Weather Forecast For Thursday January 9

January 8, 2025 | 1 Comment

Thursday, January 9 is expected to see sunny breaks, a few showers, some heavy at times, with the high to be near 17°C/62°F and the low to be near 10°C/50°F, according to the Bermuda Weather Service.

Winds are expected to be WNW. The relative humidity is expected to be near 76%.

Sunrise will be at 7.21am and sunset will be at 5.31pm. High tide will be at 4.04am and 4.15pm, while low tide will be at 10.47am and 10.36pm.

The Bermuda Weather Service has issued a Small Craft Warning valid through Thursday morning and Friday evening through Friday night, and Gale Warning valid for Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon, and their forecast for Thursday says, “Sunny breaks, a few showers, some heavy at times. Winds westerly strong, veering west-northwesterly strong to gale force by afternoon with gusts to gale force in and around showers. High near 17°C/62°F, low near 10°C/50°F. Clear sky UV Index forecast – 2 or low.”

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  1. PACK MAN says:


    Walter i wish you well for a speedy recovery.
    A dish of icecream will cheer you up .
    Your topic on Global warming ! you have to look up 50 million light year away for the answer you would not what to be living on planet Mercury @ + 400 degrees C or F it don’t matter.
    May i ask if is it cold inside it must be freezing out side.
    My bones ache . left knee an hip joints are act-en i up .
    Walter it is the meandering gulf stream come this way July 3 rd .!

    I would no dare to say that i am disappointed with the Bermuda Weather Service for how col is is today as they are doing the best that they can .
    I can not ask for more, but why can they not control the weather as they are at it 24 /7 work day cant blame them for the loss once again of the radah service at this time.

    Why is every thing broken here ?

    The way it looks to me if their dump trucks will not start on monday morning they go out and buy a new one.

    We are all controlled by the weather and with out doubt for ever minute of the day, weather cost us lots of money .

    As an old Bermudian sailor with no radah all i can do is go back to my roots:-

    Look out side look up at the clouds for wind direction.
    Look at the trees to see if the branches are bending for wind strength. No bending there is no wind so it is calm !
    Better still in my old style Bermuda talking house to hear if the windows rattle.
    Go out side to determine if it his cold some may stay in bed all day.
    Stick my foot out the door to feal if it is raining.
    Look up at the clouds again to hear thunder and see wind direction or check what is left of the pampas grass
    Hang a piece of rope in the porch if it blows away it a hurricane.
    If the house blows away its a cat 5 hurricane and then get my name ion the list for an new afordable 2 bedroom room house with a 5 car garage.

    Have you ever heard a house sparrow complain? realy !
    Can i go now, it is time to feed the wild birds, please will you all do the same, no later than 4 :00 pm !

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