“90% Of Cases Everything Was In Order”

November 23, 2020

Police officers visited a “large number of restaurants, bars and clubs” to ensure that the Covid-19 regulations were being followed and “in 90% of cases everything was in order,” so “advice was given in some cases and in others enforcement action will be taken.”

Assistant Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes said, “The Bermuda Police Service would like to thank the public and the operators of licensed premises for their compliance with COVID19 Regulations this weekend.

“Officers visited a large number of restaurants, bars and clubs to ensure that the Regulations were being followed and in 90% of cases everything was in order. Advice was given in some cases and in others enforcement action will be taken.

“The BPS will continue to carry out checks over the next week to ensure that people are not letting their guard down, in an effort to do our part to prevent spread of the virus and in line with our Mission of Making Bermuda Safer.”

Police Nov 23 2020

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Comments (7)

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  1. Bobby Jones says:

    Assistant Commissioner Martin Weeks and the Bda Police need to be commended for doing this for us. Thank you, Thank You. Your service is very much appreciated.

    • sage says:

      Should they be commended for abandoning roadside sobriety checkpoints?

      • What? says:

        Well they obviously did not check a couple of places as in both cases I never had to fill in a contact card and no one stopped me at the door to seat me and people walking around with no masks?

      • Andrew says:

        What are u on about? They had sobriety checks just the other weekend. smh.

        • Toodle-oo says:

          You obviously aren’t familiar with his one trick pony crusade.

        • sage says:

          Which weekend, halloween? How many arrests were made? A review of the amount of checks conducted since inception, the amounts of arrests made per RSC and overall, the amount of offenders who were caught yet afforded the privilege of “DUI court” rather than punishment, and the amount of crashes/injuries/deaths where booze was a factor would be very telling, the aim of making the roads safer is negated by a lackadaisical approach to enforcement since the majority of those in positions of power don’t want to clamp down on their drug of choice. The police clearly stated they don’t want to arrest people for this crime, just change behavior, judges created a special court to lessen consequences for guilty parties, the road safety council wants non-drinkers to carry untidy dimwits with no sense of personal responsibility home at 3am for free, and the police/BHB provide vague or purposely misleading stats to try to deflect blame from a dangerous and addictive drug that causes damage and drives medical costs and insurance through the roof.

  2. khary woods says:

    i would like to thank us as BERMUDIANS for taking this very serious and respecting the rules and each others space. there will will be bumps along the way but i think with what we have in place will see us through.