Man Pleads Guilty After Ferry Terminal Incident

August 27, 2012

Edwin Arnold Trott Wolffe, 37 and said to be unemployed, pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawfully possessing a bladed article in a public place yesterday [Aug 26].

Crown Prosecutor Carrington Mahoney told Senior Magistrate Archie Warner that around 4pm yesterday, Mr Wolffe was at the Ferry Terminal in Hamilton when Police were called to disturbance in that area.

On arrival, Police found Mr Wolffe involved in an affray and brandishing a knife. In a scuffle that went across the street, Police managed to disarm him and confiscated a knife, described as a ‘survival knife’ with a blade more than 3 inches long. Mr Wolffe was taken to Hamilton Police Station and then produced in Court this morning.

Asked by the Senior Magistrate to explain his actions, Mr Wolffe told the Magistrate that the people had come off the boat and they were drinking and “wouldn’t answer my question.” The defendant also took noted the people on the boat were foreigners.

Mr Wolffe told the Magistrate that he carried the knife for self-protection. The Senior Magistrate ordered a Social Inquiry Report and set sentencing for 11th October 2012. Mr Wolffe was ordered to be kept in custody until then.

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Category: All, Court Reports, Crime

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  1. datshicra says:

    Y do I hve to pay to house this unemployed man??

  2. Come CorrectED says:

    Wayne, I think you can chalk this one up as another reason people look past us as a destination. They wouldn’t answer your question? Was your question would you like to see a knife? If no then I don’t think that was the appropriate response.

    • Mayan says:

      @Come CorrectED: The man is clearly mentally unstable. There are mentally unstable people out there all over the world…most of them aren’t dangerous but unfortunately many are-NO politician can fix that! What-you think Bermuda is the only country with dangerous people walking the streets? I’ve been accosted by lunatics while in the States-those kinds of things can’t always be controlled.

      Bermuda, like the U.S., can’t lock someone up just because they are mentally ill-the person actually has to do something first. What exactly do you suppose ‘Wayne’ do to fix this-lock up everyone who could possibly be a problem to tourism like they do in Cuba???

      People like you are so quick to blame the politicians. You tell me exactly what ‘Wayne’ is supposed to do about this, according to you, since you have all the answers…please enlighten us.

      • Stevie says:

        The boat tour was a local restaurant having a summer staff party, and I believe liquor was involved on both sides, but to pull out a knife to fight when your young son is there is Crazy. Just wanted to give the one side of the story, there are always three sides to a story however..

      • Come CorrectED says:

        I blamed this on Wayne Furbert? No, but Wayne blames the oba and their “cyber squad”. To be honest I don’t personally have the solution. You could make crimes against hunanity carry a severe and MANDITORY sentence, but if people still don’t care then your going to be locking up a lot of people. I don’t see that as a solution. If he is mentally unstable and this is something he will do on a regular basis, then what? Does he have no family to take care of him and get him the help he needs? Its a sticky situation with a lot of variables to be considered. Somehow judging by the area and the people that hang out there, I would only assume alcohol was affecting his stability also. Do you allow people to carry items of personal protection like pepper spray? Then a week later a taxi driver will be pepper sprayed and robbed. For every action taken there has to be a reaction taken into consideration. I believe the problem lies much deeper, but if you want a solution from me, an annual $160,000 to consult myself sounds like it would put my brain in overdrive. Another problem, and I’ve said this before, every time this happens the odds of running into one of those people that has trained for that very moment for most of their lives greatly increases. If that person had been a black belt or x-seal, it could very well be the stability of his life in ICU that is of concern, not his mental stability. If its a blame game we want to play, then we all need only to look into a mirror. We need a government with a legitimate concern for its people, not one concerned about $$$ and revenge, and we have the power to put them there.

  3. Family Man says:

    Bermuda; so much more ….

  4. darren booth says:

    could some one please ask mr trott how he came to the assumption the boat was full of foreigners .i think mr.trott forgot bermuda is 40% white.this man is obviously holding some hatred inside.the people on that boat where at least 70% bermudian.doesn’t anyone remember oprah,”it’s whats on the inside that matters”.i do sympathies with him as i know it was not as simple as the press made out he did get in a disagreement and there where words said but at the end of the day bringing a knife with you when you have your son with you is just stupid.

  5. Bermy's Finest says:

    do we not realize that overseas persons read this site i mean come on guys this guy is clearly crazy!! A minority!!

  6. Shell says:

    The fact that this was done in front of two children is just crazy. What are you trying to teach …”they wouldn’t answer my question,” so what, it’s ok to pull out a knife? And you wonder why the next generation is growing up with the mind set that this behaviour is ok?