Simons: Give Solid Guidelines For Appointment

July 24, 2020

The Attorney General is being urged to “present an amendment to the Education Act to give solid guidelines for the appointment of a Commissioner of Education.”

Shadow Education Minister Cole Simons was speaking after Dr. Gina Tucker lost her appeal against the Public Services Commission over the appointment of a Commissioner.

Mr Simons said, “In its judgement, the Court of Appeal states that within the Education Act 1996 there is no statutory procedure to appoint the Commissioner of Education.

Extract screenshot from the ruling:

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“We have had issues before with the Board of Education and the appointment of previous Commissioners and principals. These procedures are very important, and they will define the process, and maintain the integrity of the process.

“It will also protect the interest of the stakeholders from the Board of Education, the Department of Education, the applicants who apply for the roles of Commissioner of Education and principals. It will also help the Public Service Commission in its role when making these appointments.

“In light of the above, I would encourage the Attorney General, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, to craft and present an amendment to the Education Act 1996.

“This action will fill the existing gap in the law and mitigate the risk of going to court for an opinion when other appointments are made in the future.”

The judgment follows below [PDF here]

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