Dignity Foundation To Help Provide Services
Dignity Foundation Charity has been created to “support clients who are underinsured and uninsured to access services provided by Dignity House, a mental health rehabilitation facility in Bermuda.”
A spokesperson said, “Why Dignity House? Dignity says that it is “a belief in oneself, that one is worthy of the best. It means that what I have to say is important, and I will say it when it’s important for me to say it. Dignity really means that I deserve the best treatment I can receive. And that I have the responsibility to give the best treatment that I can to other people.” Maya Angelou – it could not have been better expressed then in these words by the Great Ms. Maya Angelou – and that is why the name of the foundation and charity is so apt.
“Dignity House will offer clients in the Bermuda community a rehabilitation setting for those who have mental health challenges. There will be range of services offered that will give people the tools to give them back their lives, so that they can go on and be the best version of themselves.
“There is still a tremendous stigma associated with mental illness in Bermuda. Dignity House wants to be part of the wave of removing that stigma from those who suffer from mental illness. The purpose of this initiative is to also remove that ‘revolving door’ of mental health care for clients that presently exists and give them a ‘one stop’ end of care resource – which will benefit them and the community.
“Dignity House will offer clients a safe but beautiful haven where they will be offered all types of rehabilitative services. The belief of the organization is also one of inclusion – mental illness should not be kept strictly just within 4 walls – “Treatment Without Walls”. Bermuda after all is a wonderful island with therapeutic beauty.
“We want to impart to our clients’ an awareness that through it all, that they too are deserving of all the beauty surrounding them and should strive for good mental health – we want to be impactful and let them take pride in themselves and believe they have value.
“Dignity House will also have a resounding impact on the Bermuda Community. Once clients have have improved their overall mental health, they can go back into the community working for longer periods of time. Sliding back into acute mental ill-health and re-admission into acute care will be minimized.
“Dignity Foundation also support students and health care professionals who work at Dignity House to pursue a career in Mental Health. For example, Psychology, Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing, Counseling, Occupational and Recreational Therapy.
“Through donations Dignity Foundation has been able to support two people in its residential program and a student who is one year away from completing their studies to become a psychiatrist.
“Following Covid-19, there has been an increase in mental health and emotional challenges highlighted in the address by the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP. Dignity Foundation Charity exists to provide a bridge between those who can financially support and those who are in desperately need of help. Please donate to Dignity Foundation Charity, helping us to Restore, Improve and Empower lives.”
For more information please visit their website www.dignityhousebm.com.