Smith-Williams Charged With Assault At Woody’s

December 12, 2012

This morning [Dec 12] in Magistrates Court 21-year-old Khyri Smith-Williams was charged with in connection with the recent assault at Woody’s of a 29-year-old man.

Smith-Williams was charged with causing Grievous Bodily Harm to Nathaniel Ingham on 6th December 2012 outside Woody’s in Sandys. The Court heard the incident was caught on CCTV and witnesses were present.

As the charge can only be heard in the Supreme Court he was not required to enter a plea. Senior Magistrate Archie Warner ordered Smith-Williams to be remanded into custody until 24th December.

Mr Ingham was left with serious head injuries, and was initially listed in critical condition in KEMH before being flown overseas to receive specialised care.

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Comments (66)

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  1. Will says:

    c’mon Khyri, I’ve known you since primary school mate, jus chill out and leave this thug life behind you

    • Fed Up says:

      Bit late for that now, such a shame as another of our young men heads West. These young guys really need some positive role models in their lives

  2. abcd says:

    hang ‘em high.

  3. BERMUDIAN says:


    • friend says:

      Keep his head up? Oh please….he allegedly injurued my friend and left him their….oh please this if he commited this he needs to suffer…he needs to go westgate and get a good beaten.

      .now two little boys are praying for their dad to get better and come home for xmas all over some punk…

    • ANOTHER BERMUDIAN 18/m says:

      LOL WHAT?

      Keep his head up? He’s being charged for viciously beating a man and leaving him with brain trauma.. and you want the suspect to keep his head up?

      You’re probably his ‘brah’ right? Well any normal person would condemn their ‘brahs’ actions.

      Khyri Smith-Williams, and you are the reason this island is going to sh**.

  4. watching-n-listening says:

    All of this tit,for tat stuff is getting old,and its destroying our little island,government needs too really come to a decision,on how too stamp this out because its gomne on for too long now..

  5. boss says:

    He ank even bout dat life. lol

  6. Frustrated "Smith" says:

    Very disappointed Khyri! The breaks need to be pumped on your lil ass. Seems like you’re taking delight in seeing the hurt and disappointment in your family’s eye’s. You need this time to lock off and get your mind right. I hope now you realise who has your back. We are tired!!

    • SmH says:

      If you are REALLY family to Khyri you would get the facts before joining others in this condemnation…..

  7. crab says:

    Both of u eata %$#@. Stay up my ni$%#

    • Frustrated "Smith" says:

      Yeah and it’s the company like you who you don’t even hear “boo” from when the s%^t goes down. I don’t want any of you lil boys around my yard. STAY TF AWAY!! Signed: The Aunty!!

      • mao2 says:

        I bet you dont complain when his daddy is spending money. Keep it clean aunty

        • Frustrated "Smith" says:

          Spending money on who?!! I have my own, never needed my cousin for sh$%. You need to keep it the f*%k clean. Lol

    • smdh says:

      ya done pissed “the aunty” right off lol!

      aunty – just a thought! . . . stop blaming his friends for his stupidity. maybe if you raised him to be a leader instead of a follower he wouldn’t be in like situations!

      parent take responsibility!!!

      all you parents do is blame the other children . . . but if every parent is busy blaming the next child, then the problem doesnt get corrected!!!

      take a village to raise a child, we know this. WAKE UP BERMY

      • Frustrated "Smith" says:

        WTF are you talking about? I didn’t raise him but I still have a say because he is “MY” nephew. And were did you see me put blame on anyone?! I responded to someone who’s comment was basically condoning Khyri’s actions. “Keep ya head up?” “Stay strong bra?” Unexceptable! Same one’s he’s following are the same one’s on here talking that s$%t! You young boys really need to pay attention. You do dumb sh*t, AND GET CAUGHT, you suffer the consequence, plain and simple. NEXT!

        • smdh says:

          as his aunt, im sure you played a role in his upbringing, like i said it take a village to raise a child. . . therefore when you saw him going down the wrong path, instead of getting “Very disappointed” and “being tired”, you should have stepped in.

          children are a product of their enviroment and only do what you allow them to do! it probablly too late for him, or for the family to make a change his mentality.

          hopefully it works out for him, and you family.

  8. US Observer in Pink Sand says:

    Eye for an Eye…

  9. Island Princess says:

    @ Will
    I admire your comment…continue to be your brother’s keeper (much respect)

  10. Oh Please says:

    I will never understand when some one has committed harm to some one else I then you have somebody saying keep your head up to the perpetrator. Who the Hell is the victim here. They should be asking why did you do it what is wrong with you. Not saying keep your head up. Unless he is innocent. Come on man!! What the Hell is going on with society these days?

