Auditions For “Bermuda Glee” Summer Camp

April 10, 2013

gleeDon’t stop believin’ … in yourselves is TROIKA Bermuda’s straightforward message to the island’s talented teens.

Inspired by the hit TV show, “Bermuda Glee” is TROIKA’s seven-day summer intensive camp running from June 29-July 7 for local students aged from 14 to 18.

It’s designed to provide Bermuda’s young people with an opportunity to work with each other and teachers from secondary schools across Bermuda to create an original piece of musical theatre for presentation to the Bermuda community on Sunday, July 7, 2013.

Auditions for “Bermuda Glee” will be held on Friday,  April 19 at the Berkeley Institute.

Students interested in participating in “Bermuda Glee” should fill out the registration form and give to their performing arts teacher or scan and email it to There is a $10 registration fee applied.

“Bermuda Glee” is being sponsored by The Argo Foundation whose mission is to support the positive growth and development of Bermuda’s young people.

TROIKA Bermuda is a registered Bermuda charity. Its mission is to educate, enlighten and entertain by producing significant theatre experiences, which are presented by a creative ensemble of young people who embody the highest professional caliber.

TROIKA members believe that art, fun and education work in tandem as these variables help to cultivate young minds and afford opportunities to young people to learn about their history, invaluable life lessons and necessary values.

For its creative pieces, TROIKA uses original and professional works that highlight the positive elements of our society. TROIKA provides training and a forum for young Bermudian artists to hone their craft.

TROIKA hopes that through the arts, our community and cultural lifestyle is enhanced by the recognition and celebration of the human spirit and its uniqueness.


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