Premier & Deputy Premier To Attend COP28

November 28, 2023

Premier David Burt and Deputy Premier Walter Roban will attend the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

A Government spokesperson said, “Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, will join Overseas Territories [OT] leaders and other Heads of State in the United Arab Emirates [UAE] this week for COP28 and other regional economic events.

“Prior to the official start of COP28, from Nov. 28 – 29 the Premier will attend Abu Dhabi Finance Week. This event gathers global financial industry leaders and innovators.

“Following Abu Dhabi Finance Week, the Premier will attend COP28, which takes place from Nov. 30 – Dec. 12, 2023. Premier Burt will be joined at COP28 by Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon Walter Roban, JP, MP.

“Historically the Conference of the Parties [COP] has convened member countries to determine, identify and assess climate measures. This makes COP28 one of the largest and most important international environmental gatherings on the 2023 calendar.

“HM the King, Charles III, will attend COP28. His participation reflects his commitment to environmental preservation.

“It’s also expected that several UK Government Ministers will also be present at COP28. The UK’s Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office [FCDO] has advocated for the attendance of OTs this year as an indication of the event’s importance.

“As such, leaders from Caribbean nations, including Prime Ministers from Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the British Virgin Islands and Anguilla will also be at COP28.

“While there, and as part of a packed schedule of events, Premier Burt will deliver a Keynote Address on Island Innovation at the COP28 energy and industry forum; provide key remarks at the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub Workshop; participate in a Fireside Chat; and conduct interviews with regional media. Premier Burt will also hold meetings with UAE Government representatives to discuss broadening economic investment opportunities with Bermuda.

“The Deputy Premier will represent Bermuda during the key discussions and forums about the impact of climate change on Caribbean nations.

“On Dec. 4th, Minister Roban will be the keynote speaker at the SDG Disruptor Summit during “Bermuda Day”.

“And on Dec. 8th, he will present on the UK Ministerial panel with the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero titled: “On the Frontline: How Are the UK’s Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies getting to net zero, adapting to, and dealing with the impacts of climate change”.”

Today Premier Burt said, “COP28 is one of the biggest global forums which brings together key policy makers from close to 200 countries to make critical decisions that affect our future. So, it’s imperative that Bermuda is represented at this event. The UAE and Bermuda have already fostered strong bilateral relations. Our visit will seek to evolve our existing relationships and advance new partnerships by promoting Bermuda as an excellent and competitive destination for foreign direct investment opportunities.”

The Government spokesperson said, “From an environmental perspective, this year’s COP visit serves as an opportunity to explore potential areas of collaboration, including renewable energy and the blue economy.”

Minister Roban said, “Climate change is the number one pressing global crisis that transcends national borders. It requires international cooperation. And I am honoured to be attending COP 28, to advance Bermuda’s crucial agenda on climate and environmental action and to share the significant strides that we are making within our own region.”

The Government spokesperson said, “There will also be two Bermuda film premieres at the event, highlighting the island’s innovation and blue economy on the international stage.

“Premier Burt returns to Bermuda on December 7, 2023. For more info on the COP28 events, visit here: UN Climate Change Conference – United Arab Emirates | UNFCCC.”

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Comments (21)

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Woo hoo! “A free trip for two to Dubai!

  2. Vote for me says:

    Burt and Roban touting Bermuda as a front runner for climate change and net zero? Hilarious and totally false and typical political BS. Roban will no doubt highlight electric buses, without saying the effect from the manufacture of EVs are incredibly anti net zero, let alone how the electricity to charge them is generated. Net zero is a con and the whole idea useless until the worst polluters such as the Chinese, who make Bermuda’s buses, become net zero, which is exceedingly unlikely.

  3. Steve says:

    Who’s in charge of Bermuda while Bert and Ernie doing more Christmas shopping? No one!!!! Real overseas governments always has their deputy stay as acting leader. Ahh…Not Bermuda

  4. SSDD says:

    With B-Man and Roban off playing in the Dubai sand who continue to sink the ship here?? Maybe we should ask if they can stretch the conference out for a few years. A lot less hot air here might be the only way we affect climate change. At least locally.

  5. Kim Smith says:

    As far as I am aware, Bermuda doesn’t even have a national policy/position on climate change to which we can all look to align our individual/organizational efforts. Further, I am not sure that the Climate Change Taskforce has even started meeting.

    This all in contrast to the work being done in other islands as was showcased at the Island Innovations’ Virtual Island Summit 2023. Some very impressive work being done all around us.

    • Hilarious! says:

      Kim, for starters, no one in the Bermuda Government can even define “climate change.” My repeated attempts to educate officials on “climate change” fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. I also submit that those in Bermuda who speak about “climate change” have no clue what they are talking about. See if you or anyone that you know can answer my basic questions posted in the Third Annual BUEI Youth Climate Summit story. So far, no takers.

