“If You Know Something, Say Something”

May 9, 2013

[Updated with video] “Starting this weekend, local media will feature a graphic campaign designed to challenge those in the community who have information about firearms to come forward. If you know something, say something,” said Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley.

“This campaign recognizes the reality of the gang lifestyle and the conflict that might be feared by sharing this kind of information,” said the Minister.

“No-one will know the source of the information you provide. CrimeStoppers operates a totally anonymous system which protects people who help solve crimes in this way.”

If you know something 1

Last month the Ministry announced it will initiate a gun bounty programme aimed at getting illegal firearms off the streets. Phase 1 — which is now being implemented — will be promoting an awareness of Crime Stoppers emphasizing confidentiality.

Phase 2 will be the implementation of a gun bounty programme which will see rewards offers for information that leads to the recovery of a firearm or the arrest and prosecution of an offender, and Phase 3 will comprise an illegal weapons amnesty.

Minister Dunkley’s full statement follows below:

Just a few weeks ago I announced from this podium that in partnership with CrimeStoppers Bermuda the Ministry of Public Safety would be launching a gun bounty programme in the month of May.

I am pleased to be joined again by CrimeStoppers Chairman Mr. Raphael Simons as we fulfill the promise made to the community. Also with me today is Ms. Andrea Burgess whose son Stefan was tragically murdered in 2012. Andrea and I have shared how this tragedy impacts families and friends of victims. As a community we must do more than express sympathy, we must do whatever we can to bring killers to justice.

Starting this weekend, local media will feature a graphic campaign designed to challenge those in the community who have information about firearms to come forward. If you know something, say something.

This is the basic challenge. It is a call to help law enforcement succeed in the fight against guns, gangs, drugs and violence. It is a call to those who know that it is never too late to do the right thing.

It is also a call to those who want to see an end to the violence that has scarred a generation and left too many families in turmoil.

It is a call to anyone and everyone that we can turn the tide; but we must be prepared to meet violence with truth and courage.

This campaign recognizes the reality of the gang lifestyle and the conflict that might be feared by sharing this kind of information.

No-one will know the source of the information you provide. CrimeStoppers operates a totally anonymous system which protects people who help solve crimes in this way.

Through this partnership totally confidential tips will be encouraged as a means to find criminals and their guns. Community engagement at all levels is the key to success in reversing the destructive trend of the gang lifestyle.

With the added incentive of a reward for valuable information, we expect to achieve some success. To receive any reward, the information provided must lead to the recovery of a firearm or the arrest and prosecution of an offender.

Firearms are illegal in Bermuda and recent cases clearly demonstrate that the Courts will not hesitate to punish those who handle or use them.

In recent weeks and months, the Bermuda Police Service has been hard at work preventing and investigating violent crime. The results have been enhanced by strong community support.

The launch of this initiative is just another tool to spur the return to safer streets and neighborhoods that we need in Bermuda. I encourage anyone with information about illegal firearms to come forward and to respond positively to the challenge of doing your part to make Bermuda safer.

If you know something, say something!

Thank you.


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Comments (21)

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  1. Nok says:

    I wish I knew something I would not mind a extra couple of dollars.

  2. Um Um Like says:

    Somebody help me out here: How can one remain anonymous AND collect a reward?

    • Things that make you go hmmm says:

      I agree 100% I’m sitting here thinking the same thing that it can’t be totally anonymous.

    • ts175 says:

      hmmm… how about you do it because it’s right ( not for the reward ) take the reward as a bonus if need be

      • ABM says:

        Yeah, do it becasue its right and then run and hide as a group wanna-be gangsters decend on your household.

  3. tricks are for kids.... says:

    @ Um Um…EXACTLY….because SOMEONE will know who the reward is paid to……Further more if you are going to give information it should be done with a willing heart, because you care not for monetary gain……

    • Jesus Cantona says:

      Yeah, great sentiment but its a rough old world, and it doesn’t work that way.

  4. Bermudican says:

    guns disassociate violence from crime in that it is something that puts the ‘attacker” where they do not even need to see the person that they commit the crime against. meeting that with truth and courage is completely missing the mark , in my opinion.

