America’s Cup Sign Replaced After Hurricane
The promotional sign installed last week on the Seon Place building for the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series did not quite make it through Hurricane Joaquin, with the storm leaving the sign in tatters. Workers were seen out today [Oct 6] re-installing the sign, and another America’s Cup sign can also be seen on the Gibb’s Hill Lighthouse.
America’s Cup sign being installed before the hurricane
America’s Cup sign left in tatters after the hurricane
The sign being replaced today
Another America’s Cup sign also seen on Gibbs Hill Lighthouse
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More non conforming signage!
Money talks.
Let me set the record straight:
Firstly, The sign is legal as per the America’s Cup Act 2014. If we want to host global events here in Bermuda we need to allow the organisers to be able to promote the event to locals and international visitors including sponsors that are looking for ROI. The Government made this possible for the America’s Cup. Some see it as a positive evolution, others as a temporary sacrifice and others will see no value and will always resist change.
Secondly, The Advertising Act 1911 is dated. That is not to say that banners placed on public property without permission should be allowed, which is what the article a few weeks ago partially covered.
So you stand corrected, the sign does conform with the laws of Bermuda. I hope other international events suitable for Bermuda will take note and see that we can host large global events which turn bring people the island to rent homes, stay in hotels, shop in our stores, etc…more money flowing around is GOOD for Bermuda.