Minister Announces Gaming Town Hall Meetings

January 28, 2014

Minister of Tourism Development & Transport Shawn Crockwell today gave details of town hall meetings that will be held to discuss Integrated Casino Resort gaming in Bermuda.

To start the public awareness programme, Minister Crockwell will be a guest on ZBM’s Let’s Talk show on Monday, February 3rd at 8 p.m.

Town Hall meetings will be held as follows:

  • Tuesday, February 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Penno’s Wharf, St. George’s.
  • Thursday, February 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Pier 6 (lower level) Front Street, Hamilton
  • Thursday, February 13th from 600 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at St. James Church Hall, Sandys
  • Tuesday, February 18th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Docksider Pub and Restaurant, Front Street, Hamilton. (Young Professionals Open Microphone):

“Two further events will be held – one to discuss mitigating social risks and another to highlight economic and job opportunities. Details for these two events will be announced shortly,” a statement from the Government said.

“A website will also go live within the next few days as well as a brochure outlining the gaming model for Bermuda. The website will be”

Minister Crockwell said: “I encourage anyone with any questions or concerns about gaming in Bermuda to attend one of these meetings so that they can learn more about what the Government proposes and how the introduction of Integrated Casino Resorts in Bermuda will provide opportunities and jobs for Bermudians.”

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Comments (35)

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  1. Concerned Citizen says:

    All smoke and mirrors. It’s a done deal, with playoffs being the driving factor. That’s right….I said it

    • Bettty Trump says:

      Well said @Concern Citizen, it is a done deal, and has been so since Day 1. That is why the trip to Singapore by your Minister was a waste of the TAX PAYERS MONEY. He did not need to travel there for information, as he could have used the lasts technology.

      The UBPoba have taken away the say from the people of Bermuda, why now make it look like they care. Whats to be gain with town hall meetings, when the government has already decided which way they will go.

      This is nothing more than “Political Trickery” by the UBPoba at best, more so a “BACKWARDS PROCESS” and government needs to stop thinking folks are stupid more so dumb not to understand what they are doing.

      I think this will come back to bite the government in the butt soon, but lets wait until the water gets a little more hotter. REALLY !!

      • Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

        This Govt. doesn’t think that Bermudians are stupid or dumb because trust me, we are far from it, but they do know that most are ignorant…Hell for that matter most of any Govt. is ignorant…. the Puppeteers(ELITISTS) that are pulling the strings…they have an agenda and i bet you didn’t get the memo…sure they make you feel that you have a voice…they LET you vote for whoever you want…but that’s the extent of your freedom…THEY, run tings afta dat iya! So much more to come, better you stay asleep…like the saying goes.”what you don’t know won’t hurt you”

        ps. i’m not anti oba and im not anti plp…i’m just anti NWO.

      • $oldier says:

        The only folks they think are stupid is you, but dat is a known fact lmfao!

    • Hmmm says:

      Prove it.

  2. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    Integrated Casino Resort gaming in Bermuda….WTF does that mean?

    I blame de plp .

  3. swing voter says:

    can’t knock him for earning that 160K…..good job Crockwell, Fahy, and any other 160K public official that is holding public forums….regardless of the rude and bias remarks of opinionated and misguided hacklers with overt agendas.

  4. Terry says:

    More jibber from OBA.
    What the hell is the point of having Town Hall meetings when Government has already made up it’s mind on what they will do.

    First time I have spoken against OBA.

    ‘Were having this meeting to get your input on what were planning to do’.

    • Bettty Trump says:

      Terry these meetings are nothing more than appeasement or an attempt to suggest that the UBPoba have indeed engaged the people in the process. Political trickery at best !! This government is falling slowly off their swords, and they are too blind to see it, the guys from the BAD will do it to the UBPoba…a slow death, but a sure one, all in good time…wait and watch carefully…folks..

      • Mazumbo says:

        Its called Protocol!!!!!!

        • Not impressed says:

          Like when they promised a referendum then cancelled it? They are full of smoke and mirrors and that’s not all they are full of.
          They are causing more division in our already fractured community.
          If they think that the people are going to allow these lies they are spreading to go on they are sadly mistaken.

