Audio: Tyrone Smith Featured On CNN Podcast

March 3, 2021

Bermudian Tyrone Smith, alongside his wife, fellow Olympian Sandi Morris, recently appeared on CNN’s ‘Coronavirus: Fact Vs Fiction” podcast in order to discuss “their struggles and sacrifices to train over the last year and compete in one last Olympics together as a married couple.”

The CNN website said, “When your career highs come around only once every four years, the prospect of putting your aspirations on hold can be difficult to stomach.

“It’s a reality that all athletes hopeful of competing at the Olympics were faced with last year when, for the first time ever, the Games were postponed.

“It was hard to absorb, and it still is. It’s felt like we’ve been sitting in a purgatory for a whole year now,” says Sandi Morris, a US pole vault silver medalist from the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Listen to the podcast:

“Almost 12 months on from the postponement of Tokyo 2020, a new goal is now in sight. With restrictions and safety measures still being put in place, the Olympics are set to begin on July 23 this year.

“I’m starting to feel a sense of normalcy, and I’m actually training for something instead of just training and training with no competition or destination in sight,” adds Morris, speaking on CNN’s Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction podcast.”

“It’s definitely different now that we have hope; last March felt pretty hopeless.”

“A year can be a significant period of time in an athlete’s career.

“Ultimately, Smith, who competes for Bermuda but lives in the United States, decided to train for another year. However, figuring out how to train amid a global pandemic was a challenge in itself.

“I ended up coming back to Texas because I train on a high school track — there’s absolutely no way to lock it, it’s open from three different sides,” says Smith.

“I kind of broke the rules. They put up some signs during Covid: no using the track. But I said the police are going to have to come and tell me to leave because I have to get this training in.”

You can read the full story here on CNN.

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