St. George’s Playground Officially Reopened

October 26, 2012

Minister of Public Works Michael Weeks was joined by the Minster of Education, Dame Jennifer Smith and children from the community of St. George’s on Thursday [Oct 25] to announce the official re-opening of the St. George’s Playground.

Minister Weeks said, “Our communities are often defined by how public spaces are designated for the betterment of families and children and in the absence of a commonly used facility such as a playground or park, we all feel, to a certain degree, a sense of loss or recognize there is a void in community life.

“The St. George’s Playground at Mullet Bay is the only public park with equipment that makes it very popular with residents in St. George’s. Historically this park has always been a place that unified the community with football and cricket games, open air concerts, church services, birthday parties and even weddings.

“The park is used for exercising and many children have learned to ride their bikes in the park. It is also quite unique in that you are able to see it from one end to the other, making it an extremely safe park for children.

“With the re-opening of this St. George’s Playground there is a real feeling of joy with the recognition that one of St. George’s well known open spaces has received a well deserved make-over and will serve the needs of the community for many decades to come.

“The park has come a long way. I don’t know if many of you realize this, but it was originally part of Mullet Bay and was filled in to make the park. I understand that for a long time after, it was not unusual for children to find sea shells here!

“When the playground was first constructed, there was only one see-saw and one swing set. Now with the new improvements, the playground and park have many new features to offer the public including attractive landscaping and bright colourful decorations.

“With Bermuda’s weather conditions and active use by children our playgrounds are regularly maintained with parts being replaced, repaired and painted – with complete refurbishments required every ten to fifteen years.

“This park was last improved in 1998 and the Parks Department has recently upgraded the playgrounds at Warwick Long Bay, Somerset Long Bay, and the Department is currently in the process of making repairs to the Parsons Road playground.

“Additionally, the Department is continually assessing other Government parks and playgrounds in an attempt to stay on top of needed improvements and repairs.

“Let me take this opportunity to thank the staff of the Department of Parks for their continued efforts to ensure our parks are kept safe and in good condition. I am sure that the St. George’s community will take full advantage of these wonderful upgraded facilities.”

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  1. Really? says:

    way to go Bermuda lets splurge a little more!!!!!! My people are so Special SIGH!!

  2. SoMuchMore says:

    …and the plp roll out more good stories, i wonder why? o yes, it’s election time. smh

  3. Autumn Fire says:

    Good job for our little cuties to enjoy!

    Now, on with replacing the Southside playground, it’s been nasty since that bad storm years ago when it was practically submerged in water….

    • SoMuchMore says:

      autumn, tell mr weeks you’ll vote for his party and you’ll get your wish… don’t you see why they’re doing all these things NOW

  4. observer says:

    Mr Weeks, the podium is really being used. Please as Mr Micheal Scott to spend some time with you in public speaking. There is nothing worse them every time I see you reading from someone elses notes, it is only a play ground being reopened????

  5. Play Ground says:

    Southside play ground is not Govt Responsiblity it comes under BLDC and I must say it can use a lil help.