being accused,needless to say it night look like the same ole crowd but let me assure you it is a new day and bermuda can only be all the better for it because any government is only as good as a good opposition and you never have good governance without good opposition and that’s why you see us running around like a wild ass and a chicken with it’s head chopped off because their was no representation to keep this government in check to do what’s right by the people. say what we will politics will always be politics but the people who is the one’s who ultimitely make the difference of what we consider true accountability truly is.
That’s what wrong with us Santucci,why did you put your self below white people you are better then that stand up you don’t have to get sucked in this mess. God is in control and don’t forget that.
@ Maddog..well who do you think is supposed to show up??? black people who vote PLP, i did’t think so …agreed? These attendees are the old UBP voters. Nothing’s changed so what’s the problem. I would expect nothing less if the tables were reversed.
I am black and an ex-PLP voter. I saw several just like me there. Wake up! Some of us are really distressed by the current state of affairs: the finger pointing (which ignores the fact that one finger pointing in another direction still has 3 fingers pointing back at you); the refusal to acknowledge that our current financial problems have more to do with mismanagement right here than any global economic fall-out; the lack of care for the vulnerable and disadvantaged; the complete disarray of our educational system (what’s with firing teachers and keeping administrative staff???); etc, etc.
Look at the room at SouthP, same folks from UBP. What has really changed? No clear vision from the UBP/OBA. Last week, Bob Richards and Mr. Fahy was not able to share anything regarding the policies/future plans for the country by the OBA/UBP on their radio interviews, most of Mr. Richard’s plans to build the economy is already in place by the PLP. Both were not knowledgeable enough to answer any questions with great depth. They avoided the questions at all cause.
Mr. Cannonier with no experience was selected according to what most parties use to gain votes “A clear political Strategy to gain the black votes”. Why would a leader with no former political experience be selected? He has no experience in the form of a ‘Backbencher, Shadow Minster or Jr. Minister’. This opens up several questions regarding the reason he was selected as leader of the OBA/UPB. Why do they need a Black man with zero knowledge of the political and governmental process to lead this party? Why was Mr. Dunkley told not to run for leadership position? At least he did have some experience, just does not fit right. Political Strategy? Or will his time be short lived? Is Mr. Cannonier a mere Figure-head? Who will really be calling and pulling the strings? Is Mr. Dunkley waiting in the wings to take over”? Just too many what if and Whys?
Unfortunately and disappointing, that OBA/UBP are repeating history, and did not choose the best person who is capable to do the job and has experience. Once again they have failed to stand up based upon the fundamental principles and ideology of the party. Or maybe there is no ideology for the development of the party? But a desperate approach to win the election, by any means necessary seems to be the case. I do not believe those folks in the room really have knowledge or faithfully care for him, but if Mr. Cannonier, can grasp the golden egg for them, it does not matter, as his time is limited.
One day in Politics can take a long long time……Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (verse 17)
Read more:
“most of Mr. Richard’s plans to build the economy is already in place by the PLP.” Are you crazy??!! The PLP don’t have a clue! The PLP do not have the knowledge, or financial expertise to heal our economy. All they do is blame it on the world economy and do nothing. Yet they do not accept the fact the He Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned, along with his effing greedy friends and family essentially looted our Country blind, almost into oblivion.
Bob runs rings around the Cog any day. And Craig is a true leader! Not a Cog. Bob predicted years ago what would happen under the Cog’s misguided “economic policy,” and was proven right! And Craig is NEW; isn’t that what you PLP types want, as you’re always crying that the OBA is the same ol same ol? Well, it isn’t.
Anyway, the PLP do much better as the Opposition Party, that’s what they were good at.
Right on Duane, you’re doing fine without a High School Diploma, like me. Some of us can make it with honesty, hard work, common sense and creativity. Too bad the PLP have none of those characteristics.