        • Correction says:

          It’s called ‘a formality’.

      • Ringmaster says:

        Message to “Betty”. This is the third computer “you” have used today. Amazing when you are in Singapore (according to a post on the EIU SAGE Report story).
        You REALLY need to have your PLP team pay attention to details.

        • Kangoocar says:

          Nice catch there my friend! Whenever I see the name betty trump I just look at the name, even though I have known for a long time that there is approx 8 in total of them, I never thought to look at the pic that comes up with the name on here!! I will never miss that again!!

          • That’s why whenever I respond to their posts I have to refer to them in the plural sense…therefore no one will feel left out!! LOFL!!!

      • Sandgrownan says:

        See, here’s the thing. The People never had right to a referendum. Never. They were offered one in the election, but guess what, the government changed it’s mind.

        What you don’t like is the fact the the OBA is moving ahead with initiatives the PLP failed to understand, failed to act on as they stared into the financial abyss like deer in the headlights.

        That’s really the source of the anger, not the lack of a referendum, but the fact that the OBA is getting stuff done and you can’t abide that can you. You’d rather bermuda fail than the OBA turn around the mess.

        • I think that a more accurate analysis would be that the Betty’s NEED the OBA to get stuff done and turn things around…for her beloved PLP had no clue what so ever about how to stop the haemorrhaging… all the while the incessant decrees of failure will continue in the hopes of swaying the vote in the PLP’s favour come the next election. There has not been ONE single positive thing that the Betty’s have said about ANYTHING that the Government has said or done since the election. They are nothing more than the PLP propaganda machine in action…they have been in election mode since the day they lost! This proves, more and more with every post that the Betty’s submit, that they will stop at NOTHING to regain the “trappings” of power and control.

          They say that Bermudians are not stupid…they are right in that respect…WE are smart enough to see through all the hype and acknowledge the desperation they are portraying on a daily basis.

          They want us to believe the results of the last election were extremely close…this is a joke at best! Yes, the margin of victory, according to seat count, was very slim…but consider that the PLP lost FIVE of their seats, almost 25% of their total…and one of them was the sitting PREMIER!!! This fact is HUGE!!!…tantamount to a landslide!! They claim that the OBA won by default…because so many PLP voters stayed away from the polls…this is a myth!! There were about 1000 fewer voters in 2012 compared to 2007…considering that the PLP lost by about 2000 votes in 2012 if every single voter that didn’t vote did in fact vote for the PLP then they would still have potentially lost by 1000 votes!!

          They think their loss in 2012 was devastating?? Let the OBA be successful in ANY way and the next election will be even MORE devastating for them…maybe then they will wake up and see the light….then again…maybe we, all of us Bermudians, will wake up ourselves, see the true light, and do away with party politics all together!! One person, one vote, the best people for the job…

          Peace out…rant over…

          • Bettty Trump says:

            Tell me one positive thing your diehardblindfaithfulness fans say about the PLP…guess your blindness is getting the best of you. More so you sound like a diehard bleeding fast because your govt is falling down on many key issues. What election promises have they kept or follow thru on..

            …WE are smart enough to see the high level of desperation in your voice as a result your now working hard to defend the UBPoba. Your also not able to accept anyone calling them out on their wrong doings as well. Its okay as long as they call the PLP out, but not the UBPoba… REALLY…

            Why such a need to attempt to knock the facts as presented by myself. First of all the UBPoba promised us many things pre-election…I am only holding the government accountable, as requested and promised by the UBPoba. I only asking them to be TRANSPARENT as they promised me on the doorsteps. Why do you now have such a problem with this? If the government are holding to their promises to do thing differently. Why do we not see it? Whats your beef with folks requesting it to be done?

            I understand your

            to say you recognize the government is not doing as they promised the people of Bermuda. More so lack a PLAN to get us there.

            Read the data, it is there for you to see =,no need to make up stats like your UBPoba government have been doing over the pass several months. GET REAL DATA… stop with making up Stats..really.

