National Geographic Spotlights Bermuda Cahow
National Geographic has featured the Bermuda cahow in a recent article spotlighting “animal species that came back from the dead”.
The National Geographic story said, “Thought extinct for 330 years, 36 cahows [a kind of petrel] were rediscovered in 1951. Joyfully, after half a century of intensive pest-and-nest management, the Bermuda cahow is on the rise—up from 18 to 131 breeding pairs, with 71 chicks successfully fledged last year.
“It’s an ongoing recovery,” says conservation officer Jeremy Madeiros, and “an example for threatened species around the world in an era when encroachment on and destruction of habitats is putting more species at risk than ever before.”
“Study like a scientist with the CahowCam, a livestream of one cahows mating pair’s underground nest on Nonsuch Island. Video courtesy LookBermuda and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.” To learn more, visit the website.
“Catch your cahow moment in November on a Bermuda Audubon Society boating tour with Captain Nigel Pollard, who assures that “seeing the majestic birds in flight is a life-changing experience.”
“Or tour Nonsuch Island with the Bermuda Zoological Society during April’s chick-checking season, when conservationists visit the cahows’ new home to monitor baby birds.”
You can read the full story here on National Geographic.
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