Televised Round Table: Social Justice, Economy

December 4, 2012

Human rights and social justice and the impact on our economy will be front and centre this week when Centre for Justice sponsors a forum designed to explore how human rights and social justice programmes impact on the economy, and your way of life.

A spokesperson said: “Every woman, man, youth and child has the human right to a standard of living adequate for their health and well-being, including access to food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services. The right to freedom from poverty which is rooted in social justice is in fact recognized as a fundamental human right by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“Centre for Justice believes it’s important to have this discussion before the general election on 17th December. As members of the community, we all have a duty to let political candidates know what changes we expect from our next government. They need our input.” said Centre Managing Director Venous Memari.

Members of the public are invited to send in their questions and comments to in advance or call in during the show 295-2828. The two hour roundtable discussion will be broadcast at 8pm on Wednesday, 5th December, on ZBM Channel 7. Senior journalist Gary Moreno will be the moderator.

The panelists are:

  • Ed Ball, Jr. of Bermuda Public Services Union
  • Martha Dismont of The Family Centre
  • Claudette Fleming of Age Concern
  • Nelleke Hollis of Amnesty International Bermuda
  • Cordell Riley of CURB
  • Craig Simmons, economist and lecturer at Bermuda College
  • Elaine Williams of the Women’s Resource Centre

Category: All
