Petition Calls For Statue Of Mary Prince In UK

July 22, 2020

An online petition started by a British woman is calling to replace the recently removed statue outside the Museum of London Docklands with a statue of Bermudian Mary Prince, with the petition attaining over 1,000 signatures as of this writing.

The petition said, “Following the recent removal of statues which depict pro-slavery historical figures such as the slaveholder Robert Milligan in the UK, this petition proposes to replace the statue outside the Museum of London Docklands with a statue of the female abolitionist Mary Prince, who was the first woman to present an anti-slavery petition to Parliament and the first black woman to write and publish an autobiography: The History of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave.

“To date there is no statue recognising the legacy of Mary Prince’s work in campaigning for the end of slavery in the UK and first hand account of the cruelty of slavery.”

Two versions of the covers of Mary Prince’s book:

Bermuda Mary-Prince-Book-Cover image Mockup generic

A report from the UK media states, “Organiser Dr Rhiannon Lee says the tribute — intended as a replacement for the recently-removed statue of slaveholder Robert Milligan — would be a positive step with respect to how women are remembered historically: ‘I have grown up in England my whole life — there has always been statues of white men.

“It is in our consciousness. To have a statue of former slave Mary Prince, a key abolitionist who was also a woman of colour, would represent huge progress.”

Last month the BBC reported, “A statue of noted slaveholder Robert Milligan has been removed from outside the Museum of London Docklands.

“Milligan’s monument was removed to “recognise the wishes of the community” said the Canal and River Trust. There were cheers and clapping as the monument was lifted from its plinth using a crane.”

Video of the Robert Milligan statue being removed in the UK:

The petition initiative in the UK comes as Bermuda is set to officially recognize Mary Prince Day, with the second day of Cup Match named after the iconic Bermudian, whose book, published in 1831, detailed her first hand experience of being enslaved, helping to galvanize the anti-slavery movement.

Click here to see the petition.

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  1. Onion Juice says:


  2. Owl Take Notes says:

    Most people don’t know,and it is time they did, but there was always a huge resistance to slavery in the white community, and it was only the lawmakers who made the slavery laws – and the elites which exploited them. Many whites were hung while trying to liberate the black slaves. Let their memory live on also. There were many builders and martyrs for the greater good. To edify one individual’s contribution is fine, but the efforts and even greater sacrifices of countless others for the same goal should not be overlooked.

  3. dunkin donut says:

    may i ask a question. who was it that sold the slaves to the imperialist white nations?

  4. trufth says:

    Thank you. You can’t buy what isn’t for sale.
    Who was it that created the demand?

  5. Boston Whaler Owner says:

    Dream on

  6. Dr Rhiannon Lee says:

    To have a statue of Mary Prince outside the London Docklands Museum in the UK would be extremely fitting as in the same museum she is accredited for having ‘played a crucial role in the abolition campaign’.