    • Um Um Like says:

      Exactly Oh Please! It’s a shame this %$)# will be out for Christmas.

      As for you fools who say “two sides to the story”, “don’t comment if you weren’t there”, “he wasn’t charged yet”, etc., WAKE UP- HE NEARLY – allegedly – KILLED SOMEBODY.



        • Oh Please says:

          You can’t tell people keep their comments they are using the same forum and exercising the same rights as you. People are entitled to their opinion whether you agree with it or not. Yes lack of information leads to speculation. If its the media we have to go by so be it. Its obvious something happened and it wasn’t good.

        • Um Um Like says:

          No, I wasn’t there, but this was caught on CCTV which is enough evidence for me to come to my own conclusions and to form my own opinions. If you don’t like that, then that’s your problem. I will continue to think (and write) whatever I want to, and you can’t stop me.

          On that note, I presume you were there, in which case you should have presented a testimony to the police to tell them how innocent your best buddy really is, regardless of how ruthless and violent he may seem on camera.

  11. Abcd says:

    If u weren’t there to see beginning to end keep ya comments!!!! By the way was he charged yet or r u going by the media that prints what they want to????? Ask ya self that!!!

    • Educationworks says:

      You asked if he has been charged when the headline and article already tells you he was. You aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed are you? Or are you just one of these gang bangers who like to defend crime?

  12. Terry says:

    You people condone this?
    Friends are friends but I guess thats why we are where we are.
    Were doomed.

  13. Simple says:

    I must say that there are 2 sides to every story. Yes this young man allegedly assaulted another young man but what provoked it?? He didn’t just attack him for no reason..not sayin that his actions are right but still

  14. Choco Syrup says:

    Should be attempted murder!



      • Choco Syrup says:

        No, I wasn’t there. Thankfully! But I know Nat is fighting for his life. It is just my opinion, but I believe that attempted murder should have been the charge.

        I know Khyri. Known him since he was a young bie. He needs to get scared straight. 21 year old bies should be chasing skirt, not out on the street!

  15. unspoken says:

    Those commending the perpetrator are just as ignorant and of a low moral standing as this non essential. What gives this young punk the right to allegedly assault another in a way that he needs to be flown away. We’ve lost a generation or more to this twisted sense of logic.

  16. cattalya says:

    Bermudians are so small minded people come on here and comment being nasty u don’t know what this guy said or did before this happened.Bermudians are so quick to judge don’t throw stones if u live in a glass house (simple)so before you come on here and judge somebody look at urself!!!keep year head up khyri this to shall pass

    • Friend says:

      Dont give anyone the right to knock someone out and left their to suffer….now kids are suffer cause some punk tried to kill their daddy…Keep your head up to N and his family through these hard times……

    • derp says:

      So what did he say or do to be beaten that bad? Said something about his momma?

      Get real.

      Is this how you were raised as well? To condone these types of actions?

    • Really?? says:

      There is nothing anyone can say that would deserve for them to be almost killed. Last time I checked, words don’t cut or make you bleed. Words don’t put you in the hospital or a coma. That’s what’s wrong with you children today. You think because someone disrespects you that you are allowed to do anything you want to them. Grow the hell up (And I don’t mean age, I mean maturity).

  17. don't judge me .... says:

    Its sad to come on here and see arguing back and forth, the boy charged being told to keep his head up etc.
    He was assaulted, he’s suffering horrible injuries and is fighting daily over there. Please just pray for him, his family, friends & his 2 young sons who miss him & just want him to be ok. Its nice to see someone has been charged but negativity is the main problem in Bermuda right now and we need more positive.

  18. tricks are for kids says:

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and sometimes we are not going to like what someone else is saying but just as you have the right to express your opinion they have a right to
    express theirs. ..with that said….this is not Khyri’s —- HOWEVER one HAS to ask WHY? and WHAT?…why did he do it? and what caused him to allegedly do it? …that might anger some but at the end of the day those questions are legit…I wasn’t there and I’m sure a lot of the above commenters weren’t there either so we need to stop bashing each other because our opinions are not the same and WAIT until the story emerges…….

    …once a person reaches a certain point of anger there’s no return….and just ONE blow can cause severe injury…yes it’s sad that the “victim” is severely injured and I hope that he makes a speedy recovery but if the BOTH of them did just ONE thing differently that night we might not be here today discussing this….

  19. Family says:

    Stay up Khy….eff what anybody has to say do you cuz! We love you!

    • Terry says:

      Certain families.
      The demise of Bermuda.

    • derp says:

      Love him all you want, but… really? A few more punches/kicks and he could have been charged with murder..

      • Family says:

        no the guy was not near death. please shut the hell up if you don’t know the facts

        • don't judge me .... says:

          Actually he was and I KNOW facts.

