47,092 Registered Road Vehicles In Bermuda
In 2015, there were 47,092 registered road vehicles in Bermuda, with private cars accounting for nearly half [45.88%] while just under one-third [33.25%] were motorcycles and scooters.
This statistic was included in the recently released Environmental Statistics Compendium prepared by the Department of Statistics.
Chart extracted from the report:
The document noted, “In 2015, there were 47,092 registered road vehicles in Bermuda. Private cars accounted for nearly half [45.88%] of this total, while just under one-third [33.25%] were motorcycles and scooters.”
While the number of registered private cars increased from 2014 to 2015, the island has seen overall decrease in registered private cars from 2011 when there were 48,661.
The Environmental Statistics Compendium report follow below [PDF here]:
OMG this is totally destroying the environment. We must immediately stop burning fossil fuels and return to the 1700′s way of life or perhaps the earths temperature may possibly rise by maybe 1 to 2 degrees maybe. i am doing my part by using cloth diapers – it wont have any effect on anything but makes me feel virtuous.
Glad to hear you’re using cloth diapers. Was down at Spanish Point Park this week and it may as well be renamed Spanish Diaper Park. It’s disgusting why people can’t dispose of them properly. Pure selfishness as there are plenty of garbage cans there.
Going to get worsa when all the gp cars start making a comeback.
The ubp/ubp/OBA told everyone in 2012 that the GPs would not be used when they won the election. 2 months later every ubp/ubp/OBA$$ Minister of Nothing had one.
You need to change the name back to UBP 100% clown and ………………Mr. Craig Cannnonier and the rest of the original BDA members need to distance themselves from you clowns in the oBA/UBP FAST!!!!!!!. Mr. Bob Richards told everyone in the local media Craig took one for the team, which is called a sacrificial LAMB!!!!!!!!!!
CRAIG make your own party again these guys are finish 24 – 12!!!
“2 months later every ubp/ubp/OBA$$ Minister of Nothing had one.”
So they continued doing exactly what the PLP had been doing, who gave every “minister of nothing” a car.
Did not expand the number of cars, just continued it.
What is the PLP going to do now? Presumably you don’t like GP cars for every minister. Do you REALLY think Burt will do anything different?
From the chart above:
GP Cars 2012 – 257
GP Cars 2015 – 244
Looks to me like they never went away in any significant number.
you aint seen nuffin yet!
wait till all the Limos arrive that de plp ordered!
Just ban expats from having cars …. I’m sure the rlp could get behind that!!