Video: February 24 Bernews Morning Newsflash
Police remind people that wheelies in traffic constitutes dangerous driving, National Youth Policy Working Group announced, minicars up from 40 in 2017 to 195 in 2020, 14 people earn Nonprofit Management Certificate, free teen yoga program starts in March, STIs decrease amid curfews & stay at home, event held for entrepreneurs & artists and 544 cases announced so far this month are some of the stories in this morning’s [Feb 24] Bernews Newsflash.
The Bernews Morning Newsflash includes an overview of the latest Bermuda news, the local weather forecast for today and the next four days, local stock report, our photo of the day, as well as a look at news headlines from around the world and the latest Covid-19 numbers, both locally and internationally.
In addition to being available each morning on the website, the Newsflash is designed to suit your favourite social media network, so is also available directly on the main Bernews Twitter feed, the Bernews Facebook page, our YouTube channel, our Tumblr, and our Instagram account.