Photos: Premier Cox, Bill Clinton At NY Summit
Premier Paula Cox served as Co Chair of the C3 Summit held on September 13/14 in New York City, with former U.S. President Bill Clinton serving the keynote speaker.
At the conference, Premier Cox made introductory remarks to President Bill Clinton’s keynote speech and also facilitated a panel discussion with the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Wayne Furbert, Chairman of the Bermuda Monetary Authority Jeremy Cox, and Belaid Jheengoor, Director, Asset Management, PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The panel discussion presented highlights of a recent study conducted by PriceWaterhouse into the challenges and rewards of Bermuda’s Mid East business outreach.
- Photos courtesy of ABN Newswire
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- Video: Premier Cox’s Speech In New York | | September 17, 2012
Is she wearing one of the tablecloths’?
YES….An extra large one!!!!
“Slick Willie” is only there for the $$$ he gets paid!!!
well done MS.Cox…… I cant dream boat Craig up there representing us….
That is so mean.
That singing weasel Furbert shot right to the head of the line , watch out for your job Paula .
She doesn’t have to worry about Furbert.
“Straight Shooter” Col. Burch has a debt to settle.
Congratulations to the Finance Team, and I hope that Mr. Clinton considers Ms. Cox for future endeavours!
If the Arab world can run their banking without charging interest, it would be an advantage to us to learn how to do this, especially for the mortgages.
If she continues to pay $100,000 per hour with him, he will continue to “consider” her for similar gigs in the future. I guarantee it.
Clinton’s plant strong diet should be mirrored!
Well done to the Bermuda team.