Govt: No Decision Yet On Moving To Phase Two
“No decision has yet been made on when we will be moving towards Phase Two,” Premier David Burt said, adding that “there are no defined timelines that are set.”
Speaking at last night’s [May 13] press briefing, Premier David Burt said, “I’m sure that many persons are curious about the move to Phase Two, and when that might happen. At the Cabinet meeting yesterday, I can confirm that no decision has yet been made on when we will be moving towards Phase Two. As we said when we mentioned these particular items there are no defined timelines that are set. And there has been no decision to move to Phase Two.
“However, with the R number, which the Minister of Health has reported, being below one, we do, possibly have the capacity to move forward. A Cabinet subcommittee will be meeting tomorrow, consisting of the Minister of Health, the Minister of National Security and the Minister of Public Works, who will meet to discuss whether or not an official recommendation will be made to the Cabinet on moving to Phase Two at some points in time in the near future. And I look forward to sharing that information with all of you when I next see you at the press conference on Friday.
“So while there may be space for us to move to Phase Two, it cannot happen if we are not all doing our parts. That means very simply: maintain your physical distance; wear a mask wherever you go; and make sure that you minimizing your contact with as many persons as possible.“
Minister Kim Wilson also said, “Today I can share with you the estimated real-time reproduction number [Rt] of COVID-19 for Bermuda.
“The Rt is different from the basic reproduction number… The basic reproduction number, referred to as R0 [pronounced R-naught], is the average number of susceptible people infected by each infectious person. The R0 is a static number, currently estimated at 2.4 for COVID-19, and is based primarily on the characteristics of the infection.
“In contrast, the real-time reproduction number [Rt] depends on additional factors including personal behaviours and interventions made to reduce contact between infected and susceptible people; its value will change over time as all of these factors change.
“The current estimation of the real-time reproduction number for Bermuda is 0.47 but this can fluctuate a great deal in a small population like ours.
“This is promising as our goal is to have an R at near or below 1.
“The real-time R is just one indicator that can be used to understand the impacts of our mitigation measures [or non-pharmaceutical interventions] and the country’s overall status. This number will continue to be monitored and factored into decision-making for moving to future phases of our reopening. The Ministry will use the Rt number, as well as public compliance with physical distancing, hospitalizations and other factors, to make recommendations to Cabinet as to when we can move to Phase 2.”
Phased Reopening Guidance follows below [PDF here]
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