            I see your also overlooking the election data…really it was clear that the victory was by no means a landslide, despite our leader losing her seat. The numbers tell the real story, but I see that’s too pain for you to accept. Within many parishes the victory was slim and many only lost by 4 to 8 votes. Narrow victory YES, Landslide..NO ….get real dearest your government is working hard to give the vote to non-Bermudians to ensure votes for the UBPoba..same tactic used years ago by the UBPoba. “Passports for Sale, and the selling our Brithrights”…

            Focus on the issue, not me, as this issue is the bigger picture. What has the UBPoba done that makes you believe they have turned things around. I see no sign of REAL ECONOMIC PLAN…I do see job losses however.

            I have stated my case.. you enjoy your rest dearest one… have a great day tomorrow

            Much love .

            • jt says:

              The PLP are good in their current role. (not good at it, but good in it).
              I think that was positive.

            • Oh dear Betty’s…where shall I start? Your hypocrisy knows no limits…all the while that you point your finger at others crying of “blind faithfulness” there are THREE of your very own fingers pointing back at your OWN “blind faithfulness”…talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!

              I cannot speak for other OBA supporters but I myself have no problem lauding praise on ANYONE that deserves it…regardless of party affiliation!

              You continue incessantly about the OBA failing to live up to election promises…I have to ask you…WHY does it REALLY matter to you whether or not they keep their promises?? It is painfully OBVIOUS that you did NOT vote for the OBA so why should you be concerned about what they propose to do??? There are a few minor issues that I do not agree with but on the whole I have no problem with what they are currently doing and the facts, along with the results, WILL speak for themselves…they are concerning themselves with getting the job done…and done RIGHT!! REALLY!

              As far as holding them accountable and for transparency…come on Betty’s…please…this government has been MILES above and beyond regarding transparency and accountability when compared to the previous administration!! Your beloved PLP wrote the damn book when it comes to not “owning up” and “clamming up” whenever questioned about ANYTHING!! REALLY! How short is your single minded memory anyway???

              You accuse me of making up stats…REALLY?? I challenge you to back that accusation up. You see, the internet is a wonderful thing, when used properly…try wikipedia sometime…an unbiased accounting of most all of the past general elections in Bermuda. See the numbers for yourself, my dear Betty’s, and you will see that I indeed did my research before I put out any information. I did NOT say that the election win was a landslide…in fact I said that it was rather close in reality but with the nearly 25% loss but the PLP and the loss of their LEADER… that the results were TANTAMOUNT to a landslide! Get out you dictionary Betty’s…REALLY!

              You go on about the government working hard to give the vote to non-Bermudians…and on about the selling of YOUR birthrights!! REALLY??? Get off your high horse sense of entitlement…NO ONE owes you ANYTHING!!! Your ancestry was non-Bermudian as well, you self righteous idiot!! Enough of your false propaganda…as you so incessantly preach to others…stick to the facts! REALLY!! And I mean ALL the facts Betty’s…not just the one’s you “cherry pick” and distort to suit your OWN agenda….REALLY!!

              I have no problem focusing on the REAL issues that are before us…and you are not a focus…merely a distraction…good for a laugh but little else…a good time waster too!! You see no real economic plan? You wouldn’t know a REAL economic plan if it hit you in the face!! You see job losses??? Of course you do….so does everyone else…unfortunately most of us also see that there would have been THOUSANDS more job losses prior to the last election had the PLP not BLOATED the size of the civil service beyond ALL sustainability in order to appease their devout and distort the REAL statistics regarding unemployment in Bermuda…REALLY!!!

              You have stated your case?? REALLY??? You have NO case! You have NO solutions! You have NO plan! You DO have your single-mindedness…I will give you that!

              Peace and Love Betty’s

    • Hmmm says:

      These sound lime education and awareness sessions. May folks appear very confused on gaming. Attend one od these town halls to find out …i will be attending one of them to get the skinny on their approach.

  5. Miguelito says:

    Well, Terry…I guess you won’t have to attend the meeting, then.

    • Terry says:

      Miggy. Good point.
      And yours is what.

      As for Betty well I don’t always agree but a realistic point.
      Irony is both sides have swords.
      Just have a helper who will stand bye you and avoid the sharp point.

