Dr Derrick Binns Retires After 37 Years Of Service

July 21, 2023

The Head of the Public Service, Dr. Derrick Binns retires today [July 21], after a “remarkable career spanning over three decades.”

A Government spokesperson said, “His journey in the public service began in 1986, as a Psychologist with the Department of Corrections, a post held by him for approximately ten years. During this time, on re-assignment, he also served as Transition Coordinator, and the Chair for the Inmates’ Programme Committee.

“In 1996 he began working for National Drug Control as a Research Officer, and one year later he was appointed Chief Executive Officer where he served for four years.

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From 2001 – 2013 he served as a Permanent Secretary to various ministries, starting with the Ministry of Health and Family Services, which he describes as his most challenging permanent secretary appointment:

“It was a very large and complex Ministry. While trying to understand its many components and requirements, I was also trying to learn the role of Permanent Secretary,” he says in reflection on this initial appointment.

The spokesperson said, “He held the post for two years, during which time he was also assigned to act as PS for the Ministry of Works and Engineering from December 2002-March 2004. This assignment was followed by the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs where he served from 2004-2006.

“From 2006-2007 he was once again appointed Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Public Works, this time assuming the substantive role.”

“I didn’t have any technical background in the areas for which the Ministry was responsible. But I was very interested in the work,” he says, describing the role as one of the most interesting assignments throughout his career in government.

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He felt that his ability to bring a fresh perspective to the work proved helpful in this Ministry, and being able to measure progress more definitively was also a rewarding experience for him, he says: “The nature of the business was a significant change from my previous experiences. In the social services, it was more often difficult to see issues brought to conclusion. Public Works was quite the opposite. Projects were conceived, plans were produced, plans were executed, projects were completed.”

The spokesperson said, “From 2007-2013 he served as Assistant Cabinet Secretary to the Cabinet Office; Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs; and then Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Environment Planning and Infrastructure.

“In 2013 he became Secretary to the Cabinet/ Head of the Civil Service. He became Head of the Public Service in 2018.”

“I didn’t think I was even able to recognize that such a post existed then,” he says when asked if he ever imagined one-day leading the public service in the early days of his career.

The spokesperson said, “During his time in office, he has been dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of citizens and has worked tirelessly to promote public service as an honorable and rewarding profession.

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“His achievements include introducing a range of initiatives that have improved service delivery across government departments, leading the implementation of new policies to make services more accessible and inclusive, and advocating for increased investment in infrastructure development.

“He’s been praised for his commitment to excellence and for his efforts to ensure all Bermudians receive equal access to quality public services.

“Dr. Derrick Binns has also been keenly aware of the importance of building strong relationships between government departments and citizens. He has encouraged open dialogue between government officials and members of the community, inviting them to provide feedback on how services can be improved further.

“His hope for the future of the Public Service is that the commitment, quality and skill of its public officers be recognized.”

“Like any organization, we have some persons who do not reflect well on us. But the majority of our public officers are highly competent, committed to providing outstanding service and advice, and do so even in the face of negativity. It is my wish that they be provided with the resources they need to continue to do an outstanding job.”

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The spokesperson said, “Dr. Derrick Binns is passionate about encouraging young people to consider public service as a rewarding career path, citing its potential for personal growth and professional development.”

“The Public Service has afforded me opportunities to learn and grow in so many areas that could not be attained anywhere else,” he says in testament to his gratitude to the Bermuda Government for his successful and expansive career achievements.

The spokesperson said, “As he enters retirement, he leaves behind a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations into public service.”

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  1. Horace says:


  2. Joe Bloggs says:

    Will you look at that. Our Premier owns a tie that is not green!

  3. Wow says:

    Well done. Well qualified and a person who was a good listener. Gave good advice. Wanted the best for Bermuda. A good man. Best wishes.