Two People Charged In $2.8 Million Drug Case

April 21, 2013

A male and a female appeared in Magistrates Court on Friday morning [Apr 19] charged with conspiring to import $2.8 million worth of drugs into Bermuda.

Takai Tota and Seanee Smith were charged with conspiring to import diamorphine [heroin] and possessing diamorphine in St George’s [at the airport] between date unknown and February 13, 2013.

The Court heard the drugs were valued at around $2.8 million, and were allegedly found in the defendants underwear.  Tota was also charged with removing cash received from the proceeds of criminal activity from Bermuda intending to avoid prosecution.

As the charges must be heard in the Supreme Court, they were not required to enter a plea. Both were granted bail of $30,000, and must post a surety, surrender travel documents and reappear next month.

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  1. Honestly says:

    What a shame! Lesson people….9 out of 10 chances, you will be caught!

  2. Truth is killin' me... says:

    BUN DEM!!!

  3. swing voter says:

    I wud never ever be desperate or stupid enough to risk 10-20 yrs of my life in jail just to get rich. Then again, there’s always the pursuit of that prestigious LLB or better still why not go for LLM ;-)

  4. “Don’t go chasing waterfalls…..stick to the rivers and valleys you was use too. At least you could have had ur freedom of choice. Now look at the spot u r in. And there is no help available. You got caught with ur hand in the cookie jar. You should have stuck to whatever it was u done did. Good bye cruel world…..we are of to join the chain gang……DUMB n most STUPID. Crime n time.

  5. The bigger picture says:

    These same two individuals cry about the loss of their brethren to gunfire. Do you not see how your alleged actions contribute to the collapse of society?

  6. Inspector Gadget says:

    He will have fun in jail LOL!

  7. jahma says:

    Sometimes people find themselves in a bad situation and don’t know where to turn so they end up making bad choices!its a humans natural sense to survive in any way posibble!I’m not making excuses for these 2 people cause they really made a bad choice but I can understand what may have led them to make this horrible choice!PEOPLE ARE REALLY SUFFERING IN BERMUDA!than on the other hand it rreally makes me wonder how much people really are suffering when you see these same people with the newest cell phones and the biggest brand name clothes!sometimes bermudians talk on both sides of there face!they say they are broke and suffering and can’t feed there kids yet they have all the best things and let a holiday come along and they have on all new clothes and there 7 year old kid had a iphone in his pocket!I think a lot of bermudian are just very spoiled!there priorities are really messed up!

  8. Sparks says:

    The struggle is hard!

  9. nuffsaid says:

    Who paid for their trip to go and allegedly get the drugs? That’s who you need to go after. If they were broke they didn’t have money for tickets/drugs to fly out to do the MULE RUN.

  10. West Just Got A Queen says:

    We can’t feel sorry for HIM as this will be like entering Heavens Gates. The blessing he will be showered with will not denied! When its all said and done their will be a new Queen in the West.

  11. Um Just Saying says:

    Growing up I was taught that the first time is a mistake, the second time is on purpose, cuz the first time was trial and error. Yes times are hard but life is what u make it. If u make it hard , it’s gonna be hard. I have no sympathy for repeat offenders, I feel sorry for the tax payers who have to pay to keep these people in jail for long periods.

    I think society is run backwards, the prisoners get to lay up all day doing nothing, off of the tax payers dollarthey get 3 square meals a day with no worries of where its coming from, they have no worries of having there lights turned off, or if their next paycheck is gonna be enough to pay the next bill. But the upstanding citizen that tries to live by the law of the land is struggling, some going to bed with little to no food cuz once they’ve fed there kids have eaten its nothing left. Getting up to work a 9-5 daily but there pay check barely covers the nessecities.

    My thoughts on the prison system is make it hard so they won’t want to go back. Put them on an undeveloped island (surrounded by sharks so they can’t get of), with nothing more than a rucksack, a fishing line and some seeds. So they can understand the struggle and actually be punished for there crimes. UM JUST SAYING

  12. Worker says:

    bernews what ever happened with this trial? i never heard anything else