Services Impacted Due To Industrial Action

August 30, 2021

The buses and ferries are not operating today [Aug 30] due to the industrial action, the Government has confirmed.

A Government spokesperson said, “As a note here are some of the public services that were impacted due to today’s industrial action.

  • No buses
  • No ferries
  • Parks maintenance – no landscaping of parks and beaches; no trash collection from parks
  • Quarry equipment maintenance workshops – only impact on servicing of Government equipment and vehicles
  • Highways staff
  • Public Lands & Buildings Section – interior school painting and cleaning.
  • Minimal impact on Post Office”

You can follow our live updates and videos of the matter here.

Bernews IG square Base Pink Blue aug 30 2021

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  1. Dunn juice says:

    So a normal day of normal service then.

    • iyiyi says:

      Yup…. Sounds pretty close to normal to me also. !!