KBB Researching Abandoned Watercraft

June 3, 2023

A watercraft that washed up on Bermuda’s shore may have originated in Cuba, according to Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB].

In a post on Instagram, Keep Bermuda Beautiful said, “Where in the world did this wreckage wash up from?

“CUBA is the suspected answer and this DIY watercraft might have been used by refugees. Research into this mysterious watercraft found on de rocks yesterday in the east end of Bermuda has only just begun.

“Abandoned and derelict marine vessels come in all shapes and sizes. The reasons they are abandoned or left derelict can include, but are definitely not limited to, storm damage, owner neglect, marine accidents, family deaths and residents moving off island. Or in the case of this vessel, there might have been other reasons.

“Obviously this watercraft has been tossed around and damaged by the power of the sea, but we wonder what caused it to become abandoned in the first place. What’s the story of the occupants of this vessel and what became of them? Sadly, we will probably never learn the details behind this vessel’s journey or how it came to it’s final resting place on the rugged coastline of the “gem of the Atlantic”.

“Want to know more about KBB’s Abandoned Boats Project, a joint initiative with the @bermudagovernment ? Visit www.kbb.bm to learn what’s being done to clean-up Bermuda’s marine environment and coastline and continue to like, follow and share KBB on social media for more interesting stories like this.”

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