        • Friend says:

          I am a friend of nates and he was fighting for his life..and had no reason to go through this…how would u kno he Was near to death…he in ICU…

          • not needed says:

            He was not supposed to make it through, that’s how severe it was. But all that matters is he’s in a good place getting the help he needs and continues to get healthy
            Charge this guy with attempted murder. He is alleged to have almost took a life and may have, since we won’t know the extent of the long term damage, so please take his freedom away if found guilty. He clearly doesn’t deserve the independance if he’s making stupid desicions.

  20. RayMan says:

    I will say this, my boy Nate(the victim) is not into violence like this fools that are running around killing each other. They we’re all drunk, so stop assuming s**t that you really don’t know what happen. And yes the victim is doing better.

    God Bless Bermuda.

  21. youngster says:

    it funny to see you guys talking bout what it should and shouldnt be and attacking those who say what they think he should get if you where down at woods and seen what happend how come u werent at the police station giving them a statment. U ALL ARE SOFT so stop getting on other peoples back sayn “WHERE YOU AT WOODYS” COS you probaly wasnt either.

  22. ella says:

    Good – lock his arse up!!!

  23. Streetz says:

    If u DNT KNO Shut da f#$k up / ALL u f$#@ people put ya name up

    • Shantel! says:

      Now put yours up!! Got the nerve to twll people put their names up but yours isnt even up!! LMAO at internet gangsters!! And if you DO know shouldnt you be trying to HELP your “FRIEND” and defending him by telling the police what “REALLY” happened instead of showing your stupidity on Bernews comments! Right! some “FRIEND” you are!! Lay down please!! NEXT!!

      To Khyri I hope you know who your “REAL FRIENDS” are and who truly has your back!!

      And for all the people talking all this s$%t bout what “REALLY” happened I hope nothing like this ever happens to you or any of your family members or “FRIENDS” no actually I do so you can no how it feels. The fact of the matter is that NO ONE deserves to be beaten like that over dumb s$%t. He has a family to!!

    • not needed says:

      Where’s your name then??

  24. when will it stop? says:

    a lot being said here. I don’t know why he did it but if drunken words are enough to get a man that badly beaten that has to be flown overseas due to head trauma and been fighting for his life then God help us all Bermuda

  25. Just another guy says:

    These guys need girls and jobs as a 23 year old black male in Bermuda i stay away from places like that because unnecessary violence like that is everywhere. What im gathering just from reading all of this is that guys were drunk and things got out of hand its to bad, I wish the best of luck to both guys in this situation

  26. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    can someone with a brain which is fully functional please tell me what is the hold up with exchanging these little cockroaches with some foreign prisons ….someone in the govt is asleep at the wheel…do you hope that we will forget about it in the next few days or until the next time someone is killed…STOP WORRYING ABOUT SECRET DOCUMENTS WITH UNSAVORY WORDS AND GET A GRIP ON THIS DETERIORATING COUNTRY …OVER 2YEARS AGO I SAID “HERE COMES LITTLE HAITI”….ARE YOU STILL SCOFFING AT THAT STATEMENT NOW?

  27. real talk says:

    To Boss, cross somerset bridge see who’s bout what life!!!!

    • dun kno says:

      I don’t wish jail on No one but #%@£ khyri •

    • lmao says:

      why his gotta come cross somerset bridge??!! What ya only “bad” in ya hood lmao!! O right you cant leave somerset FAIL!!! clearly you aint bout dat life. Guys defending this guy like they his b$%#$ or something!! lmao internet gangstas pleaseeee lay the f$#$ down!!! or do bermuda a favor and—-!! please and thanks!!

  28. Fam says:

    Note frustrated “smith” went from being Khyri’s Aunty to Khyri’s daddy’s cousin lol. Get the eff out of here sis! I knew from the beginning that was some fraud a$$ comment! Our “aunty” wouldn’t sit up and entertain this $#!t! Go lay in d cut frustrated “Smith”

    Love u khy!

  29. Boss says:

    F!@ckin dummy I told you not to turn yaself in now ya gonna miss new years! Where’s the key

  30. Nok says:

    This is a totally disgusting blug ..Auntie I feel your fustrations..A box or prison that’s the only place Thugs end up.

  31. Gymgal says:

    In a very similar case, the fool that left someone near death with permanent brain damage received only 4years, was told by the useless judge to “be good” in Westgate/summer camp so he can be released early….he was a free man in 2 yrs and assaulted a female shortly after his release. This is the type of kids we have roaming our neighborhoods. I wish the government will ship all these hot heads to a Mexican or Cuban prison, I’m sure it will cost us much less than $80,000.00 a year to house them.