OBA: Premier ‘Failed To Keep’ Promises
[Updated] “The Premier has made big promises and failed to keep them,” the OBA said today.
A spokesperson said, “At his press conference today, the Premier said his Government had kept its promises, yet the reality is that he has repeatedly over-promised and under-delivered.
“In 2018, the Premier unveiled a series of MOUs with fintech companies that promised investment in training and Bermudian-based blockchain companies worth $25m.
“One MOU alone promised the creation of 30 jobs and the Premier was quoted as saying that, ‘based on these commitments, we stand to create 120 jobs for Bermudians over the next three years’.
“In an interview following the MOU announcement, the Premier said, ‘I’m relatively certain that within the next two months you’ll begin to see more companies that will sign leases, that will begin hiring, that will begin setting up, and will begin their philanthropic efforts here in Bermuda’.
“Yet we know, because the Premier has told us, that in three years, fintech has created a total of 31 jobs. Also, don’t forget the grand plan to create a fintech hub in St. David’s which fizzled out and who can forget the fiasco that was Arbitrade?
“There was a promise to lower the cost of living and introduce a living wage which was agreed in a bi-partisan joint select committee, but the PLP has been unable, or unwilling, to deliver.
“He has forced the sugar tax on people and the take-over of the Municipalities, why can’t he keep his promise on the living wage?
“There were also promises to balance the budget and to achieve a budget surplus of $7m.
“Those never transpired and, in fact, Mr Burt’s Government has borrowed $1bn in the last 12 months. That’s an extra $15,500 for every man, woman and child.
“What does this mean for you? Those fintech jobs would mean more money for Government so it could buy new buses or fix the potholes in our roads.
“A $7m budget surplus could have gone to helping Bermudians struggling to buy school uniforms for their children. It could have given internet access students studying at home during the Covid lockdown internet access. It could have provided food for those people relying on charities.
“The Premier has made big promises and failed to keep them. Is this the person we want to lead us out of the economic disaster we are facing?”
Update Aug 27, 9.50am: A PLP spokesperson said, “PLP to OBA: Let’s Talk About Broken Promises
“The OBA wants you to forget their record as government. A record marked by broken promises, the corruption of jetgate and anti-Bermudian policies.
“A record that saw them break their promise to create 2000 jobs with them instead losing 2000 jobs
“A record that saw their current leader become the first Premier to resign in disgrace from the jetgate corruption scandal.
“A record that saw them attempt to slash access to mammograms, attempt to give the children of guest workers the right to compete with our Bermudian children for jobs and opportunities.
“A record that saw them sell off our airport in a deal that is costing our taxpayers millions
“A record that saw them sign the Morgan’s Point deal that left the Bermudian taxpayer on the hook for $200 million dollars
“The Oba doesn’t want you to remember their record of broken promises, besmirched leadership from jetgate and anti bermudian policies.
“While the OBA is focused on name calling and deflection we will remain focused on protecting the health and safety of the community and restoring our economy.
“The PLP is making steady progress on it’s promises from our platform, and we certainly have more work to do.
“Prior to the pandemic, we created 650 jobs in Bermuda, which is in stark contrast to the OBA which lost 2,000 jobs. We reduced payroll taxes for workers to the lowest level ever after the OBA raised payroll taxes on workers to the highest level in history. We invested in Public education by increasing education & training funding by over $15 million dollars. This enabled us to increase technology in our schools, better support our teachers & support staff, and enabled over 800 Bermudians to attend the Bermuda college, earning degrees and certifications that have allowed them to take their place in Bermuda’s workforce. These certifications included FinTech certifications which are still available free of charge for Bermudians at fintech.bm.
“We are proud to be diversifying our economy with FinTech and are elated that more and more Bermudians are working in and benefiting from the industry as more companies continue to set up operations in Bermuda. Fintech is creating jobs in Bermuda, and those new Fintech Jobs contribute to the 650 new jobs created by the PLP.
“Prior to the coronavirus crisis, we reduced the deficit to just $15 Million from the $134 million dollar deficit inherited from the OBA. The only reason the Debt ceiling was raised was to pay for the OBA’s $200 million mistake in Morgan’s Point, and to ensure that the Government could provide for citizens ravaged by the pandemic. Yes, we did increase the deficit during the coronavirus to keep Bermudians afloat, but, that was the right decision to make.
“We could have let people go hungry & get evicted, or, we could have provided relief during the worst of the pandemic. We chose to provide relief and we will defend that decision every day of the week. For the OBA to attack this action makes you question what they would do if they were in charge.
“We welcome Bermudians to compare the leadership of Craig Cannonier and David Burt – because, at the end of the day, leadership is what this election is all about.”
Say what you want about Jetgate but Cannoinier has a real point. And if Jetgate is the cross that Cannonier has to bare (like everyone wants him to), then David Burt has to explain why he hasn’t delivered on all those election promises.
Or were we meant to wait until 2025 (or was it 2022?) which was the name of the PLP’s last election platform.
Hey OBA, your messaging really needs to take Burt to task for his short comings.
The Premier of this country HAS delivered on his promises.
2.Fehy and his nonsense
3. pepper-spraying innocent Bermudians
4. airport deal…leaving the new government somewhat crippled for years.
5.discussions of the airport at The City Hall, only for selected persons…no democracy
6.Pettingil saying soon after O.B.A. won power…if you don’t like what is going on…LEAVE.
7. Grant Gibbons fleeing his position as Education Minister in favour of America Cup Bermuda
9.Berkeley Institute needed materials..O.B.A. snubbed Berkeley.
11.Structured work permits slackened for you know who.
How about instead of all these attacks, we focus on how to build a better Bermuda? I am sick and tired of this…