BHeC Releases Bermuda’s Health Costs Leaflet

June 18, 2013

The Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] has released the Guide to Bermuda’s Health Costs leaflet, which will be mailed to all households this month.

“BHeC produced this leaflet to encourage broader understanding of the Island’s health costs, health spending trends in recent years and what can be done at an individual level”, a spokesperson said.

“The leaflet also highlights some of the reasons for the increases and provides advice and guidance of how each of us can help to mitigate these costs.

“The Guide was developed with the expert, voluntary input of community physicians, and it brings together data from various BHeC publications into a concise, highly visual, easy to understand format.

“The Guide to Bermuda’s Health Costs is being disseminated to all households as a highly cost-efficient way to reach the widest audiences, and can be retained and displayed in homes and physician offices”.


Dr. Jennifer Attride-Stirling, Chief Executive Officer of the Bermuda Health Council, commented: “We are pleased to provide this information leaflet for the public. It is part of our wider education campaign on health costs and we believe this mechanism will help to ensure the message reaches as many people as possible.

“We hope individuals and families will be drawn to the intuitive layout, and that it will get people talking about how we all have a role to play.

“It is true that lifestyle induced conditions increase health costs, but much of our spending is also due to healthy people having medically unnecessary procedures, a range of misuses of existing services, and a population that is getting older.

“An ageing population is the reward for a health system’s success in keeping people alive for longer; but as we get older, we are all susceptible to more health problems.

“The temptation to blame others is natural, but it isn’t wholly warranted in the case of a country’s total health costs. It’s a shared problem. The leaflet also provides guidance on how we can improve our health spending.”

Ms Jeanne Atherden, Chairman of the Bermuda Health Council, commented: “The Bermuda Health Council seeks to ensure that Bermuda’s health system is sustainable.

“Part of this includes that everyone in the system, patients as well as healthcare providers, play a role in minimizing costs. We hope the leaflet encourages a spirit of personal responsibility to use health resources prudently so that, together, we can tackle Bermuda’s escalating health costs”.

The Guide to Bermuda Health Costs leaflet follows below [PDF here]

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  1. smokey says:

    I wonder how many employers are pocketing their employees health insurance for business profit or down right greed. If anyone has the stats please print them and let us know because most Bermudians are afraid to report this.I thought that the bhc was partially in place to prevent this from happening but if I have to inform them of this at a job I will definitely lose mine and probably be blackballed from getting another job if my employer is out for revenge.Same goes for immigration and all gov protection agencies.Whisle Blowing will kill a Bermudian especially if their right in their claims.