Videos: Mayho & Olander Win Cycle Race

May 26, 2023

[Written by Stephen Wright]

Dominique Mayho extended his dominance in the Sinclair Packwood Memorial Race after winning a sixth men’s title today [May 26].

Cameron Morris, one of the island’s top young cyclists came second, and Kavin Smith rounded out the podium in the 12.2-mile race from York Street, St George’s, to Cedar Avenue, Hamilton.

“The goal was to win a sixth title, and I’m glad my plan worked,” Mayho told Bernews. “I’m happy to have added another victory.”

The 29-year-old, who represents VT Construction, admits he grew nervous when Tracy Wright and Stephen Ryan broke away at Kindley Field Road to open up a substantial gap.

“They were pretty much out of sight,” said Mayho, who also won in 2012, 2013, 2018, 2021 and 2022.

“At Blue Hole Hill, my teammate and I, Jackson Langley, decided to attack and close the gap. The whole race came back together.

“I knew I wanted to make my move on Flatts Hill. Cameron Morris came with me, and I was able to put some distance between him at Whitney Institute. I put my head down to the finish line.”

Panzy Olander claimed her maiden women’s title, an impressive feat considering she only took up the sport eight months ago.

Olander, who also won the Gnosis Criterium earlier this month, said: “I’ve really got into cycling, and I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I only started riding in November, as I’m training for a triathlon [the Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico] in March next year.

“There was a bit of strategy involved [in today’s race], and thankfully it all worked out. Everyone was quite hesitant at the start, but one of my Bicycle Works teammates, Jenny Lightbourne, helped me out coming across the Causeway. She pulled out and brought me out to the front. She was the MVP of the race!”

Dominique Mayho Packwood Memorial Titles May 2023

Olander said it was “surreal” as she made her way down an atmospheric Cedar Avenue, packed with spectators, towards the finish line.

“It felt amazing just being at the front,” she added. “I’ll definitely keep cycling, and I’m excited for the future.”

The Sinclair Packwood Memorial Race Junior Classic results follows below [PDF here]:

The Sinclair Packwood Memorial Race results follows below [PDF here]: divider line ewrr

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