Post Storm Update From City Of Hamilton

October 13, 2014

The Corporation of Hamilton said they wish to inform the public that the City of Hamilton is open for business, adding that following Tropical Storm Fay, some traffic lights don’t have power and City Parks have suffered “major damage.”

A spokesperson said, “Trash and recycling collection has resumed as per the normal Garbage Collection Schedule. The roads are clear although debris is still being removed.

“There are still areas without power, including some traffic lights. The public should take extra care and caution when approaching junctions and pedestrian crossings. Please come to a complete stop, check the surroundings and proceed slowly.

“City Parks have suffered major damage and will remain closed until further notice as they are unsafe for use. The Corporation of Hamilton ask that motorists do not park vehicles on piles of leaves and be attentive to City workers that are still clearing the streets and sidewalks of debris.”

A look at Victoria Park in the City of Hamilton this morning:

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (1)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (2)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (3)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (4)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (5)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (6)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (7)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (8)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (9)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (10)

Victoria Park Bermuda after Storm Fay 2014 (11)

For all our coverage of Tropical Storm Fay click here, and for our live blog click here.

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  1. It is amazing with all those trees uprooted we still can’t find the money tree that the C.O.H suppose to have, maybe if we look under the roots we can find the loot.

  2. Hurricane says:

    Gotta have something to say about everything. SMH

  3. Fed Up Bermudian says:

    I wonder how those perilously rotted trees backatahn fared, y’know, the ones that ‘had’ to be chopped down because they were a hazard? Anyone have anything on them??