Man Arrested After Assault & Robbery On Bus

January 16, 2014

A 22-year-old man was arrested in Warwick yesterday [Jan 15] after allegedly assaulting a bus passenger and robbing him of his mobile phone.

A police spokesperson said, “Around 10:15pm on Wednesday, January 15th police officers attended a reported robbery that occurred on a bus in the Middle Road, Warwick area.

“It appears that an 18 year old male passenger was assaulted by a 22 year old male passenger. During the incident the assailant managed to take the victim’s mobile phone before fleeing on foot up Khyber Pass.

“The suspect was arrested shortly afterwards in the surrounding area. The teenaged victim sustained relatively minor injuries. A court appearance is anticipated in due course.”

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  1. LOL (original TM*) says:

    In public on a bus. Hope this guy gets burned. Come on Bermuda we must stop this out as fast as possible.


  2. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    wish I had been there!

  3. Ty says:

    There is going to come a time when a full grown mature adult is going to beat the s#!* out of one of these youngsters and the sad part about it is that the adult will be the one charged. (because we should no better – eff that) I have absolutely no qualms about sticking a ***** in some punks chest and Im in my 50′s, but this is the route the youth are taking us adults on… Beating them…

    • sage says:

      Unity is strength and people just have to act decisively in unison to take charge of a bad situation, have each others back, make these clowns think twice. Bad things continue to happen when good people do nothing. A combined effort can minimize the amount of beating necessary.

      • Raymond Ray says:

        I agree 100% with you…Yes indeed, bad things will continue happening if good people continue doing nothing to deter them “igrant” punks!

    • markus says:

      It is nice to blame everything on the kids but it is realistic?

      Maybe if more ‘full grown mature’ adults raised their kids better we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place?

      • Let's Think About This... says:

        Agreed with you on this. But as these kids are now in public acting like this, the “it’s not my business so I’m keeping my mouth shut” attitude isn’t going to work anymore. If you see the behavior, call them out on it. They already think no one cares about them or how they act so they’ll do whatever. Call them out on it, show them how they’re not only disrespecting everyone else but also how they’re disrespecting themselves, and maybe we can help turn this behavior.

  4. kat says:

    Oh man! What’s up with catching the bus these days. An no one else on the bus helped ?

  5. 5 Star says:

    Agree enough already, these little wanna be as*****s need the living crap beaten out of them. Then give them a tat on the forehead in day glo orange that says I am a little wanna be a**** And now from the too gooders we will here its not their fault BS

  6. swing voter says:

    so if one of these fools run up on my ole a** and I permanently disable him, would I be arrested and charged for protecting myself?

  7. Serious Though says:

    should we pass stand your ground law just in case one of these punks show up in my face and i have to them 6 ft under?

  8. Serious Though says:

    ** have to send them>>

  9. Joonya says:

    So how the F does this punk rob someone on a bus AND make it off safely??
    Did he ring the bell before or after he assaulted?!
    Was the driver in LaLa Land? SMFH!!!
    Woulda been LICKS for sure if I was on it!

  10. Rackel says:

    I gotta bring race into this.

    Was he black or white?

    If he was white he gon’ be let off.

    If hes black hes gonna be put in jail.

    “Stop arresting out black youth”

    • Ty says:

      Rackel. Something wrong with you huh!!!!! Who cares if he is pink – purple – or green. The problem is these youth think they are invincible and are on an “entitlement” kick. (i see it – I like it – I want it) by any means necessary. NOT HAPPENING ANYMORE…..

    • Ronnie says:

      Our black youth need to keep their a***s quiet and they won’t get arrested!!

    • Serious Though says:

      ” white people don’t fight”!

    • Brocky says:

      Why does it matter? The moron who committed the crime deserves jail time regardless.

  11. Jus' Askin' says:

    So will Bermuda catch up with the rest of the developed world and put camera’s on the bus? ;-)

    • markus says:

      The buses are so damn small they can just buy a webcam and set it up front.

    • Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

      Do you people really wanna live in the Eye of Horace…i think the NSA has done enough spying and eavesdropping on everyone without their permission…every time a bird s#!ts YOU wanna camera put there…you all need to toughen da F#@* up…or you aink gonna make it!

      • Jus' Askin' says:

        So with in a week passenger(s) and a bus driver have been assaulted and your response “…you all need to toughen da F#@* up…” WOW
        Are you suggesting we take the law in our own hands? ;-)

        • Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

          well …as the saying goes …it takes a village to raise a child…now you fill in the gaps.

          • Jus' Askin' says:

            Keepin’ it Real…4Real but you’re talking in riddles. Say what You mean ;-)

  12. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    ok so …if he is a whiteboy lock him up …and if he is a black boy…jus go and arrest a white guy?? is this what ur sayin’??

  13. D says:

    OMG I would have helped D boy beat that guy up I hate people with sticky fingers

  14. D says:

    Lol why would he run up Khyber pass that’s a huge hill ya fool

  15. Triangle Drifter says:

    I thought the buses had radios, 2 way. Tough not knowing the details but why would the driver stop & let him out?

  16. Scoalsy says:

    How you call him a man!! men don’t do things like that he is a scum punk

  17. X man says:

    The Madness in Bermuda is spreading like a deadly virus – where next – the ferries or perhaps a Airliner
    Whats his name anyway.

  18. Let's Think About This... says:

    First, can we, for the sake of (attempting) progression, stop pulling out the race card! Yes, it still exists. I am in no denial of that. But the more you wave it about, the more oxygen you give to that fire, the longer it burns.

    Second, I don’t think jumping these kids will keep them from acting up. They’ve probably been beat up and hit their entire lives, so that’s the only language they know. I think it’s time to start showing them how they’re messing themselves up. How yelling across the street and throwing their self around only discredits themselves. The “I’m going to beat the crap out of you” only reinforces what they’ve probably been told, that they’re worthless. So try not thinking of these kids as punks who need to be put 6ft under, and start thinking of them as kids who need to be told they’re worth something.

    Just a thought so don’t crucify me for it. But I’ve worked some kids like this who had parents that told them daily from young that they’re pieces of s***. I also work with kids as a leader and instructor. I’ve seen the difference it makes when I listen and answer their questions without insulting them. Calling them out on bad behavior in a constructive way goes a long way. They listen because I listened. No, it’s not guaranteed to work every time, but it does work for some. Not that it should matter, but I’m in my 20s. I would like this country to last so I can live out my life here in safety, and see it prosper so I’m going to do what I can to fix this issue.

  19. Fed Up Nana says:

    I catch the late bus out of Hamilton. There are times the bus driver is aware and he/she will leave the lights on during the whole trip. Yes, there are some undesirables that are on the bus looking/acting like a time bomb ready to go OFF. I did however, experience an incident where a young man hooped on the bus at Arnolds in Somerset, by the time we got to Market Place he was beating off another young man. Not a pretty sight at all. The driver pulled over to the next stop which was the Police Station and the attacker was asked to leave. Police were called
    A freighting experience indeed