Upcoming: ‘Give Back Games’ At Horseshoe Bay

September 10, 2012

The Centre on Philanthropy will be holding their fourth annual ‘Give Back Games’ on Tuesday [Sept 18] at Horseshoe Bay. The beach Olympics in which executives and staff from some of Bermuda’s leading international companies compete to raise money for their charity of choice, will take place between 2:00pm – 6:00pm.

A spokesperson said, “This year there are more teams and more charities involved, plus a couple of new games such as the Shark Relay Race and the Food Tower.

“Of course, the regular favourites, like the Flipper Relay are still on. This is a fun, photo/video friendly event and it is for a good cause.

“You can also monitor our Facebook Photo Challenge to see which company earns an extra $500 for their charity.

“At the end of the event, over $70,000 will be shared between 12 charities, with the winning company team earning their charity $11,000. We hope to see you there.”

Highlights for the day include:

  • 2.35pm: Welcome remarks
  • 2.40pm: The Games begin
  • 4.40pm: Judging Sand Sculpture Competition
  • 4.40pm: Closing Race – Flipper Relay (All Teams)
  • 5.10pm: Prize Presentation – with the Hon. Michael J Scott, JP, MP in attendance

Participating companies and charities include:

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