BDA Launching “Dress Diabolical For Diabetes”
The Bermuda Diabetes Association [BDA] is asking Bermuda to get involved in their new event “Dress Diabolical for Diabetes,” an event that encourages companies to help raise awareness and sponsorship of the disease.
A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Diabetes Association is hugely excited to announce their newest unique event “Dress Diabolical for Diabetes” [a concept courtesy of Diabetes UK]. Beginning on Friday October 27, through Tuesday, October 31st.
“The BDA is encouraging companies to get into the Halloween spirit to help to raise awareness and sponsorship in order to combat this difficult and challenging disease.
“Diabetes is serious. More than 16,000 people in Bermuda have pre-diabetes or diabetes and majority have type 2 which can be prevented and reversed. This is truly diabolical.
“Furthermore, Bermuda spends in excess of $50 million each year on complications related to diabetes such as kidney disease, heart failure, blindness and amputations, which can almost entirely be prevented with appropriate intervention. That is $1 million dollars a week.”
Debbie Jones, Chair, Bermuda Diabetes Association, said, “We are excited to be launching the Diabolical Diabetes awareness campaign which aims to change ingrained behaviors about the disease.
“We will be launching two events, the first an outreach to the businesses, restaurants and community at large, the second a Diabolical Diabetes Dinner event which we are holding on Saturday, October 28th and will have further details on this shortly.”
“Participating companies and restaurants may show support by Dressing Diabolical for Diabetes. The community is encouraged to hold parties or events at home joining with friends for a little witches brew, while creating awareness and raising sponsorship funds in a fun way. How each group raises funds will be left to their creativity.
“Once a company/restaurant registers with us at, we will supply information cards highlighting what diabetes is, the different types of diabetes and in the case of type 2 diabetes how to prevent and reverse type 2.
Additionally, those registered will receive a donation bucket, tent cards, the event flyer and helpful hints to hosting a successful event.”
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Diabolical? Strange choice of word. di·a·bol·i·cal
belonging to or so evil as to recall the Devil.
“his diabolical cunning”
synonyms: devilish, fiendish, satanic, demonic, demoniacal, hellish, infernal, evil, wicked, ungodly, unholy
“his diabolical plans”