Admiralty House Survey To Close On December 8

December 6, 2023

Age Concern Bermuda is reminding the public that the first phase of the Community Engagement Process for the Admiralty House re-development will conclude on December 8.

A spokesperson said, “Following the news where Age Concern announced that they have been granted a conditional offer to develop Admiralty House by the Bermuda Government’s, Ministry of Public Works, and their intent to embark on a comprehensive community engagement process, Age Concern would like to remind the public that their online survey will close at the end of day on December 8.”

Tanya Bule, the Charity’s Chairman said: “As I have stated previously, it is our intent to gather as many responses from members of the community as possible to ensure the community engagement process for this project is all-inclusive, and allows all members of the community to provide their opinions, suggestions, and views on the future use of the property.”

“The online survey that has been open to all residents since early November will close on Friday and we encourage those residents that have not participated to do so before then. The survey will only take approximately 12 minutes and the link to the survey is:

The spokesperson said, “We do ask that residents who wish to access the survey, or share with other persons, to use the full link above, as this includes the information required to direct the respondents to the correct survey. This means that they cannot use the link from the address bar of their browser after opening the survey itself. The survey is being administered by Narrative Research and they can also be contacted at”

Ms. Bule concluded by saying: “We have had an extremely positive response to the online survey thus far but as mentioned, we want to get as many viewpoints and suggestions from the community as possible.”

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