Family Centre To Celebrate World Children’s Day

November 19, 2020

Family Centre is getting set to celebrate UNICEF’s World Children’s Day tomorrow [Nov 20] with activities that “advocate for the safety and care of children.”

A spokesperson said, “Family Centre celebrates UNICEF’s World Children’s Day on Friday, November 20 with activities that celebrate and advocate for the safety and care of children.

“World Children’s Day is observed on November 20th, the anniversary of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is a day of action for children and by children.

“This year’s theme is to reimagine a better future for every child. World leaders are encouraged to fulfil their commitments towards children’s rights and stand up for every child. It is a day of awareness raising and advocacy through action.”

Dr. Sandy De Silva, Executive Director of Family Centre, said, “Family Centre’s mission is to strengthen families to create a healthier Bermuda for our children and this aligns strongly with UNICEF’s message.

“Family Centre wants Bermuda to imagine a future without abuse, neglect, violence and where cycles of multigenerational trauma are broken.”

Family Centre WCD Bermuda Nov 2020

The spokesperson said, “Family Centre agrees with UNICEF’s assessment that the COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in a global child rights crisis. The costs of the pandemic for children may last a lifetime given the long-term health, economic, social, environmental and political impact that this crisis has had on the world.

“Adults’ decisions in these areas today will impact children for years to come.”

Dr. De Silva said, “The pandemic has exposed the deep inequalities in our society that leave some children much more at risk than others. Some children in our own neighbourhoods are going hungry. Many children do not have the technology necessary to stay connected to school and get homework done in the way it is now required.

“Some children have also been exposed to violence in their homes.”

The spokesperson said, “Dr. De Silva challenges our community to come together to reimagine the type of world we want to create for our children who are the future.”

Dr. De Silva said, “Children need to have a voice in this conversation because we need a world fit for every child.”

The spokesperson said, “UNICEF is calling on governments to support and protect the mental health of children and young people and bring an end to abuse, gender-based violence, and neglect in childhood. As an organization, Family Centre will continue to strongly advocate for positive, nurturing, and compassionate parenting and childrearing practices.

“We have delivered campaigns that educate about the impact of these atrocities on children and youth and provided resources for where to turn for help. Family Centre provides free counselling services to help families build these necessary skills. We have been and will continue to be part of the solution to bring an end to abuse, neglect and violence against children.

“Dr. De Silva confirms Family Centre is already seeing an increase in the demand for therapeutic services, especially case management.”

Dr. De Silva said, “Families are putting up their hands to receive the help they need rather than suffer in silence. This data supports the ongoing need for our programmes and services to be provided at no out-of-pocket cost to families.

“We remain very grateful to our dedicated and generous private and corporate donors and the community who make this possible.”

The spokesperson said, “Next year will require further innovation, adjustment and energy to meet the multitude of needs that the children, youth and families we work with have. We want everyone that we work with to have the best chance at self-sustaining resources and a healthy life.

“Government has publicly sought the ongoing support for and of the nonprofit sector to continue providing essential services for the community where gaps in public service exist and will only get bigger due to the national debt.

“Family Centre is proud to stand strong after 30 years of existence to continue providing critical services to children and families in Bermuda.

“Our one-on-one and group counselling services remain accessible to all children and their families on this island. Our community outreach programmes provide a safe space for youth who demonstrate trauma-based behaviours and do not have healthy outlets for expression of emotion.

“Our public advocacy and capacity-building initiatives are aimed at increasing healthier behaviours in our community so that we can all live in a prosperous society. We have been an active part of the solution to close the digital divide between children whose families can afford technology and those who cannot.”

Dr. De Silva said, “Family Centre is a part of Bermuda’s social safety net and its space in our community could not be more firmly planted than in the next few years as we brace for the long-term impact of COVID-19.”

The spokesperson said, “On November 20th, many schools throughout the Island will be participating in a grub day to celebrate World Children’s Day. They are encouraged to wear blue and help fundraise for Family Centre’s programmes and services that serve vulnerable children and families in Bermuda.

“Companies are hosting Denim Days or making corporate donations in support of the critical work Family Centre provides to the community.

“Family Centre wants Bermuda to join with the rest of the world on Friday November 20th to turn the world blue. Landmark buildings around the world will light up blue on the day to show support for child rights.

“We encourage persons in Bermuda to wear something blue, change your profile picture online with a World Children’s Day image and help raise awareness.

“For more information on World Children’s Day and how you can support vulnerable children and families please visit or call us at 232-1116.”

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