Ministry Of Health Appoints White & Kendell

June 9, 2014

The Ministry of Health, Seniors and Environment confirmd the appointment of Mr. David Kendell to the position of Director of the Department of Health, and the appointment of Calvin C C White Sr. to the position of Acting Director of the Health Insurance Department.

Mr. Kendell has an Executive Diploma in Strategic Management, from the Chartered Management Institute, a Master’s degree in Environmental Health from the University of the West of England, Bristol and a Bachelor of Science degree (Biology) from McGill University, Canada.

He has worked for the Department of Health since 1991 where he began as a Trainee Environmental Health Officer before becoming Environmental Health Officer in 1995, Programme Manager for Vector Control in 1998 and Chief Environmental Health Officer in 2007. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and has been in the role of Acting Director of Health since May 2013.


The post of Director of Health was created in May 2013 after the transfer of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO) from within the Department of Health to the Ministry of Health, Seniors and Environment Headquarters.

Mr. Kendell will serve as the first Director of Health and is tasked with the day to day operations and responsibilities for the Department of Health.

The Director provides leadership to a team of diverse health professionals (Medical Officers, Dentists, Nurses, Therapists, Dieticians, Laboratory Analysts and Environmental and Safety Officers) to ensure that public health services are strategically developed and delivered.

A myriad of public health services are provided by the Department to clients via four main channels: through clinics, schools, community based services and through institutions (e.g. the 2 long term care facilities).

The Director is accountable for the delivery of Bermuda’s national wellness and health promotion strategy and ensures the provision of public health research, assessment, policy development, assurance, education and information management for evidence-based public health decision-making.

The Director has a key role in the development of Bermuda’s population health, safety, wellness and health system management strategies, targeted at the prevention of acute and chronic illness, injury, and the promotion of wellness with the ultimate vision for Bermuda being Healthy People in Healthy Communities.

Mr. Kendell said of his appointment: “I look forward to the challenge of increasing the quality and sustainability of public health services offered by the Department. All staff in the Department are presently focused on the implementation of best practices within their programmes with the long term goal of the Department becoming accredited.

“The Department of Health serves the population of Bermuda from birth into old age. Health behaviors are complex and are in flux at each life moment and with the changing motivations of individuals. The scope and value of the services that the Department provides is very broad – but in a nutshell the Department of Health increases the capacity of every citizen to achieve optimal health and well-being through the entire life journey from conception through to old age.

“The challenge in recessionary times is that the demand for DoH services is increasing, but our resources are not. Emerging infections, less than optimal social environments, poor diet, inactivity, rising number of special needs children, an ageing population and increases in chronic disease make this a challenging time to be the leader of the public health department.

“However, I am surrounded by an excellent team of dedicated professionals that give their very best, every day of their lives in their respective roles. With enhanced collaboration we can meet these challenges and improve the health of Bermuda’s population. I value every one of the Department’s established partnerships and intend to build on that foundation to foster a stronger and more interconnected health sector in the years ahead.”

The second new appointment is that of Calvin C C White Sr. to the position of Acting Director of the Health Insurance Department (HID) – following former Director Colin Anderson’s departure from the post on May 9 2014.

Mr. White is a Certified General Accountant, Chartered Secretary and Professional Administrator with over 20 years experience in the pension management arena and over 30 years experience in the accounting/financial services sectors in Bermuda. He has been the Assistant Director of the Department of Social Insurance of the Bermuda Government since June 2006.

Mr. White attended The Wharton School for Executive Education on two separate occasions where he successfully completed programs in Money Management Fundamentals and Pension Fund Money Management. Mr. White is actively involved in the education of Bermudians, individually and corporately, in the concepts governing pension funds and the importance of prudent planning for retirement.

As Acting Director Mr. White oversees the development and execution of HID strategy and annual business plan and develops forecasts for HID’s annual budget.

Mr. White develops and implements HID products and services strategy, recommending changes based on product experience and internal, external, local, and global research on trends and best practices.

He also ensures optimum use of financial resources is achieved and maintained through the regular monitoring of performance reports, periodically reviewing expenditure against results achieved, and maintaining strict compliance with Financial Instructions.

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