Daughter To Donate A Kidney To Her Father
[Written by Don Burgess]
What’s the best present a daughter can give her dad? How about the gift of life?
Gaynete’ Edwards is going to give a kidney to her father Randy so he can have one that properly functions.
In 2013, Randy, 58, had surgery at the Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Boston to remove a cancerous tumor from his body.
Gaynete’ said: “He hadn’t been sick prior to that and we found out the tumour was a size of a grapefruit.
Unfortunately, the operation saw him lose one of his kidneys and the one he has remaining has chronic kidney disease and as a consequence he has to go to dialysis three times a week for 3.5 hours at 4am.
Randy said: “It’s not as bad as people think it is. Aside from the dialysis I am very healthy so I don’t have diabetes or anything else going on so it makes it a lot easier to do.
“I can still work, live and do a lot of things. I have to get up at 3:30am and I don’t feel like moving. Sometimes it feels like an inconvenience but I have to do, but I just accept it and take it in stride.”
Gaynete’ added: “As you know dialysis is only a temporary solution. The ideal solution would be to have a kidney transplant… because he had the cancer we had to wait at least three years before he could even be considered for a kidney transplant.”
When he first found out he needed a kidney his sister offered hers and he said “Stop your noise” as Randy didn’t think she was serious, but Arnette Mendes insisted.
However, Arnette was rejected for several reasons and Randy took it all in stride and was willing to wait with his strong faith in God sustaining him.
Gaynete’ then “just jumped on board after that because without I doubt I knew he would do anything for me. If the shoe had been on the other foot, I knew he would have done it for me. He was my biggest cheerleader growing up so it wasn’t too difficult of a decision for me.”
Randy said: “I was shocked and I actually had to ask her if she was sure she wanted to do this because it is a serious thing. When she said she was sure I was very happy and excited so I can live my life.”
Randy is on HIP which doesn’t cover the full cost of the estimated $400,000 surgery. He still owes money to the LCCA debt which was acquired from his 2013 surgery to remove the cancerous tumor and that needs to be paid off first before they consider funding him again.
Gaynete’ said: “It isn’t a guarantee that they will cover it and even if they do fund the procedure, the LCCA requires the patient to pay a down payment and requires them to pay it all back in full. It’s an interest free loan essentially.
“Because of this we are trying to raise the very most possible, but at the very least, enough to cover the outstanding balance along with the down payment for the funding from the LCCA. He was quoted $400,000.00 by Brigham Women’s Hospital in Boston. We’re hoping to raise as much as possible.
Gaynete’s insurance, BF&M, will help cover 100% of her donating her kidney to him, which will help lower some costs.
US-based Dr. Toneka Etienne, a friend of Gaynete’s, is also assisting by setting up the crowd funding campaign Go Fund Me campaign in the US.
Locally, they have applied to the Charity Commission for a temporary licence to raise money for his operation.
The family is also getting help from Rosa’s Restaurant, which has created a drink called “Daddy’s Girl” in which 100% of the proceeds go to Randy for his operation. Gaynete’ said Rosa’s manager Lindsay Durham reached out to her as soon as she found out what Gaynete’ was doing for her father.
Gaynete’ said Rosa is able to help in this manner because they are exchanging the drink for the funds.
She also praised Gosling’s who is donating the alcohol for the drink.
Also rallying around the Edwards family is yoga studio Lotus Bermuda, who is donating the full proceeds from a class on July 2 towards the operation.
Gaynete’ said: “A lot of people are coming out to help my dad. It’s making the $400,000 price tag seem a little lighter.”
Randy added: “I was very surprised and in awe. At the time they didn’t know me and without hesitation wanted to do this to help me. I kept saying ‘God is good; God is good.’ I was praying that something would work out for me and then I was seeing it happen it strengthens your fait not just in God, but in people too.”
He said sometimes people can lose faith in humanity with the way things happen but when something like this occurs it’s “really awe inspiring.”
Wish you both good luck
Randy you will know who I am when I say my sons called you ninja when they were small..lol
Anyway you and your daughter are good people.. I have no doubt things will be great!! I lost a kidney the same way you did (24 years ago)… Living with one kidney is fine… God is great!! Just remember that!! You have an amazing daughter!!!
Thanks for your kind comment.
Glad to read that you’re well 24 years following a kidney transplant – That’s great news!
Continued blessings to you both!!!
Thanks Glenda
May god continue to bless you brother Randy. You have always been a stand up
guy and I see that your lovely daughter is following right in your footsteps man.
All the best.
teared up a little :’)
That’s a great gift, I wish you guys the best
Thank you!
Gaynete’ and Randy here at Rosa’s we are trying to sell as many Daddy’s Girl Cocktails as possible. We ask that everyone buy a cocktail and 100% of the money goes to help out this wonderful family. We hope that everyone will help with this cause. Together we can do this.
Thanks so much David. We’re super appreciative for all that Rosa’s is doing!
This is beautiful man!!!
This story is not only power and and heart touching and tear jerking, but it is a true example of the type of daughter this young lady is, I have followed many of her blogs and her own website that has been a inspiration to so many, she is a very positive young woman and this act of kindness to the most special man in her life say’s it all.
Words in the webster’s dictionary can not adequately express how many viewers are being touched and will be touched, as more come to the knowledge of this story, but I would like to say, Gaynete continue to do what you do best, and that is bringing smiles to so many peoples lives and this time publicly it is your own father being highlighted.
Your father and mother have a great daughter and that only says one thing in my book, that you have great parents and I am sure they mostly are the reason why you are the great person you are, for the fundamentals and foundation of life that they have given you, continue in the blessing to be a blessing, and the many blessings in return will overtake you and prosper you in every area of your life.
Awww what a sweet post Duane. Many thanks for the kind words.
Your support is greatly appreciated and I’m happy to read that you’re a Goal Chaser, having kept up with my blog posts.
Thanks again!
Hello all!
THIS FRIDAY (June 17) we will be hosting a potluck for my dad at Ex Artillery 5-8pm; eat in or take out. Tickets are $15 each and you can purchase at the door.
Fish, Chicken, Mac&Cheese, Veggies, Rolls, Rice, Coleslaw, Dessert & Much More
Good idea
*tears* Gaynete, you are truly an Angel. There isn’t anything more special than the bond between a father and daughter; THIS…will cement it forever. May God Bless you hun and I will say a prayer for you, your Dad and family.
My eyes are well up with tears. This is so touching.
As the daughter of a mother on dialysis, I was moved by your story Gaynete. So happy that you are a match so this could happen. I support you and your family 100%.
Randy is a great guy and I’ll bet he’d be the first one to step up to do this for someone else. I can certainly donate with the GoFundMe or buy some meals but I’m sitting here thinking of ways I can help in a bigger way. I hope they get approved to be a temporary charity but in the meanwhile there’s no law saying that people cannot simply give/send him money-it’s called a gift and that is not against the law or any type of charity rules. I’m praying for him and his beautiful daughter. If anyone deserves this help, it’s him!
Hi Randy old buddy, I’m so happy to hear what your daughter is doing for you. You know God is always on time. I pray that all goes well!! As a matter of fact I’m claiming all IS WELL IN JESUS NAME.. I wish I could help financially but I’m on my way to Lahey medical center myself for heart surgery. But you and your family are definitely in my prayers. You have a beautiful daughter GOD BLESS HER.