BHC: Challenges At The Gulf Stream Facility

October 23, 2019

Speaking about the Gulf Stream facility, the Bermuda Housing Corporation [BHC] said they have “been challenged recently with a number of families simply refusing to correct their disruptive behavior.”

A Ministry of Public Works spokesperson said, “The Gulf Stream rooming house, a 96 room facility, opened just over ten years ago for the sole purpose of providing transitional housing for members of the community seeking assistance to get back on their feet. Notwithstanding, this temporary facility has now become a permanent residence for some.

“The Bermuda Housing Corporation [BHC] has been challenged recently with a number of families simply refusing to correct their disruptive behavior ā€“ which is making it more difficult for those residents who actually follow the rules to enjoy the accommodations. Some residents are not meeting their financial commitments [i.e. Rent], which is taking opportunities away from persons that really could use a helping hand.

“This environment is unique in the Bermuda context as families from all walks of life are being housed together.

“Not surprisingly, in a facility of this size, it is inevitable that from time to time conflict will arise, resulting in disputes among residents

“Programmes are in place to provide assistance in housekeeping, cleanliness, personal hygiene, and money management. As such, residents are responsible for their own accommodations and the BHC employs professional cleaners to clean the common areas ā€“ and this is done at least three days per week.

“Manned security and CCTV cameras are also provided at this location. The BHC also maintains a satellite office on site to address any issues that may arise.

“The BHC remains committed to addressing any issues that are brought to their attention and has a zero tolerance policy for those who chose not to abide by the rules.”

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  1. comfortably numb says:

    Iā€™m presuming residents are paying minimal rents subsidised by the government so they can hardly expect 5 star accommodation. People who are not paying their rent should be evicted – far too much government revenue is not being collected which could offset the continual tax increases imposed on us who do work.

  2. Nasty says:

    They have a cleaning company come in daily, and on top of it is a foreigner. What the hell is BHC paying the cleaning company for?