Griffin’s To Recreate Queen Of Bermuda Menu

March 14, 2013

On November 23rd 1966 the Queen of Bermuda sailed for the last time from Bermuda having carried the rich and famous to and from the island. Clark Gable, Shirley Temple, T.S. Eliot, and former U.S. President Harry Truman had all been guests on her decks en route to Bermuda.

To commemorate and try to capture the atmosphere that was present on the D Deck restaurant, Griffin’s Bistro and The St. George’s Club are going back in history and recreating a menu from the former owners of St. George’s Hotel, the Furness Bermuda Line’s Queen of Bermuda.


The special inaugural event for the new Griffin’s Bistro will try to recreate one of the special evenings aboard the “Millionaire’s ship” with a Black Tie fundraising event to support the Bermuda Sloop Foundation and the St. George’s Seas Cadets.


The menu for this event is above and wine is included in the cost of the ticket of $100 per person. They will donate a percentage from each ticket to the two causes noted, which happen both to have a maritime connection in keeping with the theme.

Please call 297-4235 or for more details.

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Category: All, Entertainment, History

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  1. Really? says:

    Great Idea and another good edition for St. Georges come and Support Bermuda.

  2. St. Georges, Bermuda is a wonderful and joyful place.

    On the Menu showing a glaring BIG Mistake is on it..

    At still Entree means to Enter. Not, the Main Dish! Why do you think people are dumbed down? Show by example not foolery..( Ignorance is never an excuse )

    Why show your utter ignorance in trying to raise funds for a very worthy cause?

    Attention to detail in everything should be done not lacking of it.