St. James Church Hurricane Repairs Continue

April 17, 2015

Months after Hurricanes Fay and Gonzalo ripped through Bermuda, the wrecked roof and stage of the St. James Anglican Church Hall has remained an eyesore until quite recently, with construction work to repair the roof and stage underway, with an expected completion date projected towards late June.

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However, much financial support from the general public is still needed to tackle costs not covered by insurance.

“Our hall has been a real miss to the community these last several months” said Archdeacon the Venerable Dr. Arnold Hollis. “We have not been able to host many of our traditional activities such as funeral receptions, flower shows, stage group productions, and the like. Hopefully our upcoming fundraising activities and events will make all the difference.”

Church Wardens Geoffrey Butler-Durrant and Junius Durrant expressed gratitude to the community for their ongoing support.

“We are hopeful that the community will continue to be there for St. James,” said Mr. Butler-Durrant.

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Bishop of Bermuda the Rt. Rev. Nicholas Dill pointed out that there is always a need to help others.

“St. James Church hall has carried out many worthwhile ventures,” said Bishop Dill. “Our aim is to see to it that St. James Church Hall continues to be a spiritual and cultural mainstay in Sandys Parish and Bermuda as a whole.”

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