Hey specialgirl4, I would like to thank you for once again posting here. I, and I am sure many of the other regulars here, look forward to your rambling ill-informed essays as they provide a good two minutes of chuckles. I can nearly smell the kool-aid on your breath! You said “Mr. Cannonier with no experience was selected” and “choose the best person who is capable to do the job and has experience” this reminds me of the depth of experience that Minister Minors brings to the tourism department. I’ve eaten in more restaurants than she’s worked in so I should get the job, right?
“zero knowledge of the political and governmental process to lead this party” What makes you think that this is true of Mr Cannonier? Or did you mean zero experience as an elected official or senator? You should think, fact check, write, proofread then re-write before you click the submit comment button. I forgot, purge all the kool-aid from your body first.
You said “OBA/UBP are repeating history, and did not choose the best person who is capable to do the job and has experience” are you blind and deaf? The whole purpose of the event was for registered supporters of the OBA to select the party leaders, not for the OBA to select its own leaders. This is as about as transparent and open as it gets. How many PLP decisions are made behind locked doors with only a select few calling the shots? I know you know the answer spashulgurl.
“We had to deceive you” E. Brown
@ Star Man & Yes Mate, (Error I pressed the wrong button, before I edited)
Both your arguments are weak, with no real response to my questions, and so you have resorted to name calling as way out. Name calling suggest that one does not have enough knowledge or evidence to support their argument. Unfortunately, you lack real detail information on the experience and qualifications of most PLP MPs. If you had that information you will determine that The Hon. Premier Cox is far more knowledgeable and qualified, as well as Minister of Tourism Minors. Premier Cox can out debate Mr. Richards any day. Your been disingenuous as it regards these individuals capabilities. Whereas with Sen. Cannonier he lacks any specific experience, as indicated by Mr. Bob Richards this week in the Royal Gazette and Radio interview. Your own Mr. Richards stated this as fact, and suggested you vote for him, is reason enough.
Your Premier called herself a cog! Where’s the name-calling?
Remember Specialgirl4 think, fact check, write, proofread then rewrite. Neither myself nor star man called anybody any names. You say our premier has knowledge and experience, but her track record says she isn’t good at her job despite her knowledge and experience. 1.2 billion dollars in debt is hardly a job well done, and Patrice Minors herself admitted that she knew very little about tourism. This isn’t about who can out debate who, sg4, it’s about running a country properly.
Now let’s help you with your written English just a little. You said “Your been disingenuous” when it should be “you’re being” or “you are being” but to get 10 out of ten it should say “your remarks in regard to these individuals’ capabilities is at best disingenuous.” School’s out.
You OBA/UPB supporters always resort to “Spell Check”, Grammar, and “Name Calling” when your not able to response to the issues presented. Stick to the debate on issues, rather than insigificant format of writing styles. It is a blogg, not a research paper to be published. If you hold PLP or others to a certain standard of writing, than you need to also hold your own supporters to the same standard.
funny how people keep sayin white people –nothin stopped black people from partaking—guess not for nothin they must like how our country is running into a ditch lol…u whoever u r with ur comments coulda been part too—this could be ur necxr premier-u should come out n have a say thats something ahem ur party plp all day doesnt do!!! get with it or ride with it straight up
LOL! All the PLP trolls having their fits! It’s like a feeding frenzy! Gotta faint scent of white blood in the water….let’s go crazy! Let me see here’s how it will go:
Craig is a puppet
… and all they got is “The same ol same ol… just a bunch of white people… the repackaged UBP, etc, etc.”
This shows the PLP have NOTHING to offer — and will do ANYTHING to distract voters from the fact that they have been the worst Government that Bermuda has ever experienced. At one point Bda almost turned into a racist dictatorship under this lot! NOTHING HAS CHANGED. If Bermudians are so stupid to vote the PLP in again, it’s ‘lights out’ for our Country.
Remember, a vote for the PLP is a vote into financial slavery.
“Remember, a vote for the PLP is a vote into financial slavery.”
