City: Some Parking Tickets Eligible For Refunds

July 18, 2022

The Corporation of Hamilton is advising motorists “who received a parking ticket which was issued by a City of Hamilton Parking Enforcement Officer [PEO] between August 30th and November 30th, 2021 and subsequently paid, that ticket may be eligible for a refund.”

A spokesperson said, “The Corporation of Hamilton implemented the City of Hamilton Parking Enforcement Officer scheme after taking legal advice and with the concurrence and support of the Bermuda Police Service and the Attorney General’s Chambers. The scheme was introduced following careful consideration of the measures necessary for the management of increased traffic flow within the City.

“The Corporation continues to take the view that the scheme was lawfully implemented. However, the Corporation is prepared to consider refunding ticket payments made on an entirely ex gratia basis and without prejudice to that position.

“The Corporation is therefore advising members of the public that any motorists who received a parking ticket which was issued by a City of Hamilton Parking Enforcement Officer [PEO] between August 30th and November 30th, 2021 and subsequently paid, that ticket may be eligible for a refund.

“However, the parking ticket must have been issued by one of the City’s five PEOs, not a traffic warden. This will be indicated on each ticket under the section ‘Issuing Officer.’ If the officer number listed is any of the following: 5250, 5251, 5252, 5253, 5254, you will be eligible for a full refund on your paid ticket.

“If a member of the public believes they are eligible for a refund based on the above, they must bring their ticket plus proof of payment [receipt from the Court] to City Hall to receive their full refund.

“Refunds will only be issued as of 1 August, 2022 via direct deposit to the individual’s bank account; therefore those persons will also need to provide their banking details as well as contact information. No application for a refund will be considered after close of business on 31 August, 2022.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Wow! I cannot imagine the PLP Government offering to refund money to people because there was some doubt as to the lawfulness of taking that money in the first place!

  2. Red Pill says:

    Yeah they didn’t have permission to issue tickets. What else do they do without proper authorization?

  3. Verdad says:

    Not the PLP…the Corporation of Hamilton. Dim-witted people always looking to criticize the government.