    Put it like this no matter what Truth “God” is talking to you or how courageous you are ,
    stepping out in front of on coming trucks or buses will flatten you and or likely , at best, send you to the hospital. no, the remedy there is do not be there . As people have no idea where “There” is when it comes from attacks by a gun ,unless in the line of sight and awareness of the intended attack , there is scant all that is going to keep people from being taken advantage of . During the times of the American Wild West the governments hired on known gun slingers to ‘Weed out” the trouble makers.

    i think that approach is way more likely to succeed . the problem then becomes how do the people rid themselves of the Gunslinger turned government protected servant?

  5. Bermudican says:

    how about an independent “Judiciary” i read where that has some definite effect upon gun crimes. Once again though if the “Judiciary” commands sentencing the citizens then still have the ongoing question as to how to determine when enough is enough and a mechanism to get rid of the ‘Enforcer” and “Judge” , without puting their lives in danger for speaking out . The only advantage in that though is there is a certainty as to where the remedy may be ,Yah?

  6. Would someone please speak up so we can get money out of governments hands into the hands of private citizens,the once they have the information and incarcerate the criminals.we can get ready for the next batch of low lifes,until all the foot soldiers get tired of being caught and then maybe we can have a real war on drugs and go after the damn money changers that is financing it at the high end.


    I am no fool and i do take into consideration that is more od a black percentage that is being caught in illegal activities and 100% blacks that are being connected to gun crimes but why are we still dealing with this issue from the back end and not the front.sure go ahed idiot an say name names and we will see you as a hero out in a plot in the cemetary.

    You have had young thugs that are criminals by nature go on the witness program and be flown to the U.K for their own safety never to be found but even some of them have been found and caught up with by their enemies.

    Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley) Says you can run but you can not hide.
    So Mr Dunkley please keep trying and we suppoert you in your effort but if you cant think like a rat,you cant catch a rat.

    • Jesus Cantona says:

      Wow, crazy racism.

      By the way I beg to differ. You are made for the word fool.

      • A fool said in his heart that there is no God and a fool said that I was made for The Word,but I beg to differ.

        Thy Word have I his in my heart that I may not sin against Thee,but in my human flesh I have the tendincy to sin often,so The Word was made for us and not us for it.

        I guess you wont know that since your comment reflects it,but dont feel bad,because there was a case when God had to make a Jackass talk.

      • ABM says:

        Def not racism, but the truth.

    • Hudson says:

      that is crazy racism! wow!

      • racism has not been put in the picture,it is the view in which you want to view the comments,if you dont know the under world dont speak on things you have no clue to.

        So in light of your comment I am sure there are those that can give and make some hair raising speculations on what I am not saying oppose to what has been said,so I only reply to you to enlighten you and no I am not afraid of the big bad wolf,but it would take more then just my comments to get him into grannys bed.

      • ABM says:

        Nah, its the truth mate.

    • Um Um Like says:

      “I am no fool…”

      LOL, fooled me! That’s probably one of the most funny things you’ve ever posted Duane!

  7. Y-Gurl says:

    I know the cops are completely unable to do their job!

  8. Minister Dunkley, you need to start in the police force. The Public will never give any information or be anonymous when we all no of some bad policeman who is involve. You need to provide an undercover system and start cleaning up in the Police Service First then we can all go forward and have a better and Safe Bermuda.

  9. Xman says:

    The only problem with this is – how much can you trust the Police after you have gave them information on a matter concerning a criminal act.
    7 years ago I had the awful experience of a Policemen telling the person that I called them on – because they
    were making a lot of noise,fighting,and there was drug activity involved. – how sick !
    After that the neighbor and I got into a fight after he had come from the Police station .
    The guy said that the West Indian Policeman that told him also told him about the other neighbors too.
    and you wonder why people don’t call the Police — can’t trust them.
    I made a complaint and I was told by a senior High Ranking Police Officer ” Look this is what we do “.
    Now your begging for info!

  10. truth be told says:

    they cannot be trusted, and they know that.damm you got people lying on people everyday for a reward,people going prison,for things they didnt do.

    clean up the police service, then things will change.
    how can so many lose their lives in one area and only one person sent to prison,then how can other people in other areas go to prison, or be accused, charged, then others are not even being held for 24 hours.