‘Continue To Support The LGBTQ Community’

February 9, 2018

Both the Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda and OUTBermuda groups have responded to the Governor giving assent to the Domestic Partnership Act, which paves the way for the legislation to replace same sex marriages with domestic partnerships to take effect.

The Rainbow Alliance said they stand firm in their belief that all citizens of Bermuda, visitors, and those on board Bermuda registered vessels should receive equal treatment in law, while OUTBermuda said that while they are saddened by the legislation, they “believe lasting change on the issue of marriage equality requires us to work within the broader community to change hearts and minds.”

OUTBermuda also added they “encourage our allies to reach out as we continue to promote and support the well-being, health, dignity, security, safety and protection of the LGBTQ community in Bermuda.”

Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda

Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda Feb 9 2018

“The Rainbow Alliance of Bermuda is not surprised the Domestic Partnership Act has gained royal assent from the Governor,” the group said in an online post.

“After a prolonged period of heightened tension, during which Bermuda was subject to international scrutiny in the foreign media and in the British Parliament, the Governor has fulfilled his constitutional duty, thus avoiding a constitutional crisis of unknown consequences.

“The Rainbow Alliance stands firm in its belief that all citizens of Bermuda and visitors to the Island [and those on board Bermuda registered vessels] should receive equal treatment in law. They should be able to marry in Bermuda.

“Same-gender couples who have married in other jurisdictions should also be able to have their marriage recognized in Bermuda as marriage.

“This legislation creates a ‘watered down’ version of rights, leading to a separate-but-equal status under the law. Ultimately, no separate-but-equal measure allows for equality or justice.”


Out Bermuda TC Feb 9 2018

In a separate statement, OUTBermuda said, “All of us at OUTBermuda continue to be saddened by the Bermuda Government’s decision to roll back the landmark Godwin & DeRoche judgment which extended marriage equality in Bermuda last year and the previous handling of LGBTQ issues generally.

“We are not surprised by the Governor’s decision to assent to the Act because the legal framework enacted satisfies Bermuda’s international obligation to provide legal recognition for same-sex couples.

“While rolling back full marriage equality is regressive, it would be a mistake to view it as a measure of a lack of progress on LGBTQ issues on the Island. To the contrary, much has happened in recent years for Bermuda’s LGBTQ community to celebrate, which makes OUTBermuda believe that there continues to be forward momentum here in Bermuda.

“Since 2012, Bermuda has introduced anti-discrimination legislation which includes protections for people on the basis of sexual orientation. Immigration legislation has been changed to allow immigration rights for non-Bermudian same-sex partners of Bermudians.

“Immigration policy has been changed to allow work-permit holders the ability to bring their same-sex partners to Bermuda. Adoption legislation has changed, and now permits gays and lesbians to adopt as couples, whether married or not.

“OUTBermuda recognizes that our country is on a journey towards greater acceptance of LGBTQ people and families. This is not the first time a legislature has intervened to overturn a court ruling which supports marriage equality. It happened previously in Hawaii and in California.

“We believe lasting change on the issue of marriage equality requires us to work within the broader community to change hearts and minds, to reverse the perception that marriage equality is somehow detrimental to our Island. This can and will be done.

“We are encouraged by expressions of support both locally and internationally for Bermuda’s lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans and queer people, and extend our tremendous gratitude on behalf of the community here. Marriage equality is a goal, but it is not the only goal.

“We encourage our allies to reach out as we continue to promote and support the well-being, health, dignity, security, safety and protection of the LGBTQ community in Bermuda.

“While we are disappointed; we are not powerless.”

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Comments (14)

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  1. puzzled says:

    Make a long story short; the Governor had no choice.
    Either he did or the island has a huge issue
    Good choice.

    Balls in PLP court.

  2. Seascape says:

    I am so tired of hearing about this. Let people live as they want to.

  3. sorry for the inconvenience but... says:

    Gez–terribly sorry that this discussion has tired you out, so very sorry Seascape. The inconvenience must no doubt be excrutiating.

    This is kinda what happens when a legally granted right is stripped away from a minority group.

  4. Yup…. Let them live as they want and keep the legalization of that concept OUT OF COURT ….just keep it away from those who oppose the concept!!

    • Heyy says:

      You are against the concept of equality. Interesting.

      You realize that your gay and lesbian neighbours still exist and won’t vanish. Your life has not been impacted in any way because of the SSMs that took place in Bermuda, nor would it be if SSM was still law.

  5. Honestly says:

    I’m tired of hearing about it as well. They have the same rights .,,, what next?

    • Heyy says:

      I’m sure there were people like you who were tired of hearing about ending slavery, and giving women the vote too.

      Thankfully, those equal rights believers campaigns were not dropped because people like you said they were tired of hearing about it.

      • Charles says:

        You insult the black community every time you compare our being ‘FORCED’ into slavery to your ‘choosing’ to be gay! Get a life and stop using our horrific past and present treatment to push your folly!

  6. Eyes wide open says:

    When the Country voted in July 2017 for a new Government they knew what they were voting for. In truth you also had a large number of people from the LGBTQ community that voted PLP that knew what the Government was pushing for so stop all the BS cries.

    PLP 24 seats to the obaUBP 12 seats is all the truth you need. Facts don’t lie the last leader of the oba Michael Dunkely didn’t even vote and say which side of the fence he was on, what a coward.

    When that vote was taken both PLP Leader, Premier Burt and new OBA Leader, Mrs. Jeanne Atherden voted on a Bill that ensures marriage remains as solely between a man and a woman.

    Along with them other parliamentarians voted by 20-10, the majority of OBA and PLP did not support SSM and neither did the Voters.

    • Syrup says:

      Then they are all wrong, and an embarrassment to Bermuda and to mankind.

  7. Bigotry is alive and well in Bermuda says:

    Suppose you will hear about this as long as the bigots keep discriminating against a minority.

    Kinda ironic no?

    • Charles says:

      Its not bigotry, thats a stupid word. Its a nation standing for what is right!

      • Lipstick in a pig says:

        Doesn’t take away the fact that it’s still a pig.

        Sorry this doesn’t fit your narrative. Nice try though.

        Blessings abound.

  8. Huh says:

    Can someone help me recognize the difference between the “G” and the “Q”?