Pain Into Purpose ‘Sea Of Blue Day’ On Jan 17

January 14, 2025 | 1 Comment

PainIntoPurpose invites everyone to “express your support for the families of road accident victims and to promote road safety and wellness awareness by wearing Blue” on January 17th.

A spokesperson said, “On Friday, January 17th, 2025, PainIntoPurpose Bermuda, in collaboration with the Kijani Burgess Dream Award Charity #1023, is inviting you to express your support for the families of road accident victims and to promote road safety and wellness awareness by wearing Blue in remembrance of all who have been lost or injured in traffic accidents in Bermuda. Between January 2020 to present, 55 persons have lost their lives on Bermuda’s roads.

“Unfortunately, we have experienced our first road fatality this year, our hearts hurt with her family and friends. In honour and special memory of all loved ones and those impacted by their deaths, PainIntoPurpose Bermuda will host the Sea of Blue Day once again.

PainIntoPurpose Sea of Blue Day Bermuda Jan 2025

“Our 2025 theme is – After the Crash. Our purpose and mission is to remember those individuals who are no longer with us and to shed light on the importance of Road Safety and Wellness. Through our grief, we realized that families experience great trauma ‘After the Crash’ and are often left with lots of questions on how to deal with this new reality.

“In 2025 we want to be impactful on helping others and to start the dialogue on the least talked about topic of ‘what do we do after the crash’. How can we help others, who do we talk to and what do we say to a grieving mother, father, sibling or friend? Our mission allows us to be more inclusive of matters that are connected to road safety such as: overcoming injury, as well as dealing with grief and mental health whilst showing support to victims’ families and loved ones. The impact of road traffic accidents on families can be devastating mentally, physically and financially, and we would like to bring awareness to each of these areas.

“On January 17, 2025, we hope that everyone will ‘Paint’ Bermuda Blue and show their support in an impactful way by wearing your PainIntoPurpose Road Safety Awareness blue shirts, dressing in blue, writing with a blue pen or wearing a blue ribbon.

“PIPBDA will also be holding their annual tag day at the Phoenix Centre and outside the Government Post Office, Church Street on Friday, January 17, 2025. PIPBDA is encouraging the community to support our tag day and if you can donate time by tagging for us at one of our locations between 8:30 am – 5pm. To Tag on Friday, January 17th, email to pick a tagging slot. Students can also earn community service hours.

“We also encourage you to perform a Random of Act of Kindness in the memory of someone who has lost their life or been injured on Bermuda’s roads. Your visible demonstration of support will help the families to turn their Pain Into Purpose. We also encourage you to remember the first responders on this day who are also impacted mentally when attending to accidents.

“Please post pictures of your participation on social media and tag us on Instagram and Facebook @PainIntoPurposeBermuda using the hashtag #PainIntoPurpose or #PainIntoPurposeBermuda. Come join us and let’s Paint Bermuda blue on Friday, January 17, 2025.”

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  1. Wow says:

    Charity status. We need something, I guess, so let’s support this group. It is really bad out there and have you stopped to think that with so many big cars and mini busses our roads wear out the thin crust faster, leaving big holes like the one near Admiralty House… there for 2 weeks. Where is the Govt hot line to call in such situations to be fixed within 12 hours?

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