Seen that one posted on one of the local blogs lol…
n btw black people were there….just for the record if u feel so strongly come out be a part of who ur next premier could bc cuz u cant do that within belonging to plp know that–been there n WANTED to do it
Did I miss anything? You can pay me the big bucks
for being your consultant!
i know ur not talkin to me–excuse me for being real i could get down if u would like me to boo n shout out the minister who has a son who fled bc he on a hitlist lol –scriptwritten-no boo just have a mind of my own n so sick of ppl makin things black n white n saying ridiculousness—no black ppl were there so what if i said i can thank of govt of black ppl for doin f— all?! script ummm no
Paula will wipe him clean. He knows so little. The PLp are very very happy with the result. Bet he won’t go on tv and debate
u r a victim of ur own ignorance paula will wipe him clean- r u joking– she oversaw the entire financial or lack thereof of the country for almost seven yrs…..ppl like you i can thank for ur stinken vote on why we keep getting the same bunches of jackasses in power–at this point all of u pre posters GROW UP n realize its not about white or black….i know many ppl who have gotten shot bet u know one— i know a student almost going tech bc he was keeping up n acting out obviously no party can solve this–but lets face it we r baddd straits–take a walk down reid st every single store has sale not a normal sale- like 75 percent sale on so keep hating n vote them back–u know the dictionary definition of insanity–doing the same over n expecting a different result–so keep on with it n be knowin ppl who keep losing jobs n ppl who know ppl who get show or students who r doing ok in our system but not ok to anything worth talkin about -keep on votin ministers whos sons fled bc they r on a hit list bc they r in a gang–would u like me to shout her out? -lol- try something different for once or be the same ol–a new party cant do any more damage than we r already in
b4 u make comments about my spelling–i meant students not doing ok….and ppl who got shot*
LOL! Paula Cox uses large words to impress the masses but at the heart of it she says very little. We are not concerned…
way 2go Craig,I’ve known him since he was a baby good down 2 earth man,all the best lets take our country back …..stop by and have a cold 1 soon.
Once again Bermuda proves that everything comes down to race. The people that were there were quite simply those who bothered to show up. These folk who were elected will be our next Government. They will replace the blacks who have ruined our country over the last 13 years. That is not racist – just true.
PLP are nervous – with good reason. You are about to be booted out because of your incompetence.
About time I’d say.
There would have been many more blacks there last night if only they would have got off their lazy effing asses and gone there.
Shorta ranks… You don’t know what your talking about! Paula don’t even know what she’s doing. She shud be tired of covering up for ewart brown! It’s time for her the the PLP to go. They put this country in enuf debt! How can anyone deny that? Take off the blinders please! Shortly she will just be “A blip on the radar screen”!!!
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. (Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV)
Doesn’t mattereth if the lordeth hateth these things. The lord is a man made fictional character – just like Santa and the Easter bunny. A fictional boogey man created so that con artists can take money off people too stupid to know any better.
Don’t believe that.
Say say say when you stand before Him in judgment,you will then see Him as your worst nightmare.
I won’t be standing in front of God, or Santa, or the Easter Bunny, or facking Peter Pan because they are all fictional characters. They were manufactured by humans to scare monger and control ingnorant people who are too stupid to know any better.
God never spoke to anyone, and those who say he did are lying plain and simple. Swaggart in particular was unconvincing when he said God had spoken to him and forgiven him for doing that prossy. What God would forgive such a thing. What ignorant mass of people would believe him.
So called religious people are in for a terrible shock when they die and find out that it was all a lie.
In addition, that fictional piece of work called the Bible is not God’s word. It is man’s word – God spoke to nobody and wrote nothing. If I said an imaginary friend spoke to me they’d put me up St Brendan’s – unless it was God in which case that’e say I’d been saved. Such shame people believe in such rubbish.
