Video: Preparing For The World Tens Series

October 22, 2020

The Rugby World Tens Series is set to get underway on Sunday [Oct 25] after being delayed due to the approach of Hurricane Epsilon, with a preview video released on the World Tens Series’ official YouTube channel highlighting the competition.

The video’s description says, “With just days to go until the World Tens Series gets underway, our talented team of Elma Smit, Alex Payne, Rob Vickerman and Ollie Phillips check in with Nick Heath as they set their course for Bermuda. It’s on!”

World Tens Series CEO Jon Phelps previously said, “Everyone has done an incredible amount of work to get to this point in launching the Series, that we felt the most sensible and, correct decision, is not to take any chances with mother nature.

“Bermuda has welcomed us all here, and we cannot wait to get started, but safety and patience is the wisest course at this stage. We are looking forward to the storm passing Bermuda safely and kicking off on Sunday morning.”

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