      There is no agreed-upon standard definition of “climate change” by the major organizations such as the AMS, IPCC, NOAA, NASA, and the USGCRP. No agreement from these organizations on what percentage, if any, of alleged global warming is caused by humans (Anthropogenic Global Warming – AGW). People with a Ph.D. and decades of subject matter expertise cannot agree on the meaning of simple words. Why?

      Reality: Climate Change – What Mother Nature does naturally that “experts” cannot agree upon and politicians never define but blame humans in order to gain more control over our lives. NOT the same as AGW.

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        There is no universally agreed upon definition of racism. That does not mean it does not exist. It most certainly does.

        • Hilarious! says:

          Irrelevant analogy and typical deflection. Are racists telling you to lower your standard of living, stop eating meat, eat bugs, drive electric vehicles, pay for wind farms in your electric bills, fly less, and are taking control over your life based on junk science? I think not.

          Odd that you always have something to say about everything but never answered any of my questions posted in the Third Annual BUEI Youth Climate Summit story. So far, no takers. Impress me with correct answers.

          • Joe Bloggs says:

            I don’t respond to your Climate Change denials because you do not want to hear what scientists have to say.

            BIOS published Part 1 of “Climate Change and Bermuda” in July 2022. I consider that work a good start.

            • Hilarious! says:

              Dear Joe,

              You have already admitted a few times to lacking subject matter expertise so hold the insults offline. Every question posted has nothing to do with denying anything. The answers are FACTS. Deal with the FACTS. People not knowing the FACTS are not my problem.

              I already know what “climate scientists” have to say. Particularly, those who claimed and continue to claim to be 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winners. Right now, I am dealing with the IPCC which is dancing to avoid answering simple questions on the IPCC’s Dec 2007 statement on climate scientists claiming to be 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winners. BTW, the IPCC used scientists who claimed to be 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winners in AR5 & AR6. Real credible people, right? I worked on AR5 & AR6 but have never claimed to be a Nobel Laureate.

              For the BIOS Part 1 report, I reviewed the draft and provided Mark Guishard with detailed fact-based feedback including citations, links, and documents. Did you? Do you know Mark? Do you know what the report outline was based on and the qualifications of the person who wrote that document? The final report was “weak.” Weak is the kindest word permissible to post because the report lacks balance.

              • Joe Bloggs says:

                I have said I am not a climate change expert. If you consider that an admission that I am “lacking subject matter expertise”, so be it.

                • Hilarious! says:

                  You are hilarious! Never actually answering simple questions seems to be a trademark blogging style.

                  But I do thank you for your admission (again) of lacking subject matter expertise. Perhaps less time blogging and more time studying would fill that vast knowledge gap.

                  A wise philosopher once said: Stick to what you know and leave the rest to those who do know what they are talking about.

                  Enjoy the weekend.

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    A paid for by the taxpayer junket. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    We shall be anxiously awaiting the publishing of the trip expenses report, like so may others produced in a timely fashion since 2017.

    Expect a figure somewhere in the area of $100,000.00. Who else is going with Burt and Ernie? The two of them can’t be left to travel alone.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      I would expect the air hostesses on Qatar Airlines or Emirates (whichever airline they are flying on) to take very good care of their First Class passengers.

      • question says:

        Let’s hope on this trip no one asks for cereal with (ahem) milk.

  7. puzzled says:

    Location 32-64 almost a third of the way in the western Atlantic 600 miles off America.
    Two smoke stacks, incinerator, and a few cars.

    We contribute 0.00000000000000000064 % of world polution

    This is a gathering of the St. Kitts Club and they want to rub ‘Palms’ with Sheiks and others.


    • Vote for me says:

      Insignificant as to the world but locally quite significant. Pollution from Belco, toxic run off from the roads and from dumping all manner of items in the water in Castle Harbour.

      At least we get to hear of the hair brained schemes and ideas in Burt’s mind which he hasn’t mentioned in the HoA or announced locally and kept away from the local media, but which he is happy to share with foreign participants of these get togethers. How else would we know about the plan to join Caricom, for example.

  8. LOL - the real one says:

    “This is a gathering of the St. Kitts Club and they want to rub ‘Palms’ with Sheiks and others.”

    Bermudians love oppressive countries….that’s where we get our ideas :)

  9. Hilarious! says:

    How big is the COP28 carbon footprint? What about COP27? COP26? How many tons of meat products will be served? Why must taxpayers foot the bill for government bureaucrats to party? The earth is doing just fine.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Why must taxpayers foot the bill for government bureaucrats to party?”

      Because that is the way of governments, at least modern governments.

      “The earth is doing just fine.”

      On that issue, we disagree.

  10. Steve says:

    Pretty quiet with PLP politicians. Guess E-Wart still running ????‍♂️ the show. Time to wake up who voted these muppets in. Oh Darrel in senate refused to answer questions re cyber attack. Pathetic