  6. Voter says:

    OBA.,you have my vote,keep up the good work!

  7. Onion says:

    I’m not sure what more you people want?

    The OBA have done their homework for over a year and come up with a model that will hopefully be economically viable while addressing social ills.

    Now they’re going to get your feedback on that model through a series of public meetings as promised.

    The final form of gambling is almost certainly going to take form not from legislation but from a Gambling Commission just like everywhere else in the world with strong regulation.

  8. Bill Stephens says:

    Well done OBA! Lets get the info out into the community on our new industry so we can all move forward.

    And gaming should have full PLP and very wide community support – yes folks, whether people try to twist it under another legal Act or not, sports betting operations like Mr. Bean’s, Mr. Steede’s (and others) is gaming, as is the much needed church and community club bingos / raffles that we all support and enjoy. So lets stop being hypocritical and lets get this much needed industry on its way – we need the taxes to help pay our National Debt, the jobs for our People and incentives for hotel and local business investment!

  9. Bettty Trump says:

    I have given this further thought and think that I have been wrong up until now. I can see that the OBA do really have the best in mind for everyone in Bermuda and I appreciate that they are trying to turn things around to create jobs. something that is desperately needed.

    • Common Sense says:

      I fully agree with Betty on this one, but I’m intrigued by the comments from “Ringmaster” who seems to be suggesting that Betty used 3 seperate computers to post her comments. He also seems to be implying that Betty Trump’s comments are submitted by a team from the PLP.

      Quite frankly I don’t believe that for one second, partly because of Betty’s writing style and her use, or slight misuse of grammar which, in my view does not diminish her messages.

      But I would be very concerned indeed if a team of PLP PR people have invented a fictitious person to feed propaganda to the media, and that more than one person writes under her pen name.

      I seriously question how on earth “Ringmaster” would even know that Betty used 3 different computers and I challenge him, or her, to explain how that conclusion was reached.

      Perhaps Bernews could clarify their policy and confirm that “Betty Trump” is one person which I firmly believe to be the case.

      • Dude! Or Dudette! Whichever…take a close look at the title of the poster that you just commented on…there are THREE “T’s” in Bettty…someone else “takin’ the piss” at the real “Betty’s”!! The real Betty’s would NEVER admit to being wrong about ANYTHING!!

        I hope you aren’t TOO crushed when you realise there are in fact multiple Betty’s…she is nothing more than a face, so to speak, of the great propaganda machine…the election machine that has NEVER ceased!!

        Pay close attention to the subtle changes…they are there. It used to be more obvious before but they are trying harder now after being called out on it so many times.

        Also, as someone else pointed out in an above post…the avatars change when the name stays the same…that is a good indicator of multiplicity…as a poster yourself, you know there is no “quick” button to change your avatar on a whim…you will see…they will endeavour to tighten up that loose end as well shortly…fun to watch really…once you’re hip to their game.

      • Suzie Quattro says:

        Three Betty Trumps have posted on this story.

        Well done to Ringmaster for pointing it out.

        The in-house propaganda training at the PLP really is crap these days isn’t it.

    • ROTFLOFL!!!! The real Betty’s must be squawking right about now!!!!

  10. Triangle Drifter says:

    Ok, so the OBA has done what they were elected to do. What is the problem? No matter what they did or how they did it, there will be no pleasing the PLP & their minions. Like a child on Christmas Day, they will want more, more, more. In their eyes gambling is a simple issue. You have it or you do not. The vast majority of them have never run a business, other than something very simple like driving a taxi or renting an apartment so they have no clue of the complexities of running a real business.

    The OBA seems to have settled on a business version of gambling. The meetings, I hope, will enlighten us on why this version & perhaps get some input from people to maybe give it a Bermuda flavour. Crown & Anchor comes to mind as a must have be promoted.

  11. MAKE MY DAY says:

    A Casino is a “done deal”… Question is who is going to be **Controlling** ALL the $$$??? Because – where there is $$$ there is also muck!!

    There is literally a *Casino* on every Indian reservation in the States and most of Canada now… Some of the “Tribes” share the profits with their members and others (Individuals / Management) are getting very rich (Mafia Style!!