Frederica Lambert Wins Employee Of The Year

January 16, 2024

Frederica Lambert was awarded the Government of Bermuda’s Public Service 2023 Employee of the Year.

A Government spokesperson said, “Besting more than 4,000 public servants, Ms. Lambert, a Department of Health Community Health Worker, was given the prestigious honour for performing above and beyond her role and achieving significant results. The 2023 Employee of the Year is known for working tirelessly within the health clinic and providing crucial assistance in patients’ homes. Ms. Lambert was also acknowledged for making an impact beyond her immediate team, being a self-motivated learner, and for her ability to deliver excellence in exceptional circumstances.

“Ms. Lambert was celebrated in front of 200 of the Government’s highest-performing public officers who gathered last week for an End-of-Year Celebration.

“Also recognized at the year-end event were exceptional employees in the following categories: Excellence in Supporting People, Excellence in Project Delivery and Rising Star.

  • “Excellence in Project Delivery was presented to the Department of Employee & Organizational Development’s Compensation & Benefits Team. The team was commended for their display of exemplary resilience and proficiency following a cyber incident which disabled networking systems government-wide. The team consists of: Theresa Bascome, Doreen Simmons, Troyeisha Weeks, Keasha Richardson, Sharmila Basden, Denika Minors, Arlene Trott, Laurie Wade, Mauriaca Ollivierre, Davita Cann, Donna Tucker, and Nicole Young.
  • “Excellence in Supporting People was presented to Mr. Tony [Wayne] Desilva, from the Department of Education, the Whitney Institute. He was commended for extending contributions beyond the curriculum, serving as a beacon of inspiration, and promoting confidence in public office through his unwavering support for colleagues to ensure the delivery of high-quality instruction and programming for Bermuda students. Mr. DeSilva has offered free group instruction for art students on Saturdays during the academic year for more than 10 years. Further, amongst other notable achievements, Mr. Desilva has been nominated for the Bermuda Educators Network [BEN] Outstanding Teacher of the Year [2023].
  • “The Rising Star Award eligibility considers all public officers nominated for the monthly public service excellence award during the year who are 35 years or younger. The award was presented to Mr. Jahkari Woods, a Community Health Worker from the Department of Health, for the impact he’s made on his department and the outstanding commitment to his team. Having been nominated for his excellence in service delivery on multiple occasions, Mr. Woods is regarded by his colleagues as organized, dependable, and always “one step ahead.”

Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt, who presented the awards at the event, said, “When we initiated the Public Service Excellence Award Programme alongside the Service Standards, we held high expectations for its potential to boost internal morale through the recognition of the exceptional accomplishments of public officers, we expected that it would be a tool to help inspire public officers towards our goal of excellence in service delivery. The fact that over 200 officers have been nominated for awards in the last twelve months is a testament to the impressive dedication within our ranks.”

Head of the Public Service, Cherie Whitter expressed her gratitude to all public officers nominated for service excellence in 2023, adding, “Congratulations to all of our nominees and awardees, most notably the 2023 Employee of the Year. There’s a distinct difference between simply providing service and customer service excellence and we’re thrilled with those who are demonstrating we are capable of exceeding expectations. These awards serve as a testament of the impact you’re making within the Service and within the communities you serve. On behalf of the entire Public Service Executive, I extend heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for leading from within to change the way we deliver government services. Your hard work and commitment is lighting the path toward achieving our collective goal of enhancing the way we serve the people of Bermuda. Thank you for your exemplary service.”

“The Public Service Excellence Awards [PSEA] programme was launched in 2021, and recognizes public officers who consistently go above and beyond in their service to the Bermuda community. Each month an individual or team is selected for significant service delivery accomplishments carried out within the previous 60 days. In 2023, seven [7] individuals and five [5] teams from across various ministries and departments, were elected as Performance Champions of the month, based on the referrals of their colleagues.

Premier Burt, Cherie Whitter with Employee of the Year Awardee Frederica Lambert and other PSEA recipients in the categories of: Excellence in Project Delivery, Excellence in Supporting People, and the Rising Star

Employee of the Year Bermuda Jan 16 2024 (1)

Employee of the Year Bermuda Jan 16 2024 (2)

Employee of the Year Bermuda Jan 16 2024 (3)

Employee of the Year Bermuda Jan 16 2024 (4)

Employee of the Year Bermuda Jan 16 2024 (5)

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Why is the Premier there? He is a political person, not Government. Also more than 4,000 public employees!? No wonder there is a crisis in Bermuda’s economy and taxes are so high. What do they do? No wonder roads are a mess and buildings crumbling. Guess votes are more important.