Cancer & Health Centre To Host Relay For Life

March 3, 2014

Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre will host Bermuda’s first Relay For Life which will take place on May 30 – 31 at the North Field at the National Sports Centre. Relay For Life of Bermuda brings men, women and children together for an overnight gathering of celebration and remembrance.

A spokesperson said, “Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you have a mother, sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to decrease their risk of lung cancer?

“Relay For Life of Bermuda brings men, women and children together for an overnight gathering of celebration and remembrance. It raises funds for the fight against cancer; a disease that will affect one in three people in their lifetime, accounting for more than 236 cases this in Bermuda year. It celebrates life, remembers those lost and empowers others to fight back.


“Relay For Life of Bermuda is one important way to make a difference in the fight against cancer. This year, millions of Relay participants in 24 countries will raise millions of dollars to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of saving lives and creating more birthdays by helping people get well, helping people stay well, finding cures and fighting back. So what happens when you support Relay For Life in Bermuda?

“Here are just a few examples:

  • Helping you stay well. Finding cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The Centre helps you take steps to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest and provide the most up-to-date information about how to reduce your cancer risk by healthy lifestyle choice, and services such as digital mammograms, ultrasound and breast and prostate biopsies. Contact 236-1001 or for more information.
  • Helping you get well. Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. The Centre can help patients and their families make informed decisions about care, find moral support from other who have been there and offer practical solutions to daily challenges. Visit the Lending Library at 26 Point Finger Road or access the Cancer Information Service via phone 232-2247 or Both services are free and confidential.
  • Fighting Back. Cancer is not just a health issue, but a community issue. The Centre advocates for people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up treatment – regardless of income. They provide an Equal Access Fund ensuring that everyone has access to clinical services offered at their Centre, such as: mammograms, ultrasounds, and breast and prostate biopsies.

“Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s vision is to serve our community building healthier lives free of cancer and disease” states Tara Soares, Executive Director. The Centre will spend the funds raised through Relay For Life of Bermuda to continue to raise awareness and to support cancer prevention, detection and treatment in the fight against cancer.

The spokesperson went on to say, “Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre are please to host Bermuda’s first Relay For Life which will take place on May 30 – 31 at North Field at the National Sports Centre. There are two ways to register a team and get more information: Come to the KICK OFF event at City Hall on Saturday, March 15, from 12 – 3 pm; or, or sign up at . Help line: 236-1297

“Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre combine an unyielding passion with almost 70 years of experience to building healthier lives free of cancer and disease.

“We save lives by helping people stay well through preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by providing services and access to support; and by fighting back by rallying with communities worldwide to join the fight against cancer.”

Relay For Life of Bermuda brochure:

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