BHB Releases CEO Salary Data: $441K, $474K

July 21, 2016

The Bermuda Hospitals Board [BHB] has released information pertaining to the basic pay plus incentives for the chief executive officer position.

BHB Chairman Peter Everson said, “On 16 May 2016, Bermuda Hospitals Board publicly disclosed the chief executive officer’s annual salary for the previous five fiscal years through FY2015/16. This information is available on the BHB website.

“Today we provide the basic pay plus incentives for the chief executive officer position for the two years prior to the period already disclosed: FY2009/10: $441,000, FY2010/11: $474,000”

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  1. Tom Cooke says:

    And the whinners still compliance about he who brings money in….

    • Grizz says:

      You must be of “priviledged” status! Cause only your type make comments like that! Are people NOT SUPPOSED to be concerned with the salaries being paid out now?! After that “tourism board salary fiasco” I would want to be informed as well! And can you please break it down for me; How is the CEO of the BHB “bringing in money”? I will wait

    • Bermy123 says:

      Learn how to spell you snobby nobody. Privileged snob type commentors .

  2. Tom Cooke says:


  3. aceboy says:

    Can we please see the years 2006-2008? If not, why not?

  4. $$$ says:

    That is approx 8k per week!! $$$$$$$…. cha chinnnggggg..

  5. Vote for Me says:

    As they say.. the devil is in the detail.

    The BHB should be more transparent and simply list the BHB CEO salary for the past 5 years. The information is not readily available on the BHB website.

    • oh dear says:

      The fuill picture of the cEO’s salaRY

    • oh dear says:

      The Public deserve to know in detail the CEO’s income for each of the each of the years since Mr. Hill departed including the salary, other benefits such as bonuses, free car, lunches, pensions et al. Then one may decide if the remunerations as correctly and fully set out in the BHB Reports and by the current Chairman – and void of ‘spin’. Does this administrative ‘position’ really warrant such huge compensation?

  6. Where on the site says:

    Where on the site is the referred information? It’s like finding a needle in a haystack…what are they trying to hide by not providing the direct link to the location of information on their site?

  7. Unbelievable says:

    For a hospital that continues to be accused of and sued over sub-standard medical service, it is incredulous the chief gets a massive salary plus incentives.

  8. aceboy says:

    Actually, can we have the Chief of Staff’s salary for the years 2008-2012 please….the CEO salary is one thing……

  9. Dr. the Hon. Ewart F. Brown says:

    What was the salary of the current CEO’s predecessor? The answer reveals the truth about Bermuda!