Erek Fox Awarded $10,000 Scholarship

July 24, 2012

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre has announced Erek Fox as the winner of its 2012 Scholarship, which supports local students studying in the Health Care field.

Out of a pool of 28 applicants, Mr. Erek Fox has been named as this year’s recipient, to complete his Medical Sciences Degree at the Caribbean Medical University. Mr. Fox will receive $10,000 per year over the next three years. He has been rewarded for his commitment to pursuing a career in health care and for the potential impact his career will have upon returning to Bermuda.

“We had a wide range of talented students with studies encompassing Pathology, Music and Art Therapy, Thanatology and Nursing, all of which will have a profound impact on the treatment of cancer and other diseases and yet these students are struggling to pay for their education.” says Larry Dennis, Chairman of the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre Scholarship Committee and a member of the Charity’s Board.

“Mr. Fox was chosen not only because his chosen profession will bring a different level of care locally for cancer patients, but because he expressed a true desire to make an impact in Bermuda not only through medicine but through his other passions, diving and the Church.”

Having already attained a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree, Mr. Fox is now pursuing his goal of becoming a Physiatrist, specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiatry provides integrated, multidisciplinary care aimed at recovery for the whole person by addressing the patient’s physical, psychological, medical, vocational, and social needs.

“As a Charity we are pleased to be able to support and encourage growth in the future of local health care.” says Deborah Titterton Narraway, the Centre’s Marketing Coordinator. “Bermudians are pursuing a wide range of medical studies and the Island will certainly benefit from their zeal and experience when they are ready to return home.”

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s Scholarship is available annually to assist Bermudian students interested in a career in the health care field. Recipients of this scholarship will be awarded up to $15,000 annually towards education and tuition costs at an accredited college or university abroad.

The scholarship will be given for a maximum of 4 years and will be subject to the applicant’s receipt of satisfactory grades at the end of each academic year. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. To find out more about this scholarship please email

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  1. Concerned says:

    Congratulations young man – keep God first and you will go a long long way and to Bermuda Cancer and Health Care – Thank you for all that you have done and are doing.

  2. Pastor Syl Hayward says:

    Congratulations, Mr. Fox! Please, please come back to the island after your studies to give us the benefit of your expertise. I have never heard of Physiatry before, but it sounds like something we desperately need: integrated, wrap-around care that takes the whole person into consideration.

    BCHC, what a wonderful scholarship! Enough to allow a student to focus exclusively on their studies instead of searching for more money to live…or maybe I am behind the times. I know that much would have been a major boon during my scholastic endeavours.

  3. Murray Oliver says:

    Congratulations Son: Julie and I are very proud of you as I know Jessica is! Psalm 20:4.

  4. Proud2BeBermudian says:

    Awesome!!! It’s so refreshing to read about a young black man in Bermuda who is not on his way to prison or sitting on somebody’s wall.

    Keep up the good work, stay centered on Christ and allow him to guide you to success you could never dream of!! All the best.

  5. MPP says:

    Good work, Erek!