Premier, OBA Leader, Vendor On $3.6M Contract

February 9, 2022

Saying that the Premier provided a $3.6 million contract to a company co-owned by his personal fintech adviser “without going through the proper tender process,” the OBA Leader called for a “full financial audit,” while the Premier said the “Auditor General has audited and will continue to Audit the Government’s Covid-19 Response.”

The contract being referred to is for Respartner, which powers the Government’s test and vaccination bookings, Travel Authorisation system and more, and the company is partially owned by Denis Pitcher, who was appointed as a Fintech Technical Consultant back in 2019.

Opposition Leader Cole Simons

Opposition Leader Cole Simons said, “The narrative continues – Premier David Burt consistently finds himself in conflicts of interest, without remorse or accountability.

He added, “From being the Premier and Minister of Tourism and being in charge of gaming, to now, literally handing a $3.6 MM dollar contract” to a company co-owned by his personal fintech adviser Denis Pitcher “without going through the proper tender process.”

“Let’s not forget that his Health Minister, Kim Wilson who when cornered, admitted that her Ministry failed to take the required steps to get approval to engage Request for the Travel Authorization process and Covid 19 test booking system?

“The One Bermuda Alliance and the people of Bermuda find this behaviour breathtakingly unconscionable.”

“We are tired of the lack of accountability and the lack of transparency and as evidenced by David Burt and his Party. As a consequence, we call for a full financial audit. Enough is enough,” Mr Simons added.

Premier David Burt

Premier David Burt said, “Once again the Opposition Leader is just trying to make headlines. The Opposition Leader knows that the Auditor General has audited and will continue to Audit the Government’s Covid-19 Response and all funds spent in that response. This Government will continue to support that effort as there is nothing to hide when it comes to funds spent to keep Bermuda safe.

“Also the Opposition Leader doesn’t need a press release to get information surrounding this or any other Government contracts. Mr Simons serves as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee so he can conduct his own inquiry if he sees fit, which would be much more effective than attention seeking press releases that call for what he knows is already taking place.”

“Please note the links to the Auditor General’s Reports to date on the Government’s Covid-19 Response:

  • Public Interest Report March 2021 [PDF here]
  • Government of Bermuda’s Response To Covid-19: Public Interest Report [PDF here]
  • Public Interest Report November 12, 2021 [PDF here]
  • Government of Bermuda’s Response To Covid-19: The Unemployment Benefit Administration [PDF here]

Denis Pitcher

Mr Pitcher, who co-owns the company, noted that he “disclosed my conflict up front, recused myself from involvement in the process and transitioned from a paid to an unpaid advisory role once my company had a finalized contract.”

Mt Pitcher — who has previously posted details about the service on his social media page, with a post back in June 2021 to explain how “broad and complex resQwest really is” — added that “it would be worthwhile comparing what we’ve delivered to other similar projects launched elsewhere.”

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Category: All, News, Politics, technology

Comments (9)

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  1. Unknown800k says:

    Worst most arrogant egotistical premier ever.
    Well done voters he has done NOTHING for bermuda as a whole but increase debt, groceries insurance everything else. But one of his bs platforms was he is going to lower prices,hows that going

    • SWING VOTER says:

      30-6 now run back to your club house and change the name again. People either vote PLP or don’t vote at all. As a past voter I would never vote UBP/OBA again.

      We need a third party and not some party that changed it’s name over night to attract black voters to return. That was a racist move and nothing more.

  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    I would say that the PLP political machine beat the OBA political machine on that exchange.

  3. watching says:

    Cole is grasping at straws, and no one is paying him any attention anyway.

    • question says:

      He is drawing attention to a scandal. The only reason we now have the TA is to line the pockets of the contractor. Bermudian taxpayers are being robbed, again.

      • Spotty says:

        Bermudians pay very little tax!! But I agree the Premier has once again overstepped due process. He’s getting good at this!!!

        • Toodle-oo says:

          “Bermudians pay very little tax!!”

          You haven’t got the slightest clue , do you ?

  4. Tom says:

    For God’s sake people! Wake up !

  5. jon says:

    No matter what government is in power, the bull$**t still smells the same. Meanwhile the rest of us have to jump through hoops, get multiple quotes from venders just to buy essential materials we need for anything over $1000…This sh%$ aint funny no more…What is Mr. Pitcher talking about, he recused himself from the process? what process? the contract was already awarded.