You sound angry. I agree, most Religions are a crock and are used to fearmonger and control gullible people. But Spirituality; now that is something else again. I think YOU will be the one surprised when you find out firsthand that there IS life after life. Nuff said on that topic!
Don’t get me wrong, I believe in life after life, but it has nothing to do with that fictional book called the Bible. Its a complete crock, an entire fabrication. The fact is nobody knows where we go when we die – its all speculation.
In all the man made religions there are about 3,000 Gods. If you are a Christian you already don’t believe in 2,999 of them do you?
I’m just taking it one God further. Angry me? Not at all. I’m just sorry – sorry for the people who fall for this religious clap trap.
Say Say Say. You have said a mouthful. However, I find it interesting that you believe in an after life. What are you going to do when The Grim Reaper knocks at your door and you are ushered into this afterlife to stand before the figment of my imagination? Believe what you chose to but rest assured, I for one do not need your sympathy, the good thing about my God is that He offers HOPE for whosoever wants to accept it. Don’t knock those of us who have done so.
I’m glad it works for you. I remember when my 6 year old had an imaginary friend too and it made her feel safe at night. Only thing, she grew out of it.
@ say say say. Um, how do u justify having a belief in an afterlife but, you denigrate those who know there is an ALmighty God? You know there is an afterlife because you obviously realize that man is more than just flesh and blood. Man has a spirit within in him that lives on beyond our physical bodies. The question you and all of us must ask ourselves is where did our spirit come from and will we have to give an account to the one who gave it and have we sought our HIS plans, purposes and pursuits for our lives.
If blacks didn’t show up last night then it must mean that they aren’t pissed off enough yet at how their PLP is ruining our country. Or that they are just too facking bone idle to get up off the chair, put their spliff and elephant down, get in the BMW an drive there.
I feel it’s more about FEAR… fear of PLP sycophants & hacks calling them into account, you know: Uncle Tom, Race Traitor, Oreo, and so on.
I think you could be correct. Very sad but intimidation still works. So does the race card.
If there was free food and drink it would have been standing room only !!
@ say say say….Did u really just make those stereotypical & highly offensive blanketed statements?!
I am speaking the truth and you know it.
Specialgirl4 and Vote For Me are so clearly paid PLP bloggers it makes me sick!!! may as well cut and paste their responses!! what i saw was liberal whites and blacks voting for real change vs the conservative white old guard – the white old guard lost. it is a momentous change. what political experience did any of the plpers have before they were government other than being opposition mps??? fools!
@Jim Bean
I am a Middle Class voter, with my own public views and reflections on the politics in Bermuda. I like you have the right to state my views, and concerns. I do not expect you to agree, but do ask you to reflect on my point of views. The PLP do not need to pay another to represent their views, as they have strong supporters like all political parties do. If you consider us paid PLP bloggers, than you must be the paid UBP/OBA “Repackaged Opposition”, blogger always thinking that you must make a contribution to ensure the public of your political party’s ability.
“Repackaged Opposition” – that’s what the PLP is gonna be soon. BWAA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-Ha!!
@ Jim Bean
You seem to regularly resort to infantile claims of me being a paid blogger. My challenge to you is to simply review what I post and highlight anything that is not logical or factual. Remember that each of us have different points of view based on life experiences, education, belief systems etc – mine are simply different from yours.
With respect to the OBA, they have not stated any significat policy issues – they are effectively running a campaign that is anti PLP. this will simply not stand up to scrutiny and analysis. Perhaps you did not hear the Fahy or Richards interviews last week?
From last night’s vote, I congtratulate Cannonier and I have known him since childhood. Notwithstanding, it is quite telling that he attracted just over 50% of the vote and his Deputy (Dunkley) attracted over 75% of the vote. In any political analysis, this should be pause for concern for Cannonier since it indicates that any campaign for Leadership by Dunkley is likely to be successful
I was not present at the election but loked at the picture on Bermews. It is not difficult to conclude that the majority present were white Bermudians – no problem there for me, just a factual comment.
By the way – I have no clue who Specialgirl4U is!!
Vote For Me, you accuse the OBA of running an anti-PLP campaign. Let’s put to one side the fact that an opposition party, if it disagrees with what the government is doing, will by definition be ‘anti-’ whoever the government is. It’s hard to avoid.
But let’s move on.
You asked if we heard the Fahy interview last week. I did hear one bit of the fahy one, where Laverne Furbert called in, deliberately mis-pronounced his name, asked him if he was ‘still a member of the UBP’, that sort of thing. Childish, rude nonsense, in other words. Mr Fahy dealt with her pretty easily, of course, but the standard of ‘debate’ (it hardly qualifies) was pretty low. And it was evident who had more class, intelligence, and ability to lead.
@ Riley B. King
Walton Brown appropriately told Sen. Furbert that his show was not the forum to address some of her comments – for that I commend him.
But let’s move on. Fahy was clearly unable to answer most of the substantive questions about OBA policies. So much so that he admitted it. Whether we are pro OBA, Pro PLP or neutral it is clear that the OBA have lots of work to do before they can deliver proper policy issues. Thus my categorisation that they are simply running an anti PLP campaign which is not sustainable.
To address your point about an effective opposition, you are correct. Under our Westminster system, they are supposed to criticise. But as the PLP learned, a party in waiting is supposed to do more than criticise.
They are supposed to propose alternative solutions – in this regard the OBA is proving to be woefully inadequate.
Maybe I am missing something here. Can some one please enlighten me? Did all of the ‘WEALTH’ that many blacks enjoy and all of the other ‘Good’ in Bermuda just come about in the last 13 years? Another confusing thing. Won’t the ones who left the UBP (‘Same ole same’)and joined the PLP spoil that party with the UBP mindset?
Congratulations Craig!
Time for action not more verbal smokescreens. We are ready for some honesty and humility. So tired of hearing that we all have to join together when the people of Bermuda are not the problem. The leadership is. Leading us into more debt and turning away from responsibility. As a people, our task becomes truly uniting as we are more alike than different. Color and race comments are always a response to issues. If you choose to be divided, you will be divided. This goes for the media as well;reporting stories from a black vs white perspective. Disgusting.
Looks like some of this group could give Bermuda a fighting chance at recovery. But I hope people continue to vote based on color so that Burrmuuja continues it’s desent, rents come down, man babies continue to shoot one another, housing prices collapse, international bus leaves along with expats, and bermujans finally realize what it’s like to have to work and be polite in order to make a living. PLP. PLP. PLP. PLP
What you say is so true. There’s a lesson to be learned here but it will take Berooooojans many years to learn that they really aren’t spashull after all. I heard Bermuda described as “the spoiled child of the Atlantic” the other day. Time to grow up Bermuda, to learn to be humble. You have collectively ruined Bermuda with your spoiled child attitude and sense of entitlement. Worst of all are the people who still think that the PLP government is working. They were notable by their absence last night. Too busy smokin a spliff an drinkin a elephant darn boat club I guess.
@ Shadashay & Say Say Say, you know I agree with your descriptions of how some of my countrymen/women act and how they should change their ways and try to bring back the Bermuda I knew, BEFORE YOU GOT HERE. I do agree with you, we are spoiled and have become our own worst enemy for the most part.
So how come, having said all of that, I still have to stop myself from wishing to slap your faces for saying it? Again, I agee with you but as apparent guests in my country (no doubt working hard for your money) I find it offensive of you to call us these names, in general.
We’re all not the same, some of us work just as hard as you (perhaps even more so)! Some of us care very much for this island home of ours, more than you do simply because we have no where else to go. Be mindful, please. There are still fair minded and hard working BERMUDIANS (that is how its spelled, just in case you didn’t know) in this country!
You may or may not be justified in your comments or beliefs, I don’t know. But I would never travel to someone else’s country and insult (generally) its people. I welcome guest workers, they are here because some of my fellow countrymen fall short on job qualifications. And unfortunately we NEED more. I welcome anyone who works hard and is fair. But try not to piss off the percentage of Bermudians who actually give a damn and also work just as hard as you apparently do.
I am Bermudian.
Well, we’ve certainly learned that you’re one “special Bermudian” who obviously thinks of himself more highly than he ought to think!
So why would you be making fun of your fellow countrymen in such a way?! You’ve actually come across as disrespecting yourself mate. As I said, I agree with you but why say it like you did?
Or am I being overly sensitive? Correct me if I’m wrong, please?!
Just telling it like it is – and you obviously know it. The truth sometimes hurts – but the alternative is worse – ignore it.
You can say it without insults mate. But whatever, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At the end of the day I think you and I want the same for our people.
say, say, say, unfortunately, you are extremely offensive, and this is non productive to your cause. Humble yourself please, this will be for your own good and for the good of your cause.
I will not vote for the PLP, and now I cannot vote for the OBA. Why? The PLP have not mismanaged our island. The OBA have just elected two talking heads who are not even members of parliament. How are they going to mount an effective opposition, where it matters, in Parliament?
Agreed, I can’t vote for OBA and PLP, but will vote for the Independent candidates.
Can’t wait for their slate to present itself.
I trust that you will be putting yourself up as an Inpependent candidate, and not sitting back waiting for someone else to do all the work? Somehow I doubt you have the real interests of Bermuda at heart, nor the drive to be part of the solution.
If you don’t vote then you have no place Complaining ABOUT THE RESULT.
As a footnote ; We as a country have been exposed to the absolute worst Premiership ever under He who shall not be named , it’s a little better under Premier Cox . The next person to assume this roll Must prove to be the Best this Island can produce , no matter who they maybe , black or white , male or female .
Congradulations to Mr Cannonier . It’s now Cox vs Cannonier , it will not be a clean fight , but remember to protect yourself at all time … Let’s get it on .
Its amazing to me that so many people can tell the political affiliation of a person by their looks.. must be a new super power. dun dun dunnn ignorance(wo)man
@ Austin Woods… spare me your Bible quotes… you are not worthy, get on yours knees at the Altar.
LOL poor BoB. He did not think he was going to get in did he. He did not stand a chance against Craig Cannonier with that tall movie star looking including de smile . Bob you need to bring your ‘A’ game partna. You take yourself far too seriously ALL the time. Well at least the camera portrays you that way.
Now is the day Craig ‘De Cannonizer’ Cannonier Vs Paula ‘De People’s Champ’ Cox. Lets get it.
LOL he does look like Tyler Perry ‘Madea’
Good to see such a close count. Thats the way it should be. It indicates two viable individuals were standing for the position. Now it is time for the battle for the Government. If Bermuda was a mature democracy voting would be based on issues & the track record of the candidiates, both in public life & personal life.
Unfortunately, this is Bermuda where the race card always wins. The fact of 13 years of failed PLP experiment which has driven what was the jewel of the Atlantic into the becoming the worlds latest third world island with a debt per capita far exceeding anywhere we care to look down our noses at, matters little to those who vote based on ‘looks like me’, I always vote PLP no matter what, the candidate is my cousin etc., I have a Government job I don’t want to lose etc. etc. etc.
No, anywhere else the PLP would be out by a massive landslide for such dismal performance. But, sadly, this is Bermuda, another world, where normalcy is abnormal so Craig Cannonier & the OBA will have a job on their hands.
I hope they adopt a much more agressive campaigne than seen in the past from the UBP, BDA. The PLP has provided plenty of indefensible cannon fodder for Cannonier.
Start blasting.
In any other Country half of the PLP would be locked up by now.
“In any other Country half of the PLP would be locked up by now.”
LMAO…. You can’t be serious about this statement right? Have you looked at the current state of world issues at this very moment? Crooks are running RAMPANT! All you need to do is look at your neighbor to the west and see criminals running amok. After the financial economic collapse of 2008 the only person they have locked up is Madoff? Please get your head out of the sand.
The UBP did it too. BWAA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-Ha!!
I like the idea if an election was called that we have two fine gentlemen… like Cannonier and Dunkley…to get this Island back on track.
These two own and operate their own companies….so they do not need to beg, steal or borrow money that is not theirs !!!these two make me proud to be a bermudian.
OK OK OK!! So if PLP win the next election, what will all the UBP/OBA supportes who commented on here say??? Because if they do win, then that shows you that UBP/OBA supporters comments did not only fall on ears that are so over the spin but you guys are now and still the minority in your ways of thinking! The same can be said if the UBP/OBA win. What will the PLP supportes on here say then?? Its all too damn funny. Everyone on here drops an OPINION and thinks of it as a fact. You guys kill me, quite entertaining, literally!!
By the way, Craig is in and Bobby is out!! Where are all those Bob supporters anyway??? The other day the ywere saying all this garbage about how Bob is gonna wipe the floor with Craig, guess you fools were wrong! LOL Told ya’ll Craig was gonna win!! LOL
i heard the fahy interview and although he could not answer all the questions he did answer them pretty straight up. laverne was a disgrace. i heard the bit about some report and have asked around about what he said to check. he was spot on from what i can tell that there was nothing to it.
@Jim Bean,
LaVern was not a disgrace, except that she challenged him face on. He was not able to response to her direct questions.
I am late to the debate here but I noticed a lot of people complaining that the OBA has not defined policy solutions. I have to agree with an earlier person who noted the PLP simply uses these ideas before an election and calls them their own. I give you some examples from the original BDA economic platform which came out in early 2010 which the PLP have implemented very recently. This should support the reason to keep the cards on policy solutions close to the chest until election time:
a. Define a 5-year rolling surplus target, as part of an overall financial strategic plan.
b. Increase transparency of Government expenses through more detailed and timely public reporting and expand the influence and powers of the Public Accounts Committee.
c. Increase the transparency and effectiveness of the Government tendering system. Increase access to Government projects for small businesses.
d. Consolidate the resources of the Ministry of Tourism and the Bermuda International Business Association into a Ministry of Commerce, reducing costs, while increasing co-operative relationships with business partners both locally and internationally, and to investigate ways of diversifying the economy into other international sectors such as asset management.
e. Review the work permit process, seeking ways to improve results for Bermuda, Bermudians and Bermuda-based companies.
h. On an ongoing basis conduct an effective analysis of the budget and its impact on Bermuda’s future financial position. i.e. 5-year planning process.
i. Explore potential privatisation of some roles/tasks performed by the civil service. Review the potential for Worker Cooperatives. Promote new industries in an effort to diversify the economy, employment, and Government revenue streams.
j. Expand the influence and authority of the Bermuda First initiative. Explore alternate sources of Government revenue and foreign cash inflows.
k. Relocate Government services to St George’s and Southside to boost the income of the town and reduce rental of office space in Hamilton.
There have been others as well which Fahy has commented on before the OBA formed but this should be enough evidence of “new ideas” the PLP came up with!
spot on!!!!
Anything to come back with Specialgirl4u and or vote for me………….
A careful review of PLP policies and platform over the years, will indicate that almost everything they indicated was developed, and put into motion. Often these things were outlined to be done in stages. Ministers are always hard at work revising and reviewing policies and procedures. They were not introduced recently, as they were set into motion long before the OBA/BDA/UBP “Repackaged Opposition” made any suggestions. So there is no need for them copy or borrow ideas from anyone else. However, the party does seek to gain ideas from the people of Bermuda to include in its movement forward. The party is always involved in re-thinking, re-evaluating and examination new polices and interventions for Bermuda